Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 378 Reactions from all parties

After seeing this latest World Economic News, sure enough, the whole sea was in an uproar.

Whitebeard's boast of being well-informed was suppressed by the fact that this revolutionary army was so terrifying and had such ambitions.

Moreover, his careful planning and comprehensive actions surpassed his old captain, Rocks D. Jiback, from a fundamental point of view.

This cannot be achieved by personal bravery alone. This is another kind of power that can subvert the sea. What a pity...

The riot of the sea begins.

Marco, tell the children not to act rashly during this time.

Yes, Dad.

Marco, who turned to go out, suddenly turned around and asked.

Dad, do you think the Revolutionary Army still has a chance?

Whitebeard laughed, and then said seriously.

“No one can resist the power of the World Government, only free will.”

It ends with one puzzling sentence.

Charlotte Lingling was also amazed.

Garp's son is so bold. Dragon's identity is not a secret in their eyes.

She couldn't figure out why at all? Why would a dragon do something like that.

Helping ordinary people like ants live better was beyond her understanding.

MaMaMaMaMaMaMa, do you want to do something at this time?

But when I think of the most powerful ministers in the world being beaten by clowns and unable to take care of themselves, I feel a little manic and hateful.

The red hair is worried.

He knew what was behind Bucky. His friend is the revolutionary army, so will he go back during this encirclement and suppression of the South China Sea?

Shanks, like everyone else, believed that this was a war without any suspense.

If Bucky really returns to the South China Sea to participate in the war, he will not be able to show up to help his best friend.

The red hair is a pirate and the pirate king. You cannot participate in the war between the revolutionary army and the world government. This is to maintain a balance and order.

It’s hard to handle, this sea is getting stranger and stranger. Captain Roger, it seems that what you said is not very accurate.

And in the country of Hezhi.

Robin has been taken away by Noah who returned.

At the moment of life and death, Noah knew that Robin would definitely be with him.

Moreover, Robin is also an independent and strong revolutionary warrior.

It is not for the sake of peace of mind and safety that you can selfishly arrange for a little girl to stay away from the flames of war.

The revolutionary army needs her!

Only Baki, Yamato, Denjiro and other members of the clown group are left here.

Not a single samurai from Wano was brought back.

According to Noah, Wano is not qualified to participate in this war, and your people are not ready yet.

What about us? Teacher Noah, we are also members of the revolutionary army!

You are the kind of fire, classmates.

If we die in the battle, please inherit our will and go all the way.

The red ghost cannot be lost in this sea! please!

After that, I bowed to all the classmates in the clown troupe. Sometimes, living people need more courage.

Then it flew away, leaving Hiyori and the others in helpless pain.

Yamato angrily held a mace and practiced crazily at the beach because he was not strong enough and could not even go back to defend his homeland and ideals.

The same goes for Denjiro. At this moment, he only feels ashamed. What a Taoyuan Swordsman, bullshit!

That is the South China Sea, the freest sea area in the sea, an ocean where people can smile with joy.

But, but alas~

Everyone who stayed in Wano had a fire in their hearts, but they did not dare to disobey Noah's order and return to the South China Sea.

Boss Bucky, what do you think?

Looking at Bucky sitting silently on the beach, Yamato was a little puzzled.

Brother Bucky looked very strange at this time.

It's okay, you practice well, we won't lose.


Nine Snake Island.


Boya Hancock! Don't go!

You are a pirate, not a revolutionary army. This war is no joke.

I would rather you throw away your position in the Shichibukai than go to the South China Sea. You will bring disaster to Amazon Lily!

Grandma Ze stood in front of the empress with a serious face. At the same time, he ordered others to block him.

Marigold and Sandasonia stood behind their sister and supported any decision she made.

Get out of the way! Gloriousa!

Looking at all the people in front of you, they are all lives and your citizens. Do you have the consciousness to drag them to death together!

The revolutionary army is our friend!

“Then can your subjects be sacrificed at will?

The nature of the revolutionary army is that anyone who participates will be subject to a demon-slaying order.

The entire South China Sea can be destroyed, not least a small Nine Snake Island.

The Aijia can go to the war alone.

Stop saying such childish things. What's the difference between you and Nine Snakes Island? I beg you, Hancock, don't go.

Looking at the subjects who still believed in him, Hancock felt very upset.

On the one hand, he is the great benefactor who rescued him, and on the other hand, he is his own people.


He turned around silently, then kicked a hill apart.

Returning to his palace, he leaned against the big snake and didn't know what he was thinking.

The mother-in-law also breathed a sigh of relief. If Hancock got angry and couldn't control it, it would be a disaster.

It's not that she is unethical, but survival is the most important thing.

There were six general-level main combat forces, which really scared everyone on the sea.

Who doesn’t hate the world government? Amazon lilies were not in the windless zone 800 years ago.

In ancient history, they were just ordinary people living in the blue ocean.

If they could return to a carefree life in the outside world, who would be willing to become a race where all the people are soldiers.

As long as the Revolutionary Army showed a 30% chance of confrontation, she would not be so determined to stop Hancock. It's not like she didn't understand the operation of changing the king.

She was a restless person this time and the next time. In other words, every Nine Snakes Empress had the willfulness to pursue her own ideals.

But the result is. She returned to Amazon Lily, and the next bastard also lived a secluded life.

The world government is really too powerful.


Sand Crocodile looked at the newspaper, a little lost in thought. Is that guy Noah in trouble this time? hehe. This bastard.

Lao Sha was in a good mood and even wanted to drink a few drinks.


What should I do if that guy dies like this without telling me the secret of Pluto?

And that bastard still had two things in his hands that he didn't bring up.

If you ask him to join the war for one thing,

Is he not going or not?

That was the World Government's annihilation war. There were countless general-level warriors. Entering at his level would be a welcome gift.

After being severely beaten by Noah, Lao Sha had a clear understanding of his own strength.

So, why don't you crush the phone bug Noah gave you? Will you look a little cowardly?

It’s not that I’m afraid of death, it’s that I can’t die before I can fulfill my dream.


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