Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 361: Conflict Marketing

The Four Emperors Bucky escaped unscathed after visiting Whitebeard, and there was suspected to be a violent conflict during the period.

The gossip on the sea took off again.

There are many spies in Whitebeard's territory, and many people saw Bucky's ship sailing towards the Moby Dick.

Later, the vision of the sky splitting due to Bawangse's confrontation could not be hidden.

That kind of horrific confrontation, if you say there was no conflict, who would believe it?

The subsequent secret push by the revolutionary army further fueled various speculations.

Captain Bucky said to his face: It's just Whitebeard! 》

This is true, no matter what the circumstances were, no one can deny it.

A red-nosed man placed this sentence on the bow of the Moby-Dick, triggering the first overlord-colored confrontation.

The crew members of the Clown Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates clashed head-on, and ended up being evenly matched. 》

Marco must have regretted it when he saw this news. He shouldn't have made blind gestures on the boat, which led to Kenshin's counterattack.

Well, in the eyes of outsiders, the crew members of both sides collided and it was a tie.

If you really want to say that, it can’t be wrong.

Marco couldn't explain to the outside world that he didn't fight, but that he was suppressed by the opponent's captain. Wouldn't that be more embarrassing?

Baki chose the country of peace, waiting for the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor

It's boring to kill without teaching. First make an announcement. If there are still disobedient people, they will be destroyed.

It's a tailwind game now, so of course we'll fight as many as we come.

Only then can the capabilities of the Buggy Pirates be shown, and only then can they be able to protect their own territory.

Captain Bucky says again: He wouldn't mind fighting the Queen of All Nations

The news cannot be released only in a way that is beneficial to Bucky. The revolutionary army must adhere to the principle of fairness and openness.

At the same time, he set a hook for the older girl.

I hope Auntie can lose her mind and come to Wano Country in person, and then she can release news that will shock the sea.

The fall of an emperor can easily change the pattern of the new world or the sea.

After releasing the information to the outside world, the propaganda department can relax for a few days.

They are really too busy. It is a headache to concoct some selective information every three days.

This type of marketing can be regarded as a trick brought by Noah from another world.

In the final analysis, the strength is still insufficient, and certain means are needed to assist in reaching the top.

If he could punch Whitebeard and kick Shanks, why not engage in a public opinion war? It would be better to just start the movie.

Subsequently, the Emperor Baki sailed firmly towards the country of Wano.

All pirates who resisted along the way were wiped out.

As for those who come to express their surrender, find a reason and destroy them.

Even if the revolutionary army is disguised, it cannot accept this garbage.

They really know how to kill people and set fires to collect protection fees, which is inconsistent with the character set by the Bucky Pirates all the way.

At this time, I discovered that the Kenshin patch applied in advance was just right to use at this time.

The reason why the Sword of Mercy joined the group was to protect the civilians and to abandon the emperor's combat power to win over those miscellaneous fishes. Cerebral palsy cannot do such a thing.

Therefore, Bucky's pirate group has a very fatal flaw.

It's just staff replenishment.

They could only recruit crew members from Wano Country, the Revolutionary Army and the forces of Fish-Man Island.

Pirates from outside cannot be recruited.

To a large extent, they will follow the red-haired approach and put fewer but more refined labels directly on them.

He is also from the Roger Pirates, and with the example of red hair, not many people will doubt Bucky's identity because of this.

Throughout this battle, Bakidu Noah did not take any action.

It all depends on the students and the swordsmen themselves.

Fortunately, everyone was more upbeat and fought very bravely.

The students are headed by Yamato, and the swordsmen group is headed by Denjiro.

Continuous bloody battles with emerging opponents.

It’s not that there are many stubborn people, it’s that Noah and the others moved too fast.

The group of pirates who were entrenched in Kaido's territory and had looted a lot of good things had no time to escape and were blocked.

They all wanted to take advantage of Bucky and the others before they came, grab what should be taken, grab what should be snatched, pack up the loot and then make a strategic retreat.

It can be considered as a way to gain some benefit from your retreat. The Emperor Bucky can't come after him just for this little thing.

That's so ungraceful.

Of course, there is enough time. There is still one emperor left who has not gone to pay homage to the mountain gate.

Who would have thought, Bucky and his gang were already thinking about how to provoke Big Mom in private, so how could they worry about this.

According to popular wisdom, after leaving Whitebeard's territory, one should go straight to Totland of All Nations.

Then there will be a confrontation, or a battle, to get the approval of the aunt, and the position of the Fourth Emperor will be completely won.

Who would have thought that two of the Three Bucky Emperors were gone and one was left alone.

Why are you still discriminating against pirates? You are taking the initiative to make enemies.

Don't understand, don't understand.

But when I think about it, this is the only example of someone who has just arrived in the new world and chatted with the emperor one by one to set up a battle.

It's normal for this kind of person to do any unexpected things.

These unlucky guys can only lament that they are not emperors and do not have the brain circuits of emperors.

With no way to take refuge, he had no choice but to fight against the Imperial Group.

Kill, they won't give us a way to survive, and we will fight with them!

Several desperate pirate ships formed a loose alliance and came over.

They could see the determination of the Bucky Pirates, and their attitude of killing them all directly pushed them to the line of life and death.

This is the swan song of the last and largest pirate gangs.

Together they launched a final charge against King Bucky. This tragic and decisive courage infected everyone.

This explosion of seeds in a life-threatening situation caused a lot of trouble for Yamato and the others.

Every captain on the opposite side is at least as good as Yamato and Denjiro.

There are even one or two who have surpassed them. These are potential stocks that are expected to reach the top of the throne.

But those two people were so stunned by Noah's sword intent that they had no chance to take action.

I can only watch other people fighting in this battlefield.

A group of people slaughtered everyone on Kaido's territory.

Various fruit abilities, physical skills, and sword skills are all mixed in.

Do anything you can to survive.

The Revolutionary Army has a lime strategy, and the opponent has similar operations.

When you can't beat him, pretend to be dead and then fight back. Or trade injuries for lives, trade lives for lives, and beat them until they are disgraced.

The meat grinder-like battlefield gave the people on Bucky's side a unique baptism. This is the reality of the new world.

The previous world was all a false world, a false power created by Noah using his own ingenuity and the power of the revolutionary army.

Now that you let go, that's what you really have to face.

During this period, there were almost attrition several times, but Noah took action to stabilize the situation.

Another day and night passed, and the battle situation went from suppressed to 50-50, and the situation began to favor the revolutionary army.

The life and death battle experience they lacked was quickly supplemented and absorbed.

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