Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 382 Chaos in the South China Sea

the next day.

There was chaos, and the whole South China Sea was in chaos.

In fact, the chaos started yesterday, and countless well-informed people were already packing up and fleeing the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is so big, there are still many ways to leave it.

Others followed the trend and fled without knowing where they were going.

It was obviously too late to take a boat at this time, and tickets for the sea train were hard to come by, as they were all routes to the edge of the sea.

Except for the route to Pioneer Island, which is temporarily closed, all other routes are full.

The next day is the day when the general public gets the exact news, and no matter how big the news is, it takes time to spread.

After seeing the news that the world government was about to destroy the entire South China Sea, the people were panicked.

They never imagined that when their lives were getting better and better and their lives were more promising, they would commit heinous crimes.

Revolutionary Army? This is the first time that most people in Nanhai have become aware of words related to them.

It is a term that I have heard many times in newspapers and on the radio, but suddenly it has something to do with me, and I cannot understand it.

The image of the revolutionary army on the radio is quite positive, and some of its ideas are interesting, somewhat similar to those of our own government.

Turns out, it’s really a family.

But why should he die just because of what the revolutionary army did?

Resentment filled the hearts of most people.

Beating, smashing, looting, and burning occurred all over the country. At the last moment of their lives, there were not a few people who chose to go crazy.

The darkness of human nature is spreading rapidly, and the South China Sea will be in chaos before there is a war, and will soon turn into a hell on earth.

In troubled times, the choices ordinary people can make are really good, but they are just duckweed in troubled times.

Before the war started, maintaining order in the South China Sea was a very difficult thing.

All the former naval branches in the South China Sea were immediately mobilized to maintain public security.

It doesn't matter if you run away, this is your own choice, and the Revolutionary Army will not care about it for the time being.

Noah and the others will have relevant and targeted arrangements immediately.

But those who stayed in the South China Sea and took the opportunity to cause trouble were all killed.

At this time, we must maintain the bottom line of human nature as soon as possible. If it is allowed to develop, more terrifying and darker events will occur in the future.

Moral bottom lines are worthless in the face of survival. What's more, ordinary people who haven't received many years of education.

The goal of the world government has been achieved, and the gap between ordinary people and the revolutionary army has arisen.

The people in the World Government should not be underestimated. Our time for spiritual construction in the South China Sea was too short, and we did not gain everyone's trust.

Long was helpless about this difficult development, including other cadres.

In the past, when rescues and riots were launched in other sea areas, ordinary people would stand on their side. How come this time at least half of the people were on their side?

If we want the revolution to be successful, we have to endure many tests.

Human nature is like this. We have only occupied the South China Sea for a few years, but many people still support us because we have done a good job in ideological emancipation before.

Don't worry, everyone is just panicking for a moment. When they come to their senses, they will support us more than anyone else, because they have no choice.

Noah still maintained a confident posture in front of everyone, and Revolutionary Light would not be troubled by this situation.

Now that the recruit training camp has also been sent out to assist the branch navy, there is no use staying on the Island of Resurrection.

New recruits like little red-haired Kidd will only die needlessly if they go to the battlefield with insufficient combat power, discipline and experience.

Before the end of the road is reached, they can play a greater role in the rear.

As for blocking news

The revolutionary army never considered hiding it from the people, even if Noah and the others used Bika's magnetic fruit to drive away the news birds in the sea.

The governments of the world have ways to spread this news throughout the sea, making it impossible to prevent it.

Can only guide now.

It’s just a publicity war, and Noah hasn’t lost yet.

The staff of Voice of the South China Sea immediately entered emergency working mode.

It was also the first time that Bello Betty came to the broadcast studio to do a program.

The studio is filled with all kinds of high-tech equipment.

In addition to mixers, radio microphones, delays, and various workstations, there are also many electromagnetic wave detection equipment.

There is more large equipment outside. The entire Voice of the South China Sea radio station was transformed into an experimental base.

The staff brought several manuscripts, all of which Noah had made in a hurry.

Outside the soundproof room, there were people constantly debugging the channels, and there were also people doing a lot of research that Betty couldn't understand.

She sat in front of the radio microphone, then raised her hands to a few people outside the glass to adjust the radio.

Outside, Dr. Tsukimi and his graduate students were frantically making final adjustments.

It is still unknown whether the electromagnetic waves of the Magneto Fruit can transmit the power that inspires the fruit's abilities.

This is just a first try.

People of the South China Sea~~~

Noah stood on the external transfer platform with his arms folded, ready to view the feedback results in real time.

This wavelength? It's indeed different. Let her say a few more words.

Tsk tsk, the old man Yue Jian became even more irritable.

The director gestured towards the inside, and Betty understood.

Hello, people of the South China Sea. We are the revolutionary army.

It is the South China Sea Federation, a member of the original 20 countries of the world. It is the actual leader of the South China Sea.

We come from all over the world, from the great sea route, and from millions of ordinary people.

Noah asked about the effect with his eyes, but Dr. Tsukimi ignored Noah's eyes at all.

At this moment, he fell into a feverish state of research again.

After recording the wavelength and energy with various instruments, various adjustments were made on the console and the movement was slowly retracted.

Incredible, amazing. The phone bug has no connotation of the power of inspiring fruit.

But the electromagnetic wave of base station zero with the magnetic fruit as the core has done it.

Although it is weakened, it really works.


It seems that it is okay, Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

The encouraging fruit cooperates with Bika's electromagnetic wave transmission, covering the entire South China Sea.

This kind of imaginative idea is of course a tactic conceived by Noah.

The first thing I thought about was that the spread range of the Encouragement Fruit on the battlefield was affected by the way the user spread it.

So is there a way to spread power stably within the range?

The broadcast from Base Station Zero entered Noah's mind.

Before I had time to discuss it with Dr. Tsukimi, I encountered this war.

Just give it a try, and it will be an unexpected surprise if you succeed.

In the chaotic situation, there is a positive voice that can guide the people not to fall into a greater disaster, and the basic market in the rear is temporarily stabilized.

Now let’s see if the subsequent copywriting can further stabilize people’s hearts.

outside world.

Derrick, an ordinary person in a small town in the South China Sea.

He was once a member of the Allied Forces in the South China Sea.

Participated in the Battle of Trafalgar Cape and was eventually captured by the South China Sea Federation.

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