Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 365 Noah’s Praising Conference

It was a happy reunion with Robin.

It's really been a long time since we last saw each other. This is the first time the two have been separated for a long time since O'Hara.

Being able to see family members I haven't seen for a long time also brought a successful end to this trip.

Hiyori also specially brought the red sheath warrior to greet Noah.

The general of Wano, who knew the weight of the revolutionary light, would not dare to neglect the distinguished guests.

She learned about Noah's status and reputation in the outside world from the samurai who had returned home before.

Light of revolution, enemy of the world, reformer of the South China Sea.

The aura under the bonus of multiple identities can blind people's eyes.

It doesn't have to be like this. Let's get along as before. Our revolutionary army doesn't talk about this.

Hiyori is a good person, and after working with Robin for so long, she has learned their concepts very thoroughly.

Then it was time to say hello to everyone in the clown troupe.

Denjiro acted as the intermediary and gave a basic introduction to both parties.

Baki, the Four Emperors of the Sea

Only when Yamato was introduced, I felt a little hesitant.

My name is Yamato, my father is Kaido, and my first teacher was Kozuki Oden.

Yamato introduced himself gracefully.

Everyone present was one of his own, and Hiyori only brought the Red Scabbard Samurai with him, so there was no need to keep this identity secret.

When they heard that the woman in front of them was Kaido's daughter, everyone in Wano was a little confused and didn't know what to say for a while.

Can Kaido have a daughter?

Denjiro sent a message at this time, saying that he would report it separately, and the matter was ignored.

Afterwards, a simple banquet was held in a lively atmosphere.

At this time, Wano Country had not yet emerged from the Kaido Serpent Era, causing trouble. The staple food was divided according to the head, the meat was mainly fish, and the vegetables were some freshly grown wild vegetables.

It's not that Taoyuan Farm doesn't have some other meat and vegetables. The revolutionary army has been transporting supplies to Wano, but it's really just enough.

Normally as a general of Hiyori, these are the set meals.

Originally, Hiyori wanted to welcome the clown group with a high-standard ceremony and food, but Robin refused.

She said that there is no shortage of food for them in the outside world, so there is no need to go out of their way to do this.

Now every expense in Wano Country is counted, and the whole country is tightening their belts, as long as they show their sincerity.

If you don't become a householder, you don't know that tea, rice, oil and salt are expensive, and that this is a country like Wano that has been suffering for a long time.

As the representative of the left-behind revolutionary army and the development consultant of Wano Country, Robin is settling accounts every day.

After a simple calculation of the entertainment expenses, I felt that the spirit of hardship and simplicity should not be lost, and it was better to just have a light meal.

Without wine and food, other performances are indispensable. Hiyori, as a general, performed a shamisen himself.

It can be regarded as a feast for the guests and the host.

After the banquet was over, everyone went to rest, or continue to be busy.

Noah and Robin chatted about the progress of Wano.

The transformation of Wano Country was very smooth, with land reform and environmental transformation completed half a year ago.

There is also a good foundation for the popularization of education and ideological emancipation.

The construction of some large facilities is progressing steadily without any problems.

After the great chaos, the great governance turned out to be smoother indeed.

The rest of the political reform took off after the samurai who had studied abroad returned.

After all, due to lack of time, private promotion work is progressing slowly, and it will be faster if local progressive people promote it.

Wano's cabinet is still discussing how to form it, but it has already begun to take shape.

Having said all that, Robin is also very proud.

These things were all carried out under her auspices, and they were considered achievements. Naturally, she wanted her elder brother to come and see them.

The revolutionary army all thought that she was just a teacher following Noah, but as an orthodox doctor of O'Hara, how could she be willing to teach silently.

Studying historical texts is my main job, but what should I do if many historical texts have been taken away by the world government?

Of course, he overthrew the world government, and then walked openly among the flowers to watch.

Following Noah for so many years, many ideas have been influenced by him.

After explaining the affairs of Wano, Noah also told Robin the story of the clown's journey to become emperor.

No matter how much he wrote in the letter, there were still no ups and downs as described verbally. Noah was a good storyteller, and Bucky was simply a replica of the fallen prince who ascended the throne.

Denjiro was telling Hiyori and the others the same story.

This small gathering is composed of senior officials from Wano Country, and everyone is listening to the analysis of Taoyuan Swordsman.

First there are the three Shichibukai, Crocodile, Empress Nine Snakes, and the world's greatest swordsman. Finally, there are the four emperors of the New World, red hair, white beard, and Big Mom.

After talking about it, Denjiro was so thirsty that he drank several bottles of water.

This Mr. Noah's connections are really powerful.

Almost all the top leaders of the external forces have friends, and even the theoretically hostile forces have developed many friends. It is unexpected that they are so good at dancing.

Shouldn't it be culture and thought that are more powerful? He wrote a program from scratch, determined the central idea of ​​the revolutionary army, and wrote so many popular works.

And he achieved horrific results in the propaganda war. It can be said that ideologically, he was definitely 500 years ahead of this era.

I feel that his resourcefulness is really unfathomable. He single-handedly determined the development path when the outside world was at a disadvantage.

A solid foundation has been laid at all levels including industry, commerce, agriculture and education.

This time Denjiro-kun also saw that Bucky’s path to power was unexpectedly smooth, and it was all within Mr. Noah’s plan.

What kind of great wisdom is it to integrate vertically and horizontally throughout the process and seek development among all forces.

“As a red sheath warrior, I have only seen Mr. Noah’s extremely powerful force.

Without his forceful suppression, this journey would not have been possible.

Without force, how to talk to the Shichibukai, how to compete with the world's greatest swordsman, how to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, and how to defeat the team of envoys from all nations.

This is all brought about by its strong strength. We must strengthen our practice. Please count me among the next batch of overseas warriors.

The words of the Red Scabbards lifted Noah up to an unparalleled level, leaving Hiyori helpless.

She knows how powerful and smart the revolutionary lights are. Sister Robin has already said a lot about these things in her daily life. Shouldn't what we want to discuss now be what to do next?

After Hiyori's reminder, everyone realized that this was not the time to pay homage to legends.

Now Wano Country is officially the territory of the Four Emperors Baki. With this cover, the construction of Wano Country must be accelerated.

Denjiro's words imply that a decisive battle will break out at any time in the future. If they want to make achievements in the war, there is not much time left for them.

Now we must quickly discuss the candidates for the second batch of overseas warriors and the recruitment of the clown troupe.

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