After the New Year, the war between the nations and the clown group began.

Bigmom relies on its large number of people and ships to constantly create friction at the border. One moment, it blows up a merchant ship, and the other moment, it burns and kills all the islands it passes by the clown's territory.

This trick goes on and on. Disgusting, but useful.

The reason why the flag of the Four Emperors is so useful is that many people rush to pay protection fees just to avoid losses.

It's useless to hang up now. The protection fee you charged is inappropriate.

Is it possible to consider changing to another company's flag?

The red-haired and white-bearded people just stood by and watched. It had nothing to do with them. It was just a normal confrontation between the pirate groups.

Bucky slapped Auntie in the face, so she should fight back.

After a brief discussion, Bucky led everyone into battle.

Since we can't defend the border with a small number of people, we will attack.

Take Baki, Yamato, and Denjiro as a team. Himura Kenshin is a team.

The crazy strangulation began.

Killing one thousand enemies will result in one thousand losses for oneself.

Go directly to Auntie's territory and cause trouble for the cadres stationed there.

Bucky and the others were really killing each other and quickly escalated the situation to a very dangerous situation.

The other party was also aggressive, and the clown troupe was officially attrition.

The twenty-eighth son of the Charlotte family, the Seed Minister, Charlotte Cato.

Using the fruit's ability to sneak attack the pirate group, he took the opportunity to behead a student.

There was no chance of rescue, and the body and head were immediately separated.

Sacrifice is inevitable, and Bucky, as an old pirate, has seen many people die.

But the death of my companions is still less experienced by myself.

During the Pirate King period, they roamed the sea. Except for Roger who surrendered, everyone else had their own lives.

When you are wandering the sea digging for treasures by yourself, your subordinates are your subordinates, and there is no concept of companions.

This time, it was his classmate who died, and the friend who drank with him and listened to him brag about calling him Big Brother Bucky died.

Cato was chased to the depths of Totland without running away. The angry Yamato turned on the big mouth of the true god human beast form and was beaten to a pulp.

Noah acted very calmly after learning about it and just talked to Bucky lightly.

You are also an old pirate. You should know that sometimes you can only protect your family and friends when you are strong enough.

Then he ignored the somewhat silent Bucky.

He has been in this world for so many years and has long developed a cold and ruthless heart.

Later, when Ka Er personally led a patrol, he bumped into Noah's vest.

The murderous intent was rampant, and Katakuri was seriously injured within a few encounters. The glutinous rice fruit and predicting the future were all useless.

Even if he kills hard, he can't stop the cold blade when he sees it.

Several of the accompanying brothers were also beaten to death and lay on the ground.

If Big Mom hadn't arrived in time and saved her children, the number of ministers would have been reduced by a quarter that day.

The two of them exchanged blows in the air.

Auntie also met Noah for the first time. Before she said anything cruel, she was confused by the sword spirit.

It's so unruly, why is there no overlord color to fight this process?

You don't even say harsh words in token, how can you still hang out in the sea?

After slashing several sword energy in succession, Noah's mood calmed down a little.

For the safety of the crew behind him and the inconvenience of exposing his true identity, he took the initiative to retreat.

Of course, in the end, the fight was temporarily stopped by splitting an island.

Auntie didn’t pursue her either. She needs to re-evaluate the clown group's combat capabilities.

Both sides called a truce at the same time and returned to their base to lick their wounds.

This encounter was something no one expected. The Sword of Mercy turned out to have such a violent side.

A mate like Katakuri was cut so badly that his bones were exposed.

Gee, this can shock the onlookers.

Noah sighed after returning to Wano Country. He really didn't expect that his character would be ruined this time.

Now let's see if bigmomn can hold back this tone.

This is what Noah told everyone when he returned to the headquarters.

He has already made preparations to sway someone, and this is not the first time he has led someone into a trap.

As long as Charlotte Lingling has this intention, the Revolutionary Army will definitely cooperate fully and formulate a detailed encirclement and killing plan.

Unexpectedly, a strange calm followed. Neither party took the initiative to attack, and the sea temporarily calmed down.

Auntie was a little surprised, the Battosai was a bit too strong.

Several of her main combat forces are still lying on the hospital bed, and other ministers are still useless. She doesn't want to start a war now.

Every time I have this impulse, there will be a warning from my soul.

Wano Country has made a plan to encircle and kill them, waiting for the other party to move first.

The atmosphere went from tense, to solemn, to suspended, to disappeared, and it just passed?

Time passed slowly, and the onlookers gave up chasing. There was no movement at all.

If it is not even serialized in gossip and underground publications, it is really impossible to do it.

Noah also made this judgment. He failed to control his emotions last time and his strength was slightly exposed.

With the Yonko's eyesight, he could naturally see that this swordsman was not easy to deal with.

Find Bucky who is practicing and tell him that he is ready to go back.

During this period, Bucky's strength has improved rapidly, and his potential is really strong.

The progress of Haki is even more exaggerated, and he may have the idea of ​​becoming stronger. Domineering also reflects inner strength to a certain extent.

At this moment, Overlord's color is no longer as weak as it was at the beginning, which is understandable.

Since the aunt is frightened, there is no use for him to stay here, so he should go back.

With the door fruit, it is convenient to go back and forth, and there is no point in standing there for a long time.

After four months of chaotic fighting, it was a pity that it ended like this.

But this world is real to Noah, and every change will bring more variables.

The bigmom pirates will look for opportunities to attack in the future.

With the sea outside the country, Noah put on another vest and prepared to return to the South China Sea.

Now the navy has been dispatched on the New World Sea, and I heard that Kizaru has returned to the G1 branch to guard it.

By sending him here, the navy can rest assured, the world government can rest assured, and even the pirates can rest assured. The revolutionary army is also relieved.

It is really not easy to be as versatile as General Kizaru.

Aokiji is at the headquarters, while Akainu is patrolling the paradise stage.

All I can say is that the paradise stage is really miserable, and the pirate paradise is a bit unworthy of its name.

Walking leisurely on the sea, the South China Sea has formed its own system and operates automatically.

Someone no longer needs to set the direction.

We discuss and vote on many things. This mature method of handling affairs is the result of so many years of hard work.

Therefore, this journey was very comfortable. At the same time, I also did some reflection and checked to see if there was any missing work.

Morgans has yet to do an interview.

I have to write a reply to Aoki, Kizaru, and Zefa.

There are also a lot of letters from the lieutenant general that I need to reply to. They are all book fans. Is there some content that we can talk about a little bit beyond the line?

The queen of Dressrosa has been trying to contact the revolutionary army, and she was actually contacted. With some help, she also initiated reforms. She is really an excellent king.

Lao Sha needs to give him some benefits. He can't hang on to Pluto's information all the time. Do you want to give him a book of Desert Heroes?

The latest color magazines of clothing, shoes and bags from Nine Snakes have been printed and they have to be delivered as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, this will open their country earlier than the revolutionary army ideas.

It's better to keep in touch with Hawkeye less, I'm still afraid, the transaction method is too violent.

There are so many stops and starts along the way, and there are so many little things that have been put off until now. It took two months of hard work.

Brumuru. Brumuru.

Hey, dragon, what's going on?

Nanhai, something happened!

This volume is coming to an end.

It started to wrap up in these two days.

I have a feeling that the next volume will be very tiring to write.

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