Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 383 Don’t talk about ideals, talk about desires

He was also a famous figure in the prisoner of war camp back then. Was elected squad leader.

It was there that I came into contact with advanced ideas for the first time. It turned out that everyone is equal and there is no natural nobility.

The groom's son can also go to school without any charity.

Later, after returning to his hometown, he assisted the people of the South China Sea Federation to overthrow his grandfather, a landlord.

The fields were divided equally and every child of appropriate age was sent to school.

He also kept up with current events, followed the information released by the radio, and led everyone to make a fortune together, allowing everyone in this town to live a happy life that they had never dared to imagine before.

Derrick is now the most respected person here, the mayor.

Of course, he didn't like people calling him Lord Derrick, which was a term from the old society.

So it is most appropriate to call him Mr. Derrick, civilized.

After seeing the World Government's declaration of war, Derrick found that he was not as panicked as he had imagined.

He knew from newspapers and radio that their life in the South China Sea was unusual on the sea.

The rest of the world should live as it was before 1510.

How can ordinary farmers and sharecroppers live a normal life.

The domestic servant also wants to change his destiny, which does not exist in the outside world.

Only the Fishman Repertory Theater in Nanhai and radio dramas say that everyone is equal.

Since they are aliens, sooner or later they will be hit by the world.

Sure enough, today’s information has arrived.

My dear, when are we leaving with the children? I see that Locke, the wealthy businessman in the town, has started to pack his luggage.

The speaker was his lover, who used to be the maid of the master's house.

They got married in 1511 and gave birth to the child of love, a lovely little princess named Linda, a very popular name.

What are you going to do? Be a slave or a sharecropper?

This question left his wife a little speechless. Yeah, where can they go.

It's okay to let her continue to be a servant, but what about the children? Are you going to be a slave to another master?

This was something she couldn't accept as a mother.

If it had been many years ago, when she didn't know that people like them still had this way of living, she might have just let nature take its course for the rest of her life.

but now.

Oh dear, can Nanhai win? The newspaper said that staying in Nanhai will only lead to death.

At this moment, we have no choice in this matter.

After all, Derrick was reformed in a prisoner of war camp. Although he did not join the South China Sea Federation later, he still had a basic vision.

In the past two years, I have learned a little more from newspapers and radio, and I know that the best way now is to listen to what the revolutionary army has to say.

Rather than being like that self-righteous businessman, if he ran out of the South China Sea at this time, he would not be able to save his property and life.

Hey, hey, hey, people in Nanhai, we are the revolutionary army.

A powerful voice came from the town's radio loudspeaker.

Anyone who cannot afford a radio at home can come to the main square to listen.

Hello, people of the South China Sea. We are the revolutionary army.

It is also the South China Sea Federation and the 20 countries that have joined the original world.

After Betty's voice came out, the public unrest did ease to some extent.

The fruit's ability has been weakened so much, but for ordinary people, it is still somewhat useful.

Of course, just a little bit.

If the follow-up South China Sea Voice cannot give an acceptable reason. Riots and riots are still uncontrollable.

In the studio, Betty officially opened the first manuscript.

Huh! ?

this. Was this really written by Mr. Noah?

My eyes almost popped out of my head. Did something go wrong?

He hurriedly signaled to Noah outside the glass.

As a result, Noah nodded and said yes, this is it.

Bello Betty looked speechless and rolled her eyes wide.

But he still boosted his fruit ability. Read aloud carefully.

We are the revolutionary army. The entire South China Sea is our territory.

So gangster and domineering at the beginning? The dragon at the radio station was a little surprised just now.

Noah disagreed, what else could he say at this time? This is the situation in this world. It’s too advanced and people don’t understand it.

This kind of thing is more reassuring for everyone.

You all know about the World Government.

Some people started running, some didn't know how to run, and some didn't know where to run.

“From an ordinary person’s perspective, what’s the use of leaving the South China Sea?”

Let me tell you something that comes from my heart. How do you feel about your life now?

I believe everyone still remembers the days we lived in the past, and it hasn't changed in just a few years.

What now?

Now, do I have food to eat, clothes to wear, land to farm, a job to do, a wife, and my children to go to school?

Let's put it this way, first of all, if the World Government invades, it will first kill a large number of people related to our revolutionary army. Then who is related to our revolutionary army?

The ones I listed above are all related to the revolutionary army.

You, me, him. When we don't want to have a master over our head, when we want to have enough to eat, when we want to educate our children, we are already a revolutionary army. The South China Sea is full of revolutionary armies!

Everyone was stunned when they heard the examples cited by Bello Betty on the radio.

This seems to be true.

Is living a good life a mistake?

Anyway, if you live a good life, kill them all.

The rest of your life will be ordinary, your money will be robbed, your houses will be burned, your land will be taken back, and your children will be kicked out of school.

The descendants continue to work as tenant farmers, slaves, and servants for the masters for generations.

Speaking of this, everyone in the South China Sea was no longer calm.

Most of us are ordinary people. Ask yourself, are you really lucky to survive? Do you really want to go back to the past?

Back when you didn't even have enough to eat? People can't starve to death, brothers and sisters!!

Back when a master could take everything away from you at any time?

Back when you had to be grateful to let your child become a groom?

The sea is not only their sea, it is also our sea.

They won't let you live, then why don't you let them die?!!!

Murder and heart-wrenching!

This last sentence made people have a very crazy idea in their hearts. Why not let those who are domineering and domineering die?

Yes, why?

The desire to live and to live a better life is burning. This is something more terrifying than an ideal.

This is also a new way to use the Encouraging Fruit to awaken the power hidden in people's hearts.

The fate of the South China Sea and the revolutionary army is completely linked through the threat of the world government.

At this time, I have to say something: The world government wants my life, and I want to kill the world government.

Noah had his own considerations about how to guide the people.

The world of One Piece cannot be copied from its previous life. In the previous life, there were decades of turmoil before the true awakening.

Various advanced ideas have continuously collided and rubbed for a long time, laying a certain foundation.

This world does not have these foundations and can only be treated in a simplified manner.

Now, it's time to fight back.

Code early today and complete the update early.

Let’s all have a good holiday.

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