Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 374 The incident happened

Naval Headquarters.

The Warring States Period is dealing with some tedious matters.

During the World Conference, various problems emerged one after another, and the revolutionary army was causing trouble all over the world. As a marshal, he was very busy.

The more chaotic the sea becomes, the more expenditures and losses the navy will have. The World Government has also been tightening the neck of funds to restrict them.

Fortunately, the shares sent by the South China Sea Federation can be distributed in two years. According to calculations, that is a very considerable amount.

Nanhai has been really worry-free in the past few years. The least incidents have occurred. Even if there are some twists and turns, they have been solved by the local navy branch. If there is an opportunity, we really need to publicize it more.

I really hope the sea can calm down.

While he was busy, he looked up at the motto hanging in the office and drew strength from it.

A person's life should be spent in this way: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor be ashamed of being inactive;

Then when he was dying, he could say:

I have dedicated my whole life and all my energy to the most magnificent cause in the world - fighting for peace and justice in the sea.

Sure enough, the power that words can carry is great. Whenever Warring States feels deeply tired, he will look at these few sentences and feel that his efforts are meaningful.

Everyone who came to the Marshal's office for the first time was invited by him to observe and admire the high intention of this sentence. After learning that it was written by the great writer Adam, they felt that it was full of cultural atmosphere.

I remember that the last time I came to visit was my adopted son Rocinante.

After seeing this sentence, he was very excited and said that this was his promise for the future of his life.

He lived up to expectations, never wasted his years, practiced hard, and became a supernova in the navy.

Suddenly the phone on the table rang, interrupting Sengoku's memories.


Hey, I'm Sengoku, what!!!

He stood up with a bang.

South China Sea Federation! Sobel Kingdom! Noah!

This is impossible!

Akainu. Demon Valley Town. The traitor Ivankov died on the spot.

Marie Gioia.

Okay, I know.

Warring States went from disbelief to doubt, to irritation, to acceptance of the facts.

Then came anger, extreme anger.

The expression on his face changed countless times.

It felt like being slapped on the face dozens of times.

The South China Sea Federation is good, and betraying Noah is even better! Continue to attack the revolutionary army and create the safest sea area.

The closest ally of the World Government and the perfect executor of the Heavenly Golden System.

Sea Train even came to distribute shares and use the name of the world government and navy to endorse investments.

good! good! good!

Revolutionary Army, how dare you bully me like this!

The anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and the strong Wia was pressing in all directions. Even this Malinfando felt the anger of the Warring States Period.

What's wrong with this old guy?

Garp and Zefa took a look at the core source location, Sengoku's office?

Who messed with him? The two looked at each other, both thinking it was the other person who did it.

Warring States had no time to care about the panic caused by his overbearing look, but fell into anger.

If Akainu hadn't discovered the truth about this matter, he would still have been kept in the dark. In the future, he will become a big joke in history.


Somebody come!

The signal soldier at the door immediately ran in.

Invite all vice admirals and generals above to come to a meeting. At the same time, inform Kizaru to rush back to the headquarters immediately, go quickly!

Wait, let’s call Rosinandi, Tea Dolphin, and Peach Rabbit too.

The impact and scope of this matter are so large that he cannot decide it alone.

All the powerful generals must attend. His adopted son, the tea dolphin, and others are considered the future of the navy and are qualified to participate.

The future can be regarded as a kind of experience. Being able to think about so much in the midst of rage is worthy of the Buddha's Warring States period.

The signal corpsman ran out in a hurry.

After waiting for a while, Warring States was so angry that he couldn't sit still and walked around the office.

When I looked up, I saw the sentence that I particularly liked and copied.

Adam, South China Sea ambassador? Could it be.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is, but there is no conclusive evidence.

But this word, no matter how you read it now, you will feel uncomfortable.

I really want to strangle that guy from Huo Shaoshan and Zefa.

Then he calmed down and called the messenger again.

Go and take down the words on the wall, then throw them away. Put them away first.

snort! It's not too late to throw it away after Adam's identity is confirmed.

Malinfando, the meeting is in progress.

The senior navy generals who were doing this didn't know why this impromptu meeting was so urgent.

Even Kizaru flew back from the G1 branch, and something big happened again. The last time he surrounded Noah, he didn’t hold a conference of this size.

Aokiji leaned back in his chair and was also confused. Moreover, neither Akainu nor his immediate subordinate Lieutenant General came back.

Akainu is still on the way. What I want to tell you in today's meeting is that the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army has been discovered, Nanhai.

When Warring States opened his mouth, a bombshell dropped.

Revolutionary Army Headquarters!

In the South China Sea?

These rats are really good at hiding.

Yeah, hiding in the calmest sea area is really cunning.

Nanhai, huh, our bases in the South China Sea are all reliable comrades-in-arms. I think the revolutionary army is seeking death.

Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period, where are they hiding in the South China Sea?

Seeing the excited generals doing this, Warring States felt ashamed.

The entire South China Sea.

Oh, the whole South?

! ! !

Is this what they understand? Or is it because the marshal is old and made a slip of the tongue?

The entire South China Sea is the base of the revolutionary army, including the 20 world alliance countries, including the South China Sea Federation.

It was a bolt from the blue. If they hadn't known that the Warring States Marshal didn't like to joke with them, they would have thought they were hallucinating.

How can this be!!!

Yes, the South China Sea Federation betrayed Noah!

Rosinandi originally sat with him at the end and listened carefully.

It turned out that this meeting was actually to announce the exposure of the Revolutionary Army, and his heart skipped a beat.

No, Teacher Noah and the others were exposed!

What to do about this? Restless is how Rosinandi is described at this time.

It is a semi-public thing that there are phone bugs in the Navy Headquarters. It is a bit difficult to pass on the information, and the most lacking thing now is time.

Rosinandi, what's wrong with you? Are you also angry that you were fooled by the revolutionary army?

The good old tea pig, besides being angry at himself, also knew how to care about his comrades.

Ah, ah, yes.

Rosindi had a bit of a hard time getting back.

This caused Taotu to be dissatisfied. This kid, of course he is angry about this kind of thing, but he should not lose his composure to such an extent.

You know, the outside world regards the three of them as the new pillars of the navy, huh.

Even after training, he is still a bit rubbish as a former Celestial Dragon.

The three talented people here are whispering.

The marshal who presided over the meeting over there was furious.

The order is wrong, I have contacted the editor.

To apologize.

Tomorrow is supposed to be two chapters, so I'll try my best to add another chapter.

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