With the order from Wulaoxing, war mode started.

The World Government Conference is temporarily suspended, and all kings of various countries are stranded in the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

Prepare to watch the live broadcast of the South China Sea War in 10 days.

All Tianlong people are not allowed to go out in Pangu City, to prevent the revolutionary army from jumping over the wall and seizing the world's nobles as hostages.

Noah and his gang are habitual offenders, so we have to guard against this.

With the suppression of the Five Old Stars, even the most capable nobles could not mess around and stayed at home, which saved the navy a lot of worry.

The Chambord Islands, which are closest to the Holy Land, also entered a state of martial law.

Kizaru will do the final cleaning, close the port terminal, close the auction house, and stop all commercial activities.

The Shichibukai were ordered to stay in their respective territories and not go to the South China Sea to cause trouble.

He originally considered recruiting the Shichibukai to serve as vanguards or cannon fodder, but later gave up.

This time, the navy wants to show its image of crushing the revolutionary army like a ragtag force. Recruiting some external forces at this time will only ruin the live broadcast and reduce the prestige of the world government.

Malinfando is on high alert.

The other three sea branches did not have enough military strength to participate in such a war, and they were also worried about the infiltration of the revolutionary army, so they all stayed in the original sea area.

He also gave up all sea missions. Even if there were pirates who went out to sea to burn, kill and plunder, they were not allowed to control them. Maintaining calm and waiting was the greatest support for the headquarters.

This war was fought entirely by the most elite troops from the first half and second half of the Grand Line.

With the return of Akainu's fleet, the battle meeting officially began.

The previously suspended high-level meeting of the Navy continued.

The most terrifying armed forces in the world are preparing for war.

The transfer of troops, positions, logistics, and internal reviews have all begun.

The CP department has temporarily restored its supervisory powers within the Navy.

All generals from the headquarters who were born in the South China Sea were investigated privately.

Perhaps because the revolutionary army launched its force relatively late, the penetration of the headquarters is basically very small.

Only one or two were operational. The moment they were discovered, they committed suicide on the spot. This decisiveness frightened the CP department.

After repeated screening, it passed everyone's review.

But even so, in this operation, officers from Nanhai were pushed into some corners.

Because they jointly signed a letter demanding that only the revolutionary army be killed and the civilians in the South China Sea not be affected, but it was rejected by the highest level.

This is the highest order of the World Government, and even the Warring States Period cannot violate it.

Setting aside ten days is already the limit. Facing the huge territory of the South China Sea, in order to establish an invincible image of the world government, the amount of troops to be deployed is unprecedented.

There is also what Wulaoxing said, giving the revolutionary army a chance to assemble and time to summon allies, otherwise how can they catch them all in one fell swoop.

As for the revolutionary army abandoning the South China Sea, it will continue to return to its previous situation of running around the world.

This idea never existed in the first place. Only the enemy knows the enemy. Would the Five Old Stars know about the thoughts of Noah and others?

The country that has been successfully transformed in this way is already a place that they cannot abandon. It is their hope and their fire.

Of course, in order to prevent the worst outcome, some work was done, such as notifying Morgans and asking him to fully cooperate.

Otherwise, destroy the World Economic News first.

So the propaganda force about the navy was launched first.

Ivankov, the top leader of the Revolutionary Army, was killed in Demon Valley Town!

The South China Sea is exposed and the Revolutionary Army headquarters is discovered!

The World Government is furious and is about to launch the South China Sea Demon Slaying Order!

Ten days later, the entire army will attack and descend on the South China Sea!

Live broadcast, while the war is going on!

Six general-level experts dispatched to sweep the South China Sea Revolutionary Army!

Under the instructions of the World Government, Morgans began war propaganda and information dissemination.

I was originally very dissatisfied with the world government's direct involvement in the news.

But after seeing the manuscript provided by the Navy, he was frightened. This was the most horrifying news he had ever seen in his career.

In his eyes, the only thing comparable in terms of impact was the execution of the Pirate King.

The revolutionary army is finished.

The South China Sea incident was subsequently published directly in the News of the World. The disclosure of various information shocked the world.

The South China Sea Federation was actually established by the revolutionary army?

Is the entire South China Sea the territory of the revolutionary army?

Is the world government crazy about launching a demon-slaying order against the entire South China Sea?

The six generals, Garp, Zefa and others are not in the news. The world government is unfathomable!

Regarding the last piece of news, the World Government reported the name directly and did not intend to hide it, so as to have a deterrent effect.

Marshal of the Warring States Period, the three navy generals: Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji. CP chief, Huang Mu (Green Bull).

Originally there was Zefa, but Warring States didn't know what he was thinking.

Following the order of the Five Old Stars, the entire army attacked and brought Zefa with them. He also took care of his old friend's mood and pushed him back to a tactical and logistical position.

That is to say, he goes out with the army, but does not go to the front line. Warring States was a little scared, always feeling that something would happen if Zefa was put at the front.

Problems that arise in this war cannot be solved by simple marginalization.

At the same time, newspapers wrote about the heroic deeds of those who turned from darkness to light in the revolutionary army, and Arnold's story spread to thousands of households.

After he defected to the World Government, he received a large amount of bounty and status. Even after the war is over, he will be rewarded.

But the photo was not attached, claiming to protect the appearance of those who have taken refuge in justice and avoid retaliation.

A photo of Ivankov's death in battle was also published and spread throughout the world.

A thin and shriveled human figure was wading among the ruins, half of his body was reduced to charcoal, and his eyes were burned through by magma. From the remaining body, there was no trace of the beauty of the miraculous man, only blood and terror.

There are also talented people within the World Government who know how to defeat a force from within.

That's the contrast, life and death. Prosperity, wealth and poverty.

They do not believe that the revolutionary army will allow the soldiers at the bottom to eat and drink well, but the top leaders will live a life of hardship and simplicity. This is impossible and goes against the human nature of the sea.

The officials who came up with this trick were very proud, and even the revolutionary army could not escape the temptation of reality.

What if someone actually surrenders?

Of course, first go to the newspapers and then kill them.

After all, Lord Wulaoxing’s order is to kill all the demons on the islands in the South China Sea where there is collusion!

Recruitment? nonexistent.

Most people who read the newspaper were not optimistic about the future of the Revolutionary Army. No one could resist the World Government's head-on crushing.

The strongest armed force in the world was created by fighting. A mere South China Sea was defeated in a single battle, and then all lives were devastated.

The entire South China Sea will be wiped out of the years where the revolutionary army existed. The lost 10 years of the South China Sea will also appear on the Maritime calendar.

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