Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 387 The Great Steel Wall That Will Never Fall

According to records? Could it be the blueprint of Pluto? In the future, General Franky has built a fusion robot.

Noah still pretended not to know and expressed his amazement at this technology.

At the same time, they also expressed concerns about whether the manufacturing process is difficult and whether there will be a lot of pressure on the post-production factory.

No, the technology of the defensive sea wall is actually not that advanced.

First of all, in terms of technological creations, large ones are simpler than small ones.

Secondly, the technology of this maritime city wall is mainly reflected in composite alloy materials and magnetic replacement technology.

The materials were developed by Bika Black Box and have strong frost resistance, heat resistance, flame retardancy, light absorption and some ability to absorb transformation shock.

These super materials with different emphasis are put together and combined.

This material is said to have been created by Dr. Tsukimi using a black box after many years of research.

Even by cheating, it was impossible to make synthetic materials with all properties, so the composite multi-layer weaving technology on the underworld ship was used.

Combine alloys through technology.

As for floating on the sea, it is just a type of sea train technology and not worth mentioning.

The second is the magnetic replacement mode. For example, this section was damaged by an attack that exceeded the upper limit of endurance.

You can eject these modules and replace them with new ones to fill the holes.

If time permits, with constant replacement, this can be said to be the Great Wall that will never fall.

Although it cannot completely defend against general-level attacks, it can take some more damage for the soldiers.

This. After hearing Tom say this, Noah understood.

This material was developed for the three major generals, ice, magma, and light shock.

If there is no serious direct bombardment, this Great Wall on the Sea can withstand the incidental impact of ordinary range aftermath.

Doctor and Master Tom have really come up with something very powerful without saying a word.

Time is limited. In order to cope with the navy's attack, all previously produced modules have been pulled over.

The factory is still stepping up production. It is expected to be a maritime defense line with two wings of 5 kilometers long and 50 meters high. Together with the Pioneer Island Fortress, it can definitely cope with this conventional combat war.

The need for a longer front was something Noah had raised before.

The total attack power of the World Government exceeds the upper limit of the resistance of the Revolutionary Army.

Especially those general-level combat forces, there is no way to fight them together. Together, no fortress can stop them.

Even if there is no interference from the generals, the world government of the next level of combat power is not lacking. Just the aftermath of the battle is much more concentrated, which will be fatal to the revolutionary army.

Anyway, through Noah's operation, the core of the battlefield was concentrated on Pioneer Island. Without the need to divide the troops, there would be no shortage of manpower even if the battle line was extended.

The guidance function of the fire control system is only installed on the main island module, and it only targets the combat power of lieutenant generals and below for targeted strikes.

Up there, guidance doesn't make any sense either. The ones we have tested cannot lock in the combat power of lieutenant general level.

And even if the Major General level is on guard, it still requires a lot of computing power and firepower to seal off the opponent's space, and finally carry out a saturation strike.

We don't have much development in this area. After all, there are quite a few strong people at this level in the sea. Cost performance is an issue.

Noah expressed his understanding that not all modern weapons are easy to use. The firepower system in the One Piece world has always been relatively backward. There is a reason for this.

Because the upper limit of firepower of conventional weapons is too low, personal force is the mainstream.

Only technological weapons like the first-generation Pacifist or Seraph can have the ability to change the situation of the war.

But testing?

Ah, Bonnie and Xiao Feng had complained before that they were deceived by Dr. Tsukimi into using them as scientific research props. Could this be it?

We have also made arrangements for several satellite islands nearby and cleared away the residents on the islands.

The battlefield has been prepared for you top combatants. I hope you can leave the main battlefield as soon as possible and not put too much pressure on this place.

Noah also smiled bitterly when he heard this. At that time, many things are out of control.

No matter how good the plan is, it won't work if the opponent doesn't take the move or something unexpected happens on that day.

For example, what if a stubborn person like Akainu stays on the main battlefield and releases the meteor volcano?

What if a battlefield bastard like Kizaru suddenly realizes that he must devote his loyalty to the navy and just open up the navy?

For example, what should I do if the Warring States Period saw through the tactics of the Revolutionary Army in advance and changed the target of the battle?

There are too many uncontrollable factors. He is just Noah, not God.

Let's see if there is any way to do some work in advance later to draw the navy's combat power attention to the individual.

This step by step is really a tightrope walk. The battle hasn't even started yet, but I'm holding my breath everywhere.

Sooner or later, when the revolutionary army's combat power exceeds that of the World Government, Noah wants the other side to experience this feeling of powerlessness.

Return to the fortress itself.

After listening to Tom's introduction, Noah had a rough idea.

The main responsibility of this fortress is to protect ordinary soldiers.

Talent is the most precious. Especially staunch revolutionary fighters.

In this South China Sea War, Noah had no intention of mobilizing the people in the South China Sea to go to the front line.

Even the logistics don’t require much public involvement.

Ordinary people in the South China Sea do not have much trust in the revolutionary army that has just been revealed.

This is the shortcoming of not being able to walk openly in the sun in the early stage.

What is really on the bright side is the South China Sea Federation.

The main components of the Revolutionary Army are elite soldiers from the Four Seas and the Grand Line, as well as soldiers from the South China Sea Federation.

The South China Sea Federation has been influenced by the revolutionary army's ideas for a long time.

Both the time spent enjoying the policy and the public reviews are very good.

The many years of touring the South China Sea were not in vain. They were also the first country to undergo land reform, they were also the first to listen to the radio, and they were also the first to popularize education.

They are the current core supporters of the revolutionary army.

When the whole world was frightened by the World Government's military invasion, the people of the South China Sea Federation were the first to choose to show their support with practical actions.

There are many people who support supplies and want to join the army.

It cannot be said that they all have firm beliefs, but at least they have seen through the nature of the world government. The South China Sea Federation is the most successful revolutionary fertile ground for transformation.

As the first public force, the leaders of the Federation are all from the orthodox revolutionary army, including the army.

Their will and style are very strong, and their performance is highly valued internally.

The following 20 countries have much different affiliations with the revolutionary army. After all, the revolutionary army has not actually controlled these areas for a long time, and most of the initial riots came from this.

But Noah believed that after the battle on Pioneer Island, the revolutionary army could withstand the enemy's pressure.

Then other areas in the South China Sea will quickly integrate into the larger group.

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