Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 373 Not willing to die

Feng Clay, who followed behind, said nothing, even when he saw him being knocked to the ground and getting up again by several rear admirals.

It wasn't until he broke through the blockade that he opened his mouth and said a word.


Very cold response.

He knows what to do at this time, knows that information is more important than life, and knows that he is the strongest, so he has the best hope of escaping.

He knows everything! ! !

But the tears, the tears just couldn't stop staying.

He didn't want to shed tears, not because he was cowardly, but because he would not be able to see the way forward clearly.

It will live up to everyone's expectations.

Gritting his teeth, he ran down hard.

No one can stop him.

Xiao Feng's combat power was fully activated, and all the soldiers who came to block the way were killed.

In just a few miles, it turned into a blood-colored passage, including one's own and one's enemies.

The large amount of blood loss made Xiao Feng's vision blurry. One of his legs was already broken and he jumped here on one foot and could not fall down.

As long as you get to the beach, there are opportunities when you get to the beach.

The revolutionary army took the underwater route on the Grand Line, and there were coated ships in the sea.

There are also classmates from the murloc tribe hiding at the beach, who are responsible for the reception staff.

He used to think it was a unnecessary way to travel, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a life-saving straw.

Run to the beach, ignoring the soldiers rushing over from a distance, and the shells fired from ships in the distance.

Carl!!! Where are you!!!

The quiet coastline gave Xiao Feng a sense of panic.

Are you looking for him?

A vice admiral stood in front of Xiao Feng carrying a fish-man corpse.

Then he threw the body on the ground.

Ghost Spider, the most cruel lieutenant general in the department.

He doesn't care even if he hurts his subordinates when performing missions. He is an absolute hawk in the navy.

When he saw the chaotic scene in Mole's place, he knew that things were a little off, so he came to support alone.

Seeing Xiao Feng's route from a distance, he intercepted him at the end.

At the same time, he killed the fishman hiding at the beach.

This is really the worst outcome. Without Karl, even if he falls into the sea, there is no way to get close to the ship.

Is this despair?

However, his body moved involuntarily, and unwilling to give in, his companion paved this road with his own life.

He no longer has the right to despair.

Xiao Feng slowly took up his stance.

One of the legs is broken and the shemale kicking technique cannot be used, so use the hands instead of the kicking technique.

Shemale boxing technique. Exploding swan dance!

A punch flew out.

Easily caught by the opponent.

What's the use of such light punches?

Seeing the injuries all over Xiao Feng's body, Ghost Spider felt bored for a while.

I can't even stand still, so I'd better finish off my opponent as soon as possible.

Without even drawing the sword, he put his hands together and cruelly broke Xiao Feng's arm.


The severe pain made Xiao Feng want to roll all over the floor, with all his bones exposed.

But it was also because of the severe pain that he regained his consciousness a little bit.

In a flash of lightning, he figured out a way to survive in death.

Imitation Fruit.Noah!

The black-haired guy with burning eyes, although unremarkable, is a guy who is unforgettable among all the navy.

I saw the enemy in front of me suddenly turned into a big enemy BOSS. Even with the character of Ghost Spider, he was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Feng continues to be armed with color coverage!

Instead of covering his fists and feet, he lost a leg and a hand, and his physical skills were useless.

Domineering energy surged out of the body and rushed towards the broken arm, covering half of the bones connected to the upper limb.

The sharp bone stubble at the fracture will be as easy to use as a sword when covered with armed color.

How can a sword be such an inconvenient thing!

At that time, when Teacher Noah was explaining it, everyone only thought that the second grade and those weird little stories were a bit nonsense.

I don't understand what it means that everything in the world can be used as a sword.

But at this time, he seemed to see Noah standing next to him and said, look, this is the way of kendo.

You can do kendo with your fists, you can do kendo with stones, and of course you can do it with bones.

It's a coincidence. Every student in the boot camp has studied the book Detailed Explanation of Kendo, From Beginner to Mastery

Although he is not very good at using a sword, he understands that sometimes, going forward is all about swordsmanship!

So. Draw your sword!

The sharp bone sword slashed towards the ghost spider's neck with his reluctance, anger, sadness, and all his emotions.



The Vice Admiral's huge body staggered back, his eyes filled with horror.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the ghost spider's neck, and it was difficult to cover it with both hands.

Seeing his results, Xiao Feng just whispered.


Yes, what a pity. Life is returned!

The Ghost Spider, who was holding his neck and trying to stop the bleeding with his life, also said something.

He was stunned by this turn of events just now, and while he was distracted, he used such a desperate and cruel attack.

How could there be such amateur swordsmanship, such explosive swordsmanship, and such simple swordsmanship.

Inadvertently, the sword edge penetrated directly into the surface of the neck.

It's a pity that Feng Clay was weak at this time and his sword speed was not fast. Give him a chance to react.

With the instinct of many years of life-and-death battle, I leaned back and hid, and only escaped death.

But the artery was also scratched, and blood rushed out like a fountain.

If it weren't for the return of life, he might really die from this sword.

Seeing Feng Clay standing across from him unsteadily, he no longer dared to look down upon him.

Who can look down upon a ruthless man who uses his bones as his sword?

He slowly drew out the two knives, and lifted up 6 more knives by the hair on the back of his head like an arm.

A total of eight weapons were pointed at Feng Clay, and this was the origin of the Ghost Spider.

He intends to give his opponent the utmost respect and try his best to kill him.

Xiao Feng, who had only the strength left to stand, looked at the sea, the persistence in his eyes not diminishing at all.

Jumping and jumping towards the ghost spider.


Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.

One sword cut off the arm, and all seven remaining swords were inserted into Xiao Feng's body.

The Ghost Spider slowly sheathed his sword, knowing that this respectable opponent was about to die.

Xiao Feng slowly fell to the ground and still looked at the sea.

The movement in the center of the town is getting smaller and smaller, and it seems that Ivankov is also...

Damn it, this information, information!!!

When Ghost Spider was lamenting his carelessness at the beach, he looked down and saw that Xiao Feng was gone.

Um? This. This is!

Feng Clay was biting the ground with his teeth, dragging his tattered body bit by bit towards the sea!

It turns out that our enemy is so powerful.

Ghost Spider sighed.

Slowly walked up to Xiao Feng and looked at the hot-blooded man squirming on the ground in front of him.

He was convinced, and his stance was different, but that didn't prevent him from being conquered by the other party's bravery.

Clang! The sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed came from above.

I'm sorry, everyone. I still haven't passed on the information.

No matter how reluctant he was, he knew it was the end.

Revolution. Waltz!

I vaguely seem to hear the sound of swords clashing. Is it an illusion?

This volume is over.

Everyone, please give me some encouragement and support.

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