Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 375 The Navy’s Anger

boom! boom! boom!

Warring States was so angry that he flipped the table.

I called you here to inform you of the situation, not to tell you that it’s impossible!

I know that some of you have some unclear transactions with the South China Sea Federation privately, and there may be other matters.

However, there is no doubt that the South China Sea Federation is a country founded by the revolutionary army on the surface.

The traitors of the Revolutionary Army have clearly disclosed the information, and Ivankov has been trapped and killed in Magic Valley Town.

All kinds of information from the past were also compiled, and after confirmation by the Intelligence Department, they were basically true.

The South China Sea is the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army is the South China Sea.

Unfortunately, something went wrong in Akainu's siege.

Some people in the revolutionary army still escaped. Presumably Nanhai is also discussing how to deal with us at this moment.

Now give you 5 minutes to accept the reality and then discuss what to do!

'Fortunately, Teacher Noah and the others still got the information, otherwise it would be difficult for him to safely pass on the information in such a high-pressure environment after the meeting. ’

Rosinandi, who relaxed again, made Peach Rabbit even more dissatisfied.

Why was this guy so startled? What does this somewhat relaxed look mean? It's really unreliable.

In the five minutes given by Warring States Period, Aokiji's brain slowly came out of its dizzy state.

The guy he let go impacted his world view time and time again, and this time he really gave Hidema his life.

He was sure that if the world government knew that he had let Noah escape at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even generals will be suppressed, and those who are lucky enough will be thrown to the sixth floor of the underwater prison to keep company with those world destroyers.

Those who were unlucky were taken to Marineland Square and beheaded directly in public.

The enemy of the world, the enemy of the world, really only has the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

The prototype of the world that was changed was the South China Sea.

It’s true, without oppression, people can afford to eat, have hope in life, and have a bright future.

Moreover, the sea train has also broken down geographical barriers and spread education.

He actually did so much under the watchful eye of the World Government.

So what will you do this time?

Kizaru's first reaction was.

Wouldn’t it mean that the entire South China Sea is implementing labor laws and paid vacations?

It’s so cool, this is a paradise for migrant workers.

I admire you.

The second reaction is that the revolutionary army is in trouble this time.

The Warring States Period explains the ins and outs quite thoroughly.

As long as the intelligence is true, with the size of the world government, it can directly crush the South China Sea.

The revolutionary army with a base area is just a piece of meat on the chopping block.

Then cut it however you want.

Not to mention the world government, the navy alone can blow up the entire South China Sea.

The third reaction is that those investors are dead.

The Navy and the World Government did not invest any money, but directly took shares.

Other rich people, nobles, and chambers of commerce poured real money into it.

When the world government declares war on the South China Sea, all these investments will basically be wasted.

Gee, that’s an astronomical sum of money. I really don’t know how many people would curse that guy Noah, hahahaha.

Fortunately, he was relatively salty and didn't get involved.

Zefa was surprised at first, and then a little worried. Then I gave myself a slap in my heart. I am a navy, how can I worry about the revolutionary army?

But is it true that the South China Sea cannot escape disaster?

In deep thought.

The other lieutenant generals, noisily, didn't say one, two, three, four, five.

Huo Shaoshan was a little worried about whether Adam would be involved at first, but after thinking about it.

Could this guy be a revolutionary soldier from the beginning?

I get a headache just thinking about it, what is going on? If it is true, I will lose my old face.

I still asked someone to sign it and brought it to the Marshal of the Warring States Period. What a sin.

Inward prayer.

Others are so remorseful that their intestines are blue.

When you hold a high position, you will inevitably have some interests or involvement with the forces behind you.

The South China Sea Federation has locked up such a large amount of money, and it may be one of the lieutenant generals here.

Looking at the faces of all the beings below who changed their faces even more than him, Zhan Guo was helpless.

Sure enough, these bastards still have some problems more or less.

If it were just a financial issue, it would be fine. Collecting money is a trivial matter, and participating in the sea train is also a trivial matter.

Just afraid.

At this time, the signal soldier came in again and said a few words to Warring States.

Ahem, I'm going to Marigio to discuss things. Aokiji, you will preside over the meeting.

Until I come back, everyone stays in the conference room and is not allowed to go out or use the phone bug.


In the Great Chamber of Mariegio.

Now representatives of various countries are speaking.

As expected, when the South China Sea Federation spoke, they really talked about the help of the world government to countries around the world.

How they live a happy life under the guidance of the world government.

Balabala talked endlessly, and she talked for an hour alone.

The person who presided over the meeting had a crooked smile on his face.

If you can speak, speak more.


The door to the conference hall was opened, and a loud noise interrupted the meeting.

Representatives from various countries frowned, who dared to be so bold and interrupt the world meeting.

White suit, a dead face.

Oh, CP0, that’s okay.

CP0, this is the World Conference. Even you can't break in without permission.

The person presiding over the meeting was very unhappy, even within the World Government there were many factions.

Agencies like the spy agency are hated by everyone.

According to the order of the commander-in-chief, we came to capture the revolutionary army.

Revolutionary Army? This is the World Conference, and what we are doing are allies of the World Government. Do you understand what you are talking about!

cp0 didn't reply at all. It would be a waste to say another word to such an idiot.

The commander-in-chief's instructions have been issued, and he is still insisting on them.

The group of people walked very indifferently to the back of the seats representing the South China Sea Federation and several other South China Sea countries.

Looking at the stunned expressions of the federal congressmen.

Just take out the handcuffs and put them on.

What are you doing! I am the representative of the fifty countries at the conference.


After being handcuffed, CP0 still didn't speak.

I know your boss, and he never misses anything.

After saying this, CP0 has a bit of a headache, just because I have collected a lot of your things, and now I am in more trouble than I imagined.

Seeing the representatives of the South China Sea Federation being taken away like this, the person presiding over the meeting and the kings felt a little uncomfortable. This meant that no one could capture them.

He gritted his teeth, under the pressure of everyone's eyes.

Those who supported the meeting spoke up anyway.

Wait a minute, this matter cannot be effected by the order of the CP Commander. Without the order of Lord Wulaoxing, I will not let you take people away.

Things are stuck here.

At this time, Cyborg Kong walked in from the door.

Lord Wulaoxing is in a meeting. The world meeting is currently suspended. It is arranged for all the kings to return to their respective rooms to rest.

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