Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 386 The Beauty of War Fortress

Besides, besides, besides. Woo~~~~~~~~

Sea trains break the speed limit and do not stop during the journey except for carrying supplies.

Sailing quickly from the Resurrection Island to the Pioneer Island.

Most of the trains in Nanhai were transferred to this route, and the capacity was immediately filled.

Fortunately, two-way train tracks were built early, so there are a lot of trains crossing back and forth.

What is pulled behind a large number of locomotives is not carriages, but huge metal boxes one after another.

Black metallic color, mysterious texture, and full sense of technology.

That is to say, the lifting technology in One Piece World is particularly advanced, otherwise it would be a problem to hoist these onto the train.

Noah was sitting alone in the train, holding a phone and communicator and thinking about something.

Others are also busy at their posts. Only Noah currently does not have a specific position, and it can be said that everything needs to be managed by him.

Long also formulated tactics and the deployment of troops on the staff.

Daxiong took Luo to get along with the medical unit. When the war started, Luo Lai was in charge of the command of the medical unit.

Dr. Tsukimi was frantically transforming the secret weapon on Bika, and under Noah's imagination, another prototype of a big killer weapon appeared.

Jinbei and Tiger are leading the fishmen warriors to seize the time to practice. The previous combination skills were very effective, and they will use them this time. There is a very important battlefield under the sea.

Robin took Princess Otohime to discuss a very important matter, and the interaction between them was unexpected.

Fujitora is sharpening his sword. There are not many jobs suitable for him, and he doesn't need to go to school now.

He went to Pioneer Island early to take charge. If an enemy came to cause damage, his super-range sight and color could play a certain preventive role.

There is only Noah, there is no fixed thing, so going to Pioneer Island to check the progress is also a job.

When you hear the whistle of the sea train, you know it is about to enter the station.

He stuck his head out and took a look.

Hey guys, is this Pioneer Island? It's nothing like when the Samurai Order came.

It has been completely transformed into a high-tech military fortress.

What about such a big pier? The passenger terminal is completely gone.

All the indigenous people on the island were moved away, and all shopping malls were demolished and renovated.

Seeing this, Noah felt heartbroken.

Damn it, those shopping malls are the station properties of the Revolutionary Army. Every day they make money is not an exaggeration. The World Government will beat them until they go bankrupt sooner or later.

Today’s Pioneer Island is as far as the eye can see.

High walls, towers, fortresses, piers, turrets, and walls extending to the sea on both wings.

Behind the city wall is the station for the sea train. Some functional defense zones are located here.

The reserved fire control system, forts, outer armor composed of rocks and alloys surrounding the entire island, and mobile rails within the city are all available.

There are a lot of metal traces in it. The whole thing has a style of Iron City + Reggios.

So Noah named him Iserlohn Fortress, trying to commemorate the memories of his previous life.

Just kidding, everyone still calls it Pioneer Island Fortress.

This name is not at all in line with the spirit of naming gods and ghosts in the world of One Piece, and it is not domineering enough.

After getting off the train, I watched the soldiers skillfully transport the giant metal box to the city walls on both sides of the sea.

Pushing it into the sea, the giant metal box seemed to receive the activation signal. It buzzed, and cold flames emitted from the corners, aiming at the city walls on both sides.

After the researcher's auxiliary positioning, it was adsorbed to the original city wall section according to the predetermined trajectory.

Then the gapped parts are automatically spliced ​​and continued one after another, expanding towards the two wings along the sea.

Others are superimposed upwards. Right under Noah's eyes, these metal boxes combined to form the Great Steel Wall on the sea.

Such a black technology? A breathtaking beauty came over me.

The rough and gorgeous mechanical sense, combined with the mystery of metallic black, and the epic sense of giant creations on the sea, this is the power of technology!

I would have known that the fortress plan proposed by Dr. Tsukimi was very impressive, and the design drawings were also very impressive.

But seeing such a magical thing in reality still makes people sigh.

Car after car of steel modules came. The Great Steel Wall was quickly built around the Pioneer Island Fortress, like wings floating in the sky above the sea, or like a giant steel dragon breaking out of the sea.

I believe it will give the World Government a severe blow.

It's just a combination of modules. This technology already exists. In fact, your Voyager also has this technology, but you are no longer sailing that ship on the sea.

The person who said this was Tom, the master shipbuilder. The tone is a bit resentful. The ship built by a shipbuilder who loves ships as much as his life has been sitting on Bika and gathering dust.

It's really a shame that a ship that combines Baoshu Adam, Pluto technology, and Bika technology is wasted like this.

It was Tom who wanted it back, modified the Voyager, and turned it into his temporary tool ship.

If Noah's prediction is correct, the one transporting the modules in the fortress is his own ship. And the driver is Franky.

Because the robot will unconsciously pose in some shameful poses from time to time.

Gundam? No, it's Transformers. It's really cool. The soldiers and workers coming and going always glance at the big guy unconsciously. This is the charm of silicon-based life.

Tom, Franky and Bingshan were responsible for the construction of the steel fortress. He took the initiative to ask for it. To be honest, there was no more suitable construction candidate in the entire revolutionary army than Tom.

The combination of technology and tradition, various complicated drawings, and advanced concepts are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The fortress plan for Pioneer Island was already being planned and designed after the Sea Train project began.

Not only Pioneer Island, but many islands have design drawings. In Noah's all-round defense system, the large islands around the sea have assumed this mission.

Over the years, with the advancement of science and technology, the drawings have also been continuously improved. Especially after the appearance of the black box of Tuntun Fruit, scientific research and development has experienced explosive leaps and bounds, and the technical reserves derived from various inferences have become increasingly profound.

After revising it countless times, only Tom can understand these things.

For many years in Nanhai, he has witnessed the changes in part of the revolutionary army in Nanhai.

Confirming that the blueprint planned by Noah and the others is the most beautiful future on the sea, he has long since joined the embrace of the organization wholeheartedly.

In order to maintain peace in the South China Sea, the tactical concept of keeping the enemy out of the sea is very consistent with his mentality.

This time, he also showed his true technical level and cooperated with Dr. Tsukimi to carry out a major transformation of the battlefield.

Based on my many years of experience in shipbuilding, combined with some advanced technologies, these current operations are at a relatively normal level for Bika Research Institute.

These metal modules have not been used on large defensive buildings before. According to records, this type of equipment was used on the offensive end.

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