Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 366 New Year, New Strategy

Noah, who had had enough rest the next day, stretched his waist and went out for a walk.

This period of time has exhausted him. It takes a lot of brainpower, trouble, and people.

This Hawkeye's attack was too heavy, and it was almost a death blow. With his current system, he has only been fully recovered until now.

This guy cannot be seen casually in the future.

Or arrange for other people to communicate, such as Jinbei, Jinbei, Jinbei.

After leaving the entrance, I sensed a strong energy reaction on the top of the Vine Mountain behind the Flower Capital.

This aura is...Robin?

What are you practicing? There is so much movement and movement, and in the sight and color, the enlightenment there is like a small sun, constantly emitting danger.

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, you can still see the palm wind crossing the sky.

Flying into the air, Noah's pupils shrank when he saw Robin practicing. It turned out to be this move! !

Still practicing well.

Thinking about it carefully, this move is indeed suitable for her. If she reaches the realm of that monster, she can really fight with the top powerhouses.

Alas, I slacked off. He was obviously the one who used this method first, but Robin kept insisting, but he chose another path. It was really a pity.

After watching it for a while, it flew back to the ground and went to practice.

A few days later, Noah ushered in the year 1516 of the Hainan calendar in Wano.

I had a good New Year's Eve, and in order to celebrate this special day, supplies were widely available.

People's nerves always need to relax.

The banquet hall was filled with drinks, and the people attending the banquet were considered to be high-level officials of the country.

This time the atmosphere was much higher than before.

After a year of hard work, the results have been paid off satisfactorily. Live this last day happily.

Many people were a little dissolute at the end of the drink.

Denjiro was holding the wine barrel in his left hand and hugging Kawamatsu in his right hand.

Brother Hesong, let me tell you, I, the Taoyuan Swordsman, am quite famous overseas. When you go to study abroad, tell me my name, so that it will work! Hahahaha.

Alas, I have been out for more than a year, but my drinking capacity has still not improved.

In terms of drinking capacity, He Song could use his racial superiority to overwhelm the others in Chi Sheao Li, but the rest was still at the level of a small porcelain cup.

Noah also drank a lot and got a little drunk.

It's not easy to be a pirate, and it's even more difficult to be a famous pirate.

If Bucky doesn't act as the Yonko properly, he will be so angry that he vomits blood.

Think about it, I will be offline and go home in a few months.

He fiercely pulled Bucky to have two drinks and made him swear that he must do his job well.

Don't show off your intelligence outside casually. What you say is true and sincere. Bucky was so moved that he cried.

Why did you take out the word Wado while drinking? It's not that, it's not that.

Finally, everyone spent the last day happily.

The next day, Noah returned to work and began planning for the new year.

Robin also came to help him sort out the information. I've gotten used to it over the years.

There are two important things this year.

A world government will hold another world conference.

What follows is another sweep of the sea. At this time of year, the navy is showing off its power to the outside world.

Tell all the forces in the world, big and small, not to mess around. If you do, I will beat you to death.

The kings on this side of the New World will all go to the G1 branch to meet up and board the Red Earth Continent.

There will be a small amount of naval escort along the way.

Only at this time will the navy appear in this sea area on a large scale.

It can be regarded as a tacit understanding with the pirates.

Noah didn't intend to ruin this kind of thing, and the clown group was not a terrorist, doing such a thankless thing.

If there was no change in time, he would have returned to the Island of Life in the middle of the year.

The New World will be completely handed over to Robin.

What’s interesting is that this time the South China Sea Federation is also eligible to attend the conference in the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

After continuously sweeping up the funds and forces in the sea, they still obtained the qualifications for the 50 countries in the conference. The unlucky guy who was replaced did not know which country he was from.

Their admission was highly anticipated.

This is recognized by all countries. Just based on the deeds that everyone knows, the South China Sea Federation can be called the number one lackluster of the world government.

According to underground magazines, the South China Sea Federation relied on betraying Noah, the soul of the revolutionary army, to gain support from the world government.

The subsequent sky gold, shares in the Sea Train Company, and private political donations are all very considerable figures.

Spanda, who did not want to be named, said that the South China Sea Federation likes to present a blank sheet of paper with dense lists on it.

It is difficult for anyone not to be knocked down. Even the Navy Headquarters took over the shares of Sea Train.

Although no dividend money has arrived yet, everyone will settle the accounts.

The sea train planning map is made public to the top management, and there will be money to turn around in one or two years. By then, this amount of funds can only be said to be scary, very scary.

The South China Sea Federation has tied up most of the top forces in the world, and its position is extremely stable.

Unless there is clear evidence that can truly reveal the incredible fact that the South China Sea Federation is the revolutionary army.

Otherwise it cannot be changed and it is the favorite of the world government.

In view of how well the current situation is developing, Noah gave up his decision to take advantage of the start of the World Conference to cause trouble.

Let’s develop more in the other three seas.

The second thing is to arrange for Rosinandi to take over.

He is already a major general in the headquarters, and he is still a member of his own family.

Well, for both parties, they are very pure people.

Tianlongren, the adopted son of the Warring States Period, is he upright?

Noah's students understood the overlord color of red, is that right?

The Nanhai mainland can no longer send meritorious deeds. Previously, they were given to the navy of the Nanhai branch.

It can only be sent from other sea areas.

Fortunately, the power of the Revolutionary Army is spread very widely, whether it is the other three seas, it is easy to arrange.

The paradise in the first half of the Grand Line and the new world in the second half all have their own people.

Arrange as you like and strive to be promoted and secure the position of lieutenant general in the headquarters within two years.

This is the main plan for this year, and to be ready for war at any time.

The size of the revolutionary army is too large, and the fact that it has not been caught by the world government until now is the result of luck and the efforts of all parties.

I hope that I can spend this year safely. With each passing year, the distance from the world government will shrink a little.

When it comes to a strategic stalemate, it is the most difficult moment for the world government to mobilize its own resources.

After making plans, he and Robin went to Hiyori to discuss the matter.

Wano Country is just the last stop on the way to the top.

Now that Bucky has reached the top, he should play his part.

He can't stay in the clown troupe forever, and this vest has to be prepared to be temporarily offline.

He hoped that someone else could help Baki while Kenshin Himura was in seclusion in Wano Country.

The confrontational actions of the Big Mom Pirates are meaningless. Denjiro and Yamato can completely deal with them with their strength. Now Noah wants to convey the general direction of the follow-up to everyone.

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