Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 362 The iron-rod woman and the two-knife man

Seeing this situation, the two strong men could no longer bear it.

You are so powerful that you can contain us from afar, but why are you meddling in the affairs of the people below? Isn't this just a prank?

He was severely suppressed by Kaido before, and now he meets Bucky the Clown, which is also bad luck.

There is still courage to distinguish between life and death.

The two captains looked at each other and got angry at the same time.

The fruit's abilities are awakened and covered in armament colors, and one of them also has an Overlord color!

It’s amazing, it’s truly a new world.

Noah didn't want to fight. His injuries were almost healed, so he should attack with all his strength.

Everyone present was lucky enough to see the great swordsman in a berserk state.

The red sword flew across the sky, and the hundred-foot-long sword slashed through the air towards the two powerful men with terrifying lethality.

The two of them managed to block it reasonably.

So if you block it once, you can block it twice, can you block it dozens of times?

In fact there are only seven swords.

Noah fired seven swords in succession, and the red sword energy turned the sky into the same color.

After the Seven Swords, there is no trace of the two captains in this world.

This is the difference between Huangji and the following. Like a chasm.

At full strength, it is normal to quickly defeat your opponent.

Especially the great swordsman whose attack power is at the upper limit of the Emperor's level.

Seeing that the two strongest leaders were killed, the remaining pirates also collapsed and began to flee.

In the end, they were wiped out one by one, and no one escaped.

On the sea, unless you have special fruit abilities, the possibility of escaping by physical skills is too small.

Not even the fishmen can escape. The revolutionary army has always had an advantage in underwater power.

Keep going.

Seeing that the battlefield had been cleared, the Emperor Bucky continued to move forward.

At the same time, the results of this battle also spread.

The Pirate Alliance was defeated in one blow. Blood dyed the sea area red.

Is the emperor's wrath really a bloody mess?

In this battle, the Clown Group turned on the bloody mode and killed the Pirate Alliance without leaving any trace behind.

There was no one left alive. This move also made people discover a problem.

This pirate group is extremely cruel after entering the new world.

Instead of taking the path of suppression and subjugation, they directly sent people on their way.

This is how the name of the Clown Troupe came about.

The pirates in the new world have a lot of fear and disgust for Bucky, so they can only work hard on nicknames.

I can't beat you if you hit me, but I can disgust you with these things.

No one from Bucky to the ordinary crew members cared much about this nickname. They were the revolutionary army and were not here to play pirate games.

In the days to come, the clown group will be a nightmare in this sea area.

When they were about to reach Wano, a piece of information reached Noah's hands.

‘The Queen of All Nations was very angry that Baki didn’t visit her, and sent Katakuri as a representative to come and cause trouble for us? ’

Noah is just a veteran Yonko, quite cautious. Isn't it that Big Mom is like Kaido, a guy who likes to do whatever he wants after he gets the upper hand?

Yep, that’s about it.

Stop, wait for Wanguo's fleet on the island in front. We have to teach Ka Er a lesson.

The official conflict with the Imperial Group is about to begin, and the entire army is preparing for war.

Yamato and others are gearing up and can't wait.

Continuous bloody battles made their warlike hearts burning.

It would be great if I could become famous in this battle.

The nicknames they have gotten so far are not very nice.

Yamato is the iron girl who is extremely clumsy, and Denjiro is the two-sword man who is extremely low-key.

This is the deep malice coming from the pirate world.

After learning their nicknames, both of them said that their reputations were like clouds. They were staunch revolutionary fighters and how could they be affected by Xiaoxiao?

In the ensuing battles, the two men charged forward again and again, and each time they fought, they would declare their home.

Godly Dog Yamato, come and learn!

Taoyuan Swordsman. Denjiro is here!

Hit someone and roar once, and the entire battlefield will be filled with their voices.

Teacher Noah, don't they care?

Well, yes, it's not too much to tell yourself your family status.

Also, you have to be sympathetic in this kind of thing, what if the Navy actually adopts this nickname? It's a huge blow to the heart.

Noah understood their troubles very well.

If the Navy had given him gangster titles like East China Sea Villain or O'Hara Survivor Man when he debuted, he wouldn't have been able to accept it.

Seeing their hard-working performances on the battlefield, Noah really wanted to say that it’s useless even if your throats are broken.

There is a saying that is right, the prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain, no matter how hard you try, you can't move it.

No matter how strong you are, you can't control so many people's mouths. This is where the term people's mouths win is used.

Seeing how hard the two cadres worked, Noah decided to find a way to help them move the mountain.

There was nothing he could do about the pirates, but the navy could still do some propaganda.

It would be useful after all to let the publicity department of the underground world publicize their names.

The navy is also a shameless person. It seems too uneducated to offer a bounty of hundreds of millions to a man with two swords and a woman with iron sticks.

Denjiro-kun, please leave Katakuri to me in a moment. He and I are both mates of the Imperial Regiment, and we have equal status. It can be said that we meet our opponents and will meet good talents.

Yamato-kun, what you said is wrong. Our revolutionary army doesn't talk about seniority in ranking. We are all in the same boat. We just need to compete fairly.




I'll go meet Ka Er later.


Teacher Noah, you're just a Katakuri, that's not it.

Don't underestimate that guy, his strength ranks among the best in the entire sea.

The strength is good, the foundation is solid, the fruit development has reached a very strong level, and the knowledge and color are also at their peak.

Compared with him, you are still far behind, so it would be safer for me to do it.

Dahai is a real man. The combat power of Ka Er is worthy of recognition. Zooming in and going up is a gift.

After listening to what Noah said, Yamato and others also reflected on it. Recently, they have been a little impetuous.

He actually looked down upon a true royal mate.

A group of people set up camp on this island.

The fleets from all nations are also coming quickly.

Brother Katakuri, are we going to kill all the clowns this time?

Just to express our attitude.

Looking at the information in his hand, Katakuri knew the trouble of this mission.

I don’t know how many people in the sea hope to see the official war between Wanguo and the Clown Group.

They are all four emperors, and it is a good thing for everyone to die.

If the opponent is not strong enough, he will not worry and will simply destroy it, ignoring his mother's majesty.

To do such a thing after visiting the other two emperors, this is naked contempt.

But no.

No matter how you look at the information about the Clown Group, they are a serious team of emperors.

Objectively speaking, these people should not be opponents.

It’s difficult to do.

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