Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 380 The revolutionary army is also meeting

Noah took Robin across the entire ocean, and finally landed directly on the Island of Resurrection.

Because the speed was too fast, Noah’s face turned a little pale.

High-intensity use of fruit abilities consumes too much physical strength.

Entering the conference room, it seemed that he and Robin were the last to arrive.

After a quick glance, almost everyone was here.

Ryu, Fujitora, Big Bear, Tiger, Jinbe, Otohime, Dr. Tsukimi, Tezog, Bonny, the commander of the Fourth Army, as well as the one-armed Xiaofeng and Eva's deputy Lightning, and Brooke? .

Oh, yes, he was the one who saved Xiao Feng.

Noah and Robin were the last to arrive.

After getting to the dragon's side, the meeting began.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing and solemn, or in other words, more panic and confusion than hatred.

When faced with such a behemoth as the World Government, everyone was a bit at a loss.

It’s understandable to feel panic.

In this situation, Noah had to break the atmosphere.

Otherwise, they will be defeated before fighting.

Everyone thinks the revolutionary army is doomed this time,

Everyone includes the navy, the world government, pirates, civilians, and ourselves.

But, so what.

We knew that when we decided to do it.

Eva is dead, would he not know the consequences when he went to sea with Long to do these things?

The MPs and delegates attending the World Conference were also dead, and they knew it.

Who among the comrades who have sacrificed their lives so many years ago didn't know that they would die?

Then why are we doing it?

Some people also suggest strategic transfer. As for what strategic transfer means, everyone knows it.

I understand all the principles, and I can even write a few representative and wise words.

Whatever saves the land and loses people, both people and land are lost; saves people and loses land, and both people and land survive.

But, we can leave, but what about the civilians in the South China Sea down there?

The Demon-Slaying Order, unfortunately this is the second time I have faced it. The last time was in O'Hara.

The artillery fire burned out all life on the island, and the huge tree of omniscience burned like a huge torch on the sea.

Later I went back once, and there was only white land left on that island, the ashes after burning. There was nothing on the island. There was no civilization, no life, no wisdom.

I'm scared, really. But I'm looking forward to it.

God cannot bleed! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

If people all over the world see them bleeding, they will no longer be in the same position!

In the end, I will not leave. Even if I die here in battle. This sea needs our blood to wake it up!

Jinbe took the lead in applauding, and the others followed suit.

This effect

Everyone is equally aware, they are just thinking about how to fight. But the writing is good. It would be a good choice to record it and play it on the Voice of the South China Sea program.

Long still responded to Noah's doubts very pertinently.

Well, Noah was the one who thought he was right.

Now onto tactics.

Um, Your Highness Otohime, aren't you going back to Ryugu Castle?

No, I am a staunch revolutionary fighter. Does Mr. Noah look down on me?

Otohime's thin body suddenly stood up, slapped the table and started to spray Noah wildly.

Are you looking down on her? She has recently developed very powerful skills and can definitely punch a general in the face.

Noah, who was speechless, apologized repeatedly before giving up.

Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Although the World Government's declaration of war is relatively sudden, we have long been prepared to be exposed at any time.

I just didn't expect it to be so early. The revolutionary army has not yet fully developed. In this battle, we lost the opportunity first.

But we have the advantage of location and people.

Tezog had some doubts as to where this favorable location came from.

It's very simple. The South China Sea is a conducive location. We have been operating the South China Sea for so long, isn't it just for this moment?

As long as we choose the battlefield, we can make arrangements in advance and have a serious fight with the world government.

Logically speaking, if they are mopped up by a few generals, our strategy should be to use the strategic depth of the South China Sea to fight guerrillas and wear them down by slowly reducing their numbers.

But this sea is dominated by high-end combat power after all. They also locked down several key nodes.

The most important thing is that the Demon-Slaying Order only destroys one island after seeing it, which makes us lose the strategic scope.

The world government's madness exceeds our expectations, and this is our greatest weakness. I made a mistake.

So we had to choose a location for the decisive battle.

First he admitted his mistake, then pointed to a location on the sand table and said.

Pioneer Island is the final battlefield chosen by Long and I!

It is the largest and closest island from the Red Continent to the South China Sea, and it is also the terminus of our sea train route.

Located on the edge of the South China Sea, the impact on civilians is minimal.

There are also some giant technological creations that can be placed here. Dr. Tsukimi will send the atlas to our commander. You must make the soldiers adapt to the operation of these creations within ten days.

Don’t worry, these are extremely simplified procedures and very easy to use. These are one of the reasons why we have a head-on confrontation with the navy.

Everyone looked at the little old man who rarely appeared in the conference room with admiration.

Dr. Tsukimi belongs to the kind of mysterious boss who is not in the world, but is full of legends in the world.

All the high-tech products they use are products of the Bika Research Institute. Seeing real people this time was an eye-opener.

The doctor nodded reservedly, showing the demeanor of a technology tycoon.

Noah continued.

“Here we can transport large strategic supplies, as well as transport casualties and reinforcements.

If we can maintain a stalemate here, with our resources in the South China Sea, we can drag them down.

Do you have any comments?

Otohime asked: The South China Sea is so big, how can we limit the location of the battlefield?

Taizog was thoughtful and had some ideas.

Noah called his name and asked him to talk.

Because, as long as we say where the decisive battle will be, the navy will not refuse.

The world government wants to declare its strength through this war, and they want to wipe us all out in front of the whole world.

And there is another way, which is to actively spread the information about the fight. Leave the world government with no choice.

I don't know how to do it specifically.

Very good, Tezog is right. As for how to inform and disseminate news, is there anyone better than that old bird in the News of the World?

Noah took out the phone bug on the spot.


Hello, Mr. Adam? No contact for a long time.

Morgans's harsh voice echoed in the conference room.

Now I'm not Adam.

Hello, Mr. Noah, do you have any business contacting me at this time?

As expected, this old bird still had doubts about my vest, and even investigated it.

Is it convenient to publish a message in the latest issue of the newspaper?

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