The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces suddenly arrived at the scene, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Does the military intervene directly?

Cyborg Kong looked at the captured South China Sea Federation members and said angrily.

Revolutionary Army! Well done! You really dare to come to Mariejoia and speak nonsense. Will trampling on our dignity make you happy!

It seems that it is most likely exposed.

The MP was a little unsure of the extent of the exposure.

What are you talking about, Marshal Gang Kong Kong? Our South China Sea Federation has shed blood and donated money to the world government. The commander-in-chief of the armed forces cannot insult a world member country so casually.

Hmph! Ivankov has been brought to justice, and the entire South China Sea has been exposed. Do you think it is smart to say these things now?

The hearts of those from Nanhai sank.

It seems

If you have anything to say, go talk to CP0, the people there have been waiting for you for a long time.

Remember, the world government is not something that clowns like you can provoke. As long as you know about the rat's nest, your destiny is to be destroyed.



The councilman smiled and stood up straight.

“Behind us are the people, every ordinary person on the sea, farmers, workers, fishermen, you, me, and them.

In the end, we will not fail. Even if our bodies are destroyed, our spirits are already floating over the mainland.

After saying this, the congressman looked at the other Nanhai representatives who were arrested together and smiled.

I go first.

Bite hard in your mouth.

The toxin attacks quickly and vital signs disappear immediately.

Thump, thump, thump.

Representatives of Nanhai fell down in the large conference hall one after another.

Everyone in the audience was a little at a loss. This was the first time for many people to see the revolutionary army in reality.

Dead silence

This is our enemy!

Gang Gukong's fear of the revolutionary army has reached its peak.

Everyone, please go back to your respective rooms. Marinefando will be subject to information control recently. I hope all kings will be considerate.

After that, go to Wulaoxing, where the war that will determine the future begins.

Yes, war!

In the small conference room, there were Five Old Stars, Warring States, Cyborg Kong, and CP Chief.

These top figures on the sea were all present.

How's the internal inventory of the CP department going?

Spandam has been arrested, and his father Spangdyne is under investigation together.

The CP chief was unlucky again this time.

When it comes to matters in the South China Sea, my subordinates are modest in saying that they are connected. In terms of the role they play, the key is not under the core of the revolutionary army.

At this time, it didn't matter whether they were traitors or not. Just based on what these two father and son did, it would be enough to shoot him a hundred times.

And executing them was also the unanimous decision of the nobles behind them.

For such a big thing, someone must be responsible.

Well, if you hadn't done a good job before, the entire department would have been reorganized this time.


The chief executive breathed a sigh of relief and stepped aside. He had just been scolded as a dog, and he had made a great contribution before. Alas.

Thinking back to how stupid Spandam looked when he was caught, he really wanted to kill someone.

If you don’t think there is a problem in the South China Sea now, your brain has been gnawed by a dog! ! !

Warring States, you should solve the naval affairs on your own, but you have created such a big loophole. The entire Nanhai branch has fallen. As a naval marshal, this is a serious dereliction of duty!

it's me

Sengoku, who was preparing for self-examination, was interrupted to speak.

Akainu did a good job this time. He just used the power he had at hand to prevent the news from leaking out. We should pay more attention to him in the future.

Warring States face darkened, it was a bit over the line to make preferential arrangements for the core of the Navy so directly.

The reason why the Navy can still maintain a certain degree of justice is because of its semi-independent nature. If it is interfered with too much, it will be disastrous for the development of the Navy.

At the same time, it is very taboo for Akainu to report beyond his level.

The Five Old Stars are also available at the click of a button.

After all, Warring States was a marshal of the navy, and he was still at the peak of Dahai's combat power. His own skills and prestige were unmatched.

At this time, Shen Haijun had the wrong timing, so just one strike was enough.

He went too far. I really thought that Warring States had been the boss for so many years in vain.

Let's get down to business. A devastating attack must be carried out in the South China Sea. Anyone involved must be completely eliminated, whether they are civilians or nobles. There is no need to talk about this.

After saying this, Wu Laoxing, CP Chief, and Cyborg Kong all looked at Warring States.

This was what he said to him, and it was also his final statement.


He responded calmly. This was what made Warring States the most angry after learning about the South China Sea incident.

If the revolutionary army does this, it will drag down everyone in the entire South China Sea.

The World Government will not mind carrying out a sea-wide demon-slaying order in the South China Sea. In their eyes, they cannot see the humans crawling under their feet.

‘Damn revolutionary army! ’

Commander-in-Chief, it's up to you, Sengoku, to do it. After all, the navy is the main combat force, and the CP department will give its full assistance.

In major matters, Warring States is still reliable.

This time all the navy's high-end combat power will be dispatched. Garp will stay at the headquarters.

Everyone has no objection to this. Garp's identity is indeed not very good.

It’s also not very reassuring.

The top three generals, the Warring States Period, and the Navy are basically all deployed. With this lineup, there should be no problem in overwhelming the Revolutionary Army.

CP0 can produce a general-level combatant. Plus me, there are two in total.


Warring States didn't understand why the CP department still had such a foundation after being chopped to pieces by Noah.

Arama, come in.

Outside the door, a guy with slightly messy black curly hair, wearing sunglasses and a cigarette in his mouth walked in.

Aramaki, a natural-type person with the Sensen Fruit ability. A strong person we have absorbed privately. He has the highest respect for the Celestial Dragons and the World Government, and has no ideological problems at all.

This is what the CP chief did some time ago.

He deeply felt that his own power was insufficient and he could not win over others privately.

Initially, I was worried about the opponent's dignity as a strong man, but they hit it off immediately.

The opponent has just entered the general level threshold and has pretty good combat power. It greatly supplements the foundation of the CP department.

This is six general-level combat capabilities, as well as numerous vice-admirals and a large number of troops.

This is still the Five Old Stars. Without Garp and others taking action, the World Government is unrivaled in size and the South China Sea is in danger.

Publish in the newspaper, announce everything about the revolutionary army, let other moths gather in the South China Sea, and then catch them all.

Crush it openly and let Morgans come over to take charge of the live broadcast. Let everyone in the world watch the destruction of the South China Sea. This is the result of resisting the world government.

Many people have forgotten the majesty of the world government and let the world feel it with the war in the South China Sea. They are just ants.

“The world must know that God is not to be offended!”

Let the war begin!


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