Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 384 Counterattack War from Radio

The broadcast continues.

Bellobetti's powerful voice then echoed over the South China Sea.

The world government sends large armies and strong men because they are afraid of the revolutionary army and the South China Sea.

It's just because they know how powerful we are that they come up with some ridiculous list of powerful people in the newspaper.

The newspapers only show how powerful the navy is. In the next few days, we will let Dahai know how powerful the revolutionary army is.

In the end, the revolutionary army will always stand in front of you. If the sky falls, we will hold it up.

Long didn't need to read the feedback to know the fears and ambitions of the Nanhai people at this moment.

Noah said to the dragon calmly.

Thank you to the World Government. They wanted to use the South China Sea Demon Slaughter Order to scare others, and they took the initiative to help us complete the task.

The people of the South China Sea were abandoned by the World Government at the beginning of the war, and now they only have to work together with the revolutionary army. Only the two of us care about each other.

Noah explained a little to Long that this was the world's choice, and it was also Nanhai's choice.

Sure enough, the information feedback from each branch came.

Oh~ most of the areas are immersed in confusion, fear, and unwilling anger.

This is an expected feedback.

It seems that a large part of resentment and hatred has been transferred away by the World Government.

It's understandable to be confused. After all, the World Government is so powerful.

Fortunately, they just know that it is very strong, but they don't know how strong it is.

Angry, that's right!

Just want to be angry!

Set the South China Sea on fire. As long as we can withstand the first impact this time, the world government will soon enter a countdown!

First, control the situation. As for how to boost your energy later, haha, there are too many ways.

We need songs and songs, dramas and dramas, crosstalks and crosstalks, articles and articles.

Noah had plenty of means. Just inspiring and boosting morale.

As long as he is given an interface for communication, he can show a spiritual and cultural invasion far beyond this world.

In the studio, Bello Betty finally finished reading the first draft.

Breathed a sigh of relief. This Mr. Noah is too much. Based on his previous demeanor, I thought it was a breathtaking novel.

The result is so rough!

It's really not at his level. The whole article is about interests, yours, mine, land, house, wife.

People like Dr. Tsukimi who are immersed in scientific research don’t understand why there is such a promotional copy.

Ordinary people don't have such a high level of ideological consciousness. In this life, their wives and children are on the hot bed. Well, no, it's their lover, children, and life.

It has nothing to do with them talking about principles and foresight. They still have to talk about how to survive, how to have enough to eat, and how to ensure that children go to school reliably.

Revolutionary ideas will be deeply popularized in the future. It is so urgent now, so of course we must use things and words that are closely related to the masses to communicate.

Long thought about it and felt that what Noah said made sense. At this time, ordinary people still talk about ideals.

Even the revolutionary army's program of action is not as useful to them as a pound of grain.

Noah gestured to Bellobetti to look at the second page of copy.

Phew~ It’s okay, it’s something more serious.

It is now announced that the South China Sea has officially entered wartime management regulations.

Article 1.

Article 2

The whole article contains the word kill and cannot be punished without teaching. The rules have been established, and anyone who makes trouble again will be killed on the spot.

The supervision of commodity prices is also included in this list. Those who drive up prices will directly address the source of the problem.

The revolutionary army is currently racing against time to secure its rear, so that it can spare more energy to face the war.

It's not worth wasting your time on these scum. Public sentiment also needs a stable society to calm down.

The morning broadcast ends here and will continue in the afternoon to give the public a chance to digest.

The effect is definitely there. After listening to the morning broadcast, families like Derrick's didn't have much thought about escaping, but now they are even calmer.

As the Revolutionary Army said on the radio, we can no longer escape from the current life and have no choice. It is better to pray for their victory.

After Derrick finished speaking, he found that his lover did not move.

Alas~~, does she still want to take her daughter to escape from the South China Sea?

Dear, which god do you think is more effective to pray to? I listened to the popular science radio before and found that there are more than a dozen Poseidons in the sea alone. What should I do? Do I need to prepare more than a dozen sacrifices?

Before Derrick could laugh or cry, he interrupted his lover to do something stupid.

Forget it, it's too expensive. With this money, I might as well buy a few more exercise books for my children. I don't know if I can still buy books during the war. I heard that the sea train routes are open according to time periods.

It's okay. I entrusted a friend to order an exercise book before. It arrived yesterday and I haven't picked it up yet.

Okay, what about the food? Do you want to stock up on some?

Prepare some. It's hard to talk about these things. When you go shopping for groceries, take a look to see if there is any price gouging in the market. If there is any, tell me and I will contact the people from the Nanhai Revolutionary Army.

Hmm. Huh? Look, that's not Locke. Why are they back again?

I guess I heard the broadcast. I came back knowing that I won't get any good results if I go out. Isn't this a joke? Hmph.

This is contempt from the mayor.

Life has returned to the same routine again, although there is still confusion and fear.

However, life still has to go on.

Inside the radio station, Betty walked out.

Betty, there is another manuscript that I need you to read this afternoon. And record songs.

There's no problem with reading the script. How about recording the songs?

Ah, at this time, the power of music is infinite, and this is also one of our weapons.

Holy War, Song of the Defenders of Pioneer Island, Song of the Revolutionary Army, Flags of the South China Sea, Night in the Harbor, In a Distant Place

This, so much!?

They are all trump cards against the World Government. For the sake of victory in the war, please.


In the afternoon, go back to the studio again.

Pick up the thick manuscript that was just delivered, what is this?


With the lessons learned in the morning, Betty had a certain understanding of Noah's promotional ideas.

These are all very down-to-earth things.

With a tangled mood, the commander of the Eastern Army took a look.


Mr. Noah, are you serious? ! ! !

Making trouble again?

Looking at the no longer tall figure outside the glass window, I got the expected affirmative answer.

Before the war, you must maintain a high mentality and eliminate fear. Of course, you must exaggerate in literary and artistic works~~


Listeners from the South China Sea, this is the Voice of the South China Sea.

In the afternoon, I will bring you Mr. Noah's biographical novel based on his own experience. Two Strikes of Mary Joy

In this novel, the story behind the many battles between the revolutionary army and the world government is revealed in detail.

The world government is militaristic.

The marshal in the Warring States Period was always scheming.

The admiral's corpse is a plain meal.

The CP department is hated by gods and ghosts.

It is said that in the year 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar, there was a young man in the East China Sea.

An hour later, I finally finished the first ten chapters.

“If you want to know what happens next, let’s listen to the explanation next time.

Please enjoy the revolutionary waltz below, Little Apple

Hey, the little apple is half green and half red.”

Dear listeners, this ends today's broadcast. Thank you very much for listening. Let's see you at the same time tomorrow!

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