Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 381 A proud dragon has regrets

Morgans instinctively wanted to refuse, friendship is friendship, but at this time, the risk was too great.

This is not very convenient.

I'll give you the opportunity to come to the South China Sea for an exclusive interview or even a live broadcast.

Think about it, if the revolutionary army is wiped out by the world government this time, this will be out-of-print news.

Don't tempt me. We at World Economic News will not change our minds because of this kind of thing. So what's the news?

The Revolutionary Army has made an appointment with the World Government on Pioneer Island. Or to put it arrogantly. In the battle on Pioneer Island, will the lackeys of the World Government dare to come?

Hi~~ So brave. I did it. That interview.

As long as the world government allows it, I can contact you at any time.


After hanging up the phone, Noah looked at everyone spreading their hands.

Well, it’s that simple. Good location.

After seeing this news, no matter where the world government wanted to go before, it is now coming to Pioneer Island.

Go on, people and people.

I watched the main generals of the world government.

Needless to say, the four marines are the best choice in terms of determination and strength. This requires facing the opponent squarely.

Long and I both know the CP chief to a certain extent. His combat power is pretty good, but his willpower is lacking and his strength is on the low side.

If my expectations are correct, Green Bull is a natural-type Sensen Fruit possessor. This person has a low character, and his current combat power is estimated to be at the threshold of the general level.

Overall, though, we are at an absolute disadvantage.

But when it comes to reporting, we are in a leading position and can conduct targeted battlefield segmentation.

They are at odds and will not work together, and this is our chance.

I will assign specific targeted tactics to each of you individually later.

Our unity and unity are something they will never have. Remember, use our trust and believe in our comrades to have a chance to turn defeat into victory!

As for the remaining lieutenant generals, our strength is no worse than theirs.

If we have the courage to break the boat, we still have a chance!

After that, it was up to the dragon to arrange the specific war arrangements and personnel arrangements.

It was already late at night after the meeting.

Robin dragged his exhausted body back home. The day had been too long and too fast.

He hurriedly explained to Hiyori the rest of the route to Wano Country, wondering if he would be able to see the future.

From a distance, she could see the warm lights of her small building, which injected a bit of energy into her.

When I entered the house, I found that several young people were not sleeping. Apparently the news is waiting for the return of Robin and Noah.

Hello, sister Robin, Sister Robin, you are finally back, Sister Robin.

Everyone, I'm back.

Why don't you go to bed?

How can I possibly sleep at this time! My fists are already so thirsty, haha!

What kind of navy, what kind of world government, I, Uncle Kidd, will blow their heads off!

By the way, Sister Robin, have we come up with our tactical arrangements? My classmates all asked me to ask.

With Kidd's personality, he must be trying to be the big brother in the training camp. This kind of first-hand intelligence can establish his tall image.

Luo snorted coldly.


Trazai, you are looking down on me, come on, let's challenge each other.

Kira quickly grabbed her good friend. If they really fight, both of them can't beat Luo together.

In the early stage of combat, the powerful fruit ability can crush everything.

The vitality of young people is so good that they are not afraid of the world government.

Robin raised his hand to stop the farce.

As for the arrangement, it's not top secret information, so there's no harm in telling it.

The situation is urgent now, and your whereabouts have been arranged.

Guina and Luo will go with us to the front line, and the others will follow the training camp.


Kidd was particularly unhappy.

Kuina has high combat power, and her swordsmanship has already reached the level of a swordsman. Luo's surgical fruit ability is very crucial, and she needs to be stationed in the medical room of Pioneer Island. It's that simple.

The gentle words struck the young man's heart. It turned out that he had not yet entered the eyes of those big guys.


The little red hair was defeated.

Where's Mr. Noah?

He will be back later, so you should rest first.

On the beach of the Resurrection Island, Long sat in the darkness with a wine bottle, and his outline could only be seen clearly through the moonlight.

Eva is a very interesting person. She was in the Kingdom of Kamabaka.

Gudong, gudong.

Finally, we decided together to find a way to save this sea.

Gudong, gudong.

After being thrown away by the empty wine bottle, Long's face was no longer calm, and the deepest level of pain and sadness appeared.

A hand held out a bottle of wine from the darkness.

You don't know how excited we were to go back with our minds full of thoughts after our first meeting in the Capital of Seven Waters in 1506.

Eva, I and Bear, the three of us drank all night.

I told them I found the light. Found the way forward. Our future is bright.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

We stayed up all night discussing the two books you gave us and transcribing them together. Eva said he really, really wants to meet you, hip-hop.

What a strange oral habit, something I always wanted to tell him when he was alive.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

Another bottle was thrown away, and another bottle of wine was handed over.

Arnold was also my former partner. We caused the riots in Cynthia Town together, and he was seriously injured that time. Eva and we all blame ourselves.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

“Later, he took the initiative to apply to go to Magic Valley Town, and I agreed.

You can understand his feelings. He even complained about the assessment you set.

I really didn’t think about it that much, and the financial issues Otohime mentioned. I really didn’t think about it.”

The second half of this sentence is heart-shakingly uncomfortable.

Gudong, gudong.

Empty again.

This time he refused to take the bottle.

His tone also returned to a calm state.

Okay, my weakness only allows me to hide in this corner and drink three bottles of wine. Everyone is still expecting us to continue to win.

Noah, tell me the truth, is there still a chance this time?

Even a dragon's character would be so shaken.

There will be. I have already made arrangements. As long as this time is not defeated in one strike, there will be a turn for the better!

The dragon looked into Noah's eyes in the moonlight.

I trust you.

Then he stood up and looked at the waves in the darkness.

Akainu, I'm going to kill him.


The dragon disappeared silently.

No one knew that in this place, the leader of the revolutionary army had said such helpless words.

Noah continued to sit on the beach. Sad~~~

The dragon can talk to him, but who can he talk to?

He really wasn't sure if his final plan would work.

In other words, that move was made out of desperation. Just trying to survive in death.

There is only a one percent chance of success.

This time, I was really cornered.

Stomp your feet and go home.

Before leaving, he spat into the sea.

F*ck the world government.

It’s so tiring to write. There are so many characters and stories involved in this volume.

Sometimes I really want to kill most people.

Then my remaining sense told me not to do it.


Finally, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance.

There should be an update tomorrow.

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