Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 388 A wavering yet firm heart

Not only in the South China Sea, but also in the world, there will be many alliances and supporters of revolutionary armies.

In the past, people did not have a choice. When they do have a choice, the world government will encounter unprecedented resistance.

They will find constraints everywhere in their lives, which is the backlash of 800 years of high-pressure rule.

Of course, there are more people in the dark who will help the revolutionary army.

They are careerists, pirates, and even some kingdoms.

These people will be more interested in secretly stumbling upon the world government.

If there is a force that can resist the pressure of the world government, then the situation will be very different.

There will be more opportunities for the sea, and many people can survive and take advantage of it in the cracks.

Of course, it's still not possible now. At this time, Noah himself is a little nervous when facing the world government, and he is racking his brains to think about how to survive.

It is a good thing to be able to remain calm under the heavy pressure of the world government.

At this time, asking civilians in the South China Sea to join the army is no different from recruiting young people.

It's all the result of ruining their families.

Compared with the world government, the methods are not so coercive, but in the eyes of the people, the nature is the same.

The mass base of the revolutionary army will suffer a devastating blow.

The second reason why they are not required to participate in the war is tactical literacy.

Pioneer Island Fortress + Steel Great Wall Barrier + Sea Route Logistics + Sky Defense Line + Undersea Defense Line.

This is the all-round defense system of the revolutionary army.

The required military types, soldiers and even races are of high quality, and it is not something that ordinary people can participate in after joining the army with simple training.

Take the large-scale naval war as an example.

According to the staff and Noah's impression of the navy.

The process of this war is very clear.

The armies of both sides converged on this sea area.

Various close-ups of general-level combat prowess in front of reporters' cameras.

During the world broadcast, each well-known figure will also be briefly introduced.

This live broadcast also allows people around the world to get to know these great masters who have never seen them before.

As the initiator of the live broadcast, the Navy will definitely be very cooperative.

The revolutionary military will also cooperate. Both sides are upright troops. If you refuse to live broadcast at this time, you will be inferior.

After that, each team started trash-talking each other. On the Navy side, it was most likely Marshal Sengoku who spoke. He is the most qualified person on the World Government side this time.

Of course, this step must be a victory for the revolutionary military.

After all, the Revolutionary Lights quarrel has never been lost. Noah will use his own firepower to make Warring States understand a truth. There are times when Buddha can't help but be angry.

Then the warships attack and use artillery fire to preemptively strike. Trying to suppress the revolutionary army from the scene.

Then Aokiji launched the Ice Age to transform the terrain and create landing conditions.

After that, the top combat forces fought against each other, and it ended with ordinary soldiers attacking along the ice.

There are very few operations for ordinary navy soldiers here. They just fire cannons in the early stage, and then charge with swords, spears, muskets and so on.

In contrast, the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army are of higher quality and more comprehensive.

You need to know how to operate high-tech artillery, special warfare equipment, and medical first aid, including rail car operation in the fortress and team communication operations, all of which require certain training.

The revolutionary army also spent all their wealth over the years to gather so many outstanding soldiers.

In the early stage, they were the soldiers of Resurrection Island. These were military cadres, and they had a deep hatred for the World Government.

Those who can be captured as slaves by the Tianlong people are more or less ordinary people. These grassroots cadres are the most valuable asset of the revolutionary army.

Then there are the veterans of the Grand Line and the Four Seas. Many of them have been veterans for many years and have strong adaptability to the changes and upgrades of the army.

Finally, there are the soldiers of the South China Sea Federation. They are experienced in many battles, and their various equipments are the latest weapons, which are easy to use.

The average combat power of such soldiers exceeds that of the navy.

In order to protect the valuable talents of the revolutionary army. It is normal for the fortress's support capability to be top-notch.

Weapons and defense equipment are really nothing in the South China Sea, where industrialization is developing rapidly. As for economic investment, it is even less important. The investment in cultivating these soldiers can still be sustained.

Talent alone is really not enough. It really hurts to die.

Tom took Noah on a rail car ride inside Pioneer Island, introducing the area as he walked.

Finally, we came to the interior of the Great Sea Wall, which was just beginning to take shape.

Looking at the sci-fi lights in the inner corridor, Noah couldn't tell if this was the world of One Piece.

In a daze, he felt a little separated from the world.

Mr. Tom, the war is going to start soon. Should Franky and the others return to the Capital of Seven Waters to avoid it first?

Um? Tom was very unhappy. He felt that Noah was denying the determination of the sea man.

Mr. Noah, Franky and the others followed me to Pioneer Island and are ready to face anything. Even if we die here in the end, it is our own choice.

I know, but some people's life trajectories shouldn't end here~~~

No one knew what this meant except Noah himself.

This world will continue to develop without anyone. Roger died in Rogge Town, but he still led the Age of Discovery.

Mr. Noah is also a person full of miracles and hope. What you brought to this world is greater than Roger.

Tom didn't know why the young man in front of him sounded a little ethereal, but he still expressed his inner thoughts.

Noah was truly one of the greatest and most amazing people he had ever met in his life.

After hearing Tom's heartfelt words, Noah showed a wry smile that no one could see clearly.

It turns out that he is also an ordinary person, and he will hesitate in the face of overthrowing battle.

Under his influence, the world has reached a point where no one knows him.

He could not predict the victory of this war, nor could he predict who would survive in the end.

It is possible that the entire army will be wiped out, the closest comrades may be sacrificed, or you may die on Pioneer Island.

But one thing is for sure, he left an indelible mark on the world.

Figured out.

He had already put the most terrifying weapon into the whole world, the red soul. Even if he failed here, there would be successors who would inherit his legacy.

Walking out of the passage of the Great Steel Wall, Noah looked at the sunshine outside and smiled again.

It's not good to think too much at this time. It lacks some pride.

After all these years, I have never been the loser.

It’s just the World Government, and if his subordinates are defeated, sooner or later he will beat Marie Joa three times!

I stayed at the Pioneer Island Fortress for a day until dark to find out the progress of the construction. It will be completed in about 4 days.

This giant fortress gave him a lot of inspiration, and he designed many revised tactics on the spot.

After doing this, I hurried back by car.

Accompanied by the unique sound of waves and the train, Noah fell into a deep sleep.

Time waits not for us, and we don’t know what surprises we will have tomorrow.

It is said that a friend came from afar.

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