Taking off her headset, Betty walked out of the studio with a tired face. She had been using her fruit abilities for a day. This kind of thing was too tiring.

What did she do with her fruit power? She scolded people, made fun of others, acted as a host, and finally told stories.

This short day completely overturned the majesty of the commander of the Eastern Army.

I'm sorry, because today is the first day, and I need your fruit ability to assist. I can just leave it to the original announcer for the next few days.

Well, it's okay. Does this really work?

Of course, a large part of the fear comes from the unknown. When I pulled off the World Government's underwear and threw it to the ground, they had nothing left.

This metaphor is a bit subtle, but also very interesting.

I would like to trouble you to take time to record a song tonight, and then your voice will be played on a loop over the entire South China Sea. Aren't you very excited?

Haha, it's fine.

Looking at the pile of lyrics in my hand, I got a headache.

But this task is the two highest-level tasks of Long and Noah, and the priority level is the highest, which means that it cannot be refused.

No matter how much she dislikes singing or how much she resists, she must carry it out.

As the commander of an army, she understood how important this matter was to the war situation, so she bit the bullet and sang.

Noah and Long looked at the fruit ability analysis report given to him by Dr. Tsukimi with happy expressions on their faces.

The essential core of Encouraging Fruit is emotional mobilization. Using positive and upward emotions to activate the body's potential makes people seem to have endless power.

The so-called waving of the flag and the spread of sound are both ways of assisting the fruit.

Use visual cues and auditory verbal instigations to enhance the range and intensity of fruit.

It's okay not to use a flag. Using sound alone as a carrier will weaken part of the ability's strength, but it's enough at this time.

The Encouraging Fruit is indeed very effective in discovering the inner strength of ordinary people. The entire South China Sea is covered by electromagnetic wave broadcasts.

Because of its huge range, the fruit with weak abilities will only have a little effect on ordinary people.

But this base and range are here, it is simply a god-level fruit.

The only thing is that the energy consumption is huge. Human beings cannot withstand such a terrifying extraction simply by relying on their own physical strength.

During today's daytime broadcast, most of the energy consumption was borne by Bika.

The base station of the Magnetic Fruit frantically extracted Bika's energy core, pumping the energy gems until they were almost smoking.

The energy output is almost reaching the upper limit of the threshold, and it cannot reach this level even when the black box is operating.

Fortunately, the historical text can still hold up. If it had been replaced by any other carrier, it would have been shattered into slag long ago.

Now the doctor and the others plan to record songs all night long, hoping to preserve the fruit's ability in audio format so that they can continue the fruit's ability.

Noah is not optimistic about this project.

For fruit abilities, especially those that are more idealistic, science and technology cannot yet replace them.

But there is no stopping it. Science is moving forward through constant trial and error.

Moreover, there is no delay in recording the songs. As long as the songs are recorded well, they can do whatever they want in the middle.

The second day in the South China Sea passed like this. On the second day outside, with the provocation of the revolutionary army, the temperature became higher.

It can be said to add fuel to the fire.

Noah speaks out: Come to Pioneer Island to fight to the death! 》

The world governments are all paper tigers. The revolutionary army will defeat the world government in Pioneer Island

The Revolutionary Army declares another challenge, how will the world government respond

With the help of caring people and melon-eaters, the World Government's response scope has been pushed into a corner.

The Warring States Period was furious, what was going on with the World Economic News?

He even published the enemy's tactical news before the war!

I had the nerve to apply with the World Government to go to the South China Sea for an exclusive interview!

Wulaoxing also agreed? Do those old guys have any unrealistic ideas?

No matter what the higher-ups thought, Sengoku still accepted the pre-war interview.

Although we know that the revolutionary army may have some conspiracy on Pioneer Island, the World Government will not be afraid of them. They are just insurgents on the sea. A head-on battle will only lead to death!

A bunch of clowns, let them wait at Pioneer Island!

We will win as quickly as possible, and when the time comes, please also ask the people on the sea to watch carefully the power of justice!

He spoke so arrogantly, but his heart sank. This revolutionary soldier was really good at acting like a monster.

The Warring States Period doesn’t understand the geographical location? Such a crude method of provocation

Alas, it’s impossible not to eat. The World Government cannot lose face. If the Navy takes a detour, even if the war is won, it will not be a complete success.

Those who want to see the world government fail don't care about tactics or battle-loss ratios.

They will only say: The world government is afraid.


Although a single battle is more in line with the Navy's vision, this kind of passive participation is really disgusting!

Returning to the conference room with anger, this kind of thing still needs to be explained to the generals.

Lieutenant General He from the staff took one look at Sengoku's face and said in advance.

All the combat plans made in the past few days have been abolished. The battlefield and time have been delineated. Our staff department does not need to make plans.

Noah, this person is really amazing. With just a few words, he helped the Revolutionary Army erase a small gap.

But it can also be seen that it is his last effort to strive for a decent ending.

On the frontal battlefield, we are still crushed.

Lieutenant General He was very resourceful and determined. Even if his plan for two days and two nights was scrapped, he would not get angry.

At the same time, he took the initiative to divert the pressure from the Warring States Period. After all, the previous troop and personnel transfers were all signed by the marshal.

Warring States looked at the pillars sitting in the conference room and only said one sentence.

This time, we must destroy the revolutionary army, and we must do it quickly! Don't give them another chance!

His vigilance towards Noah was raised to another level.

There was no such resistance to the subsequent interview with Morgans.

It’s also good to observe the thoughts and ideas of Noah, a sinister villain. In war, you need to know yourself and the enemy.

The Island of Resurrection.

Noah was writing something again at night, including promotional copy, novels, and new tactics.

It is estimated that it will be like this in the next few days. The war is approaching and sleep time is luxurious. It must be the same for Long's staff.

The detailed tactical plan alone weighs dozens of kilograms. Everyone is preparing for the battle with all their strength.

There is really no solution to the general-level combat power of the six main battles. On the first day of the meeting, Noah spoke very impassionedly.

In fact, I also feel a lot of powerlessness inside.

According to the current plan, there is only a 10% chance that it will not collapse and hold back the opponent.

After the targeted tactical arrangements in the past few days, it can probably be improved by another 20% to 30%.

It would be nice if the World Government's arrogance and superior attitude could be more unbridled.

Looking at the canceled battle plan in his hand, he stared at the names of CP Chief and Green Bull, thoughtfully.

There is no need to consider the four main combatants of the navy. They are all ruthless men who have experienced hundreds of battles. They must be strong and determined, and they must be ruthless. They are indeed the top of the sea.

So the target of the South China Sea battlefield can only be placed on these two people?

He hadn't slept all night, so there was no problem with his physical strength, but his mental energy was exhausted a bit quickly.

On the third day, Noah smiled when he saw the reply from the Navy.

Now it’s time to go to Pioneer Island to prepare for the big gift!

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