Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 363 The little master of arching fire

The strong man standing on the bow of the boat is Ka Er. Isn't it hot to wear a scarf on such a hot day?

Who knows.

Are Dafu and Irving standing behind Ka Er?

These three people together do not have a reward of 2 billion beli, so it seems that the probability of a fight is low.

That Owen

The temperature fruit is really a good thing.

I don’t know if it can be revealed at this time.

Sometimes it feels like those with fruit abilities are just walking treasure chests. If you explode one, it will be randomly refreshed in the world.

It's a pity that the doctor can't make the fruit detector in Dragon Ball.

Of course, it is fortunate that there is no such thing, otherwise the world would be dark and scary.

Wan Guo's fleet was not as powerful as imagined.

Normal docking, normal visit.

He was quite polite and his words were civilized. He didn't even use a curse word. It's hard to find fault with him.

If someone else from Wan Guo leads the team, it is really possible for them to start a war.

But card two.

This guy can be considered brave and resourceful on the sea.

He was the only one in the entire world who could be looked down upon by Noah.

Also, if Big Mom didn't come in person to face Buggy the Clown, who is also one of the Four Emperors, Katakuri could be the representative.

When the two parties met, Bucky naturally sat on the throne without even raising his eyes, acting as arrogant as he could.

Except for Kenshin, he still maintains his gentle persona and does not show his attitude.

Others, such as Yamato and Denjiro, maintained a superior mentality.

When did Dafu and Irving suffer from this anger? They represent all nations on their missions to all parts of the sea, and no one of them is respectful and frightened.

You new juniors, don’t you take our nations seriously?

As for the Fourth Emperor?

Mom hasn’t spoken yet!

He was about to explode on the spot, but was stopped by Ka Er who saw him in advance.

As soon as he came to the clown group, he felt something was wrong. Why were these people so hostile?

As the recognized Fourth Emperor, Bucky the Clown had no reason to rush to break up with the old Emperor.

I heard that he and Whitebeard just had a confrontation.

During the induction, the vice-captain Himura Kenshin was so full of sword intent that he and his mother were indeed on the same level.

On the contrary, the aura of this clown emperor was as low-key as that of an ordinary pirate, which was abnormal.

You said the Queen of All Nations was dissatisfied that we didn't go to her?


Will go, but not now.

Katakuri frowned. As a mature emperor, shouldn't you just find a way to make both parties step down?

Captain Bucky seems to be very hostile to us, Ten Nations?

No, they are just pirates. There is no friendship. That's what Whitebeard and I said.

Ka Er had nothing to say and was blocked.

The situation was awkward. Katakuri never thought of initiating a conflict this time. The enemy cannot move, I cannot move,

He didn't think about it, Bucky did.

I heard that Charlotte Lingling has a historical text?

Go and see someday.

This is a naked provocation. Yika Er's calm mood couldn't be suppressed.


The domineering aura swept across the audience.

For the sake of being told this, if I didn't get angry, I would really think that this clown is so powerful.


The overlord-colored confrontation begins.

This surging domineering force slanted out, and everyone around him was fascinated by it.

The suppressed anger fueled Ka Er's courage.

He felt that this was his strongest display of dominance in all his years at sea.

Now let’s see how the other side responds.

Is it the Clown King or Battosai?

There's no choice.

Noah sighed, his gentle eyes becoming a little more serious.


There was a loud noise, and the wind pushed to Ka Er's side.

Then the wind calmed down, and the bent grass resumed its swaying appearance in the wind.

Before the dark clouds in the sky gather, there is no target.

There were no lightning, thunder, howling wind, or roaring waves.


The overlord-colored confrontation ended in an instant.

What happened?

Owen and Dafu were waiting to see their brother get angry and embarrass the opponent.

What happened just now? Why did I seem to see Katakuri's brother's overbearing look being crushed by someone?

At this moment, Ka Er himself, who was frozen on the spot, was truly horrified and inexplicable.

He knew that there had indeed been an overlord-colored confrontation before.

The opponent's domineering force is very special and extremely powerful.

Hot, thick, and extremely domineering.

In an instant, he defeated his overbearing look.

Is this the great swordsman who is famous all over the world? He strikes lightly, but he is so heroic. He is really powerful.

No wonder the Clown King sitting aside remained motionless, and the crew behind him had the same expression.

This shows that the strength of the Fourth Emperor is unfathomable!

This is not Katakuri's fault. He made an empiricist error.

Noah's domineering power is indeed super strong, but it's not so strong that he can be crushed instantly.

There are many reasons for this scene.

One is that Katakuri has not yet reached his peak. When he appears eight years later, he will be at the peak of his combat power. He is still a little green at this time.

The second one is that Noah seems to be calm and relaxed, but in fact he is going all out.

His domineering characteristics are too obvious, and they can only be played by time differences, so that people who don't know him can't figure out the details.

If you calculate mentally but not carelessly, you will basically fall into a trap at the level of Ka-2.

The effect of this overlord color confrontation was also very good, completely clearing the gradually solemn atmosphere between the two sides, and the Wan Guo side did not dare to stab.

After confirming with their brother, Dafu and Owen became honest, and their previous expressions of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction were restrained very well.

Alas, it is better for Dahai to speak with strength.

We can't make the final decision regarding the historical text. We will report it to mother when we return.

Hmm, I didn't expect to get the historical text in just a few sentences.

Captain Roger ruined a lot of things when he got your historical text, hahahahahahaha.

Bucky's laughter was a bit harsh to Kaer and the others.

Congratulations to Captain Bucky for becoming the emperor. Mom is waiting for you in Totland of All Nations.

After saying that, Ka Er turned around and left with his brothers.

It's a bit dangerous here. This emperor's ill will towards all nations is too obvious.

He didn't care, but it wouldn't be okay if his brothers died here.

The nations are approaching fiercely, but their departure is quite neat.

Those expecting a fight were disappointed.

This BIGMOM doesn't work. The face of a latecomer emperor cannot be suppressed.

The good people spread the news everywhere, hoping that after hearing it, Auntie would immediately come to Wano Country.

The revolutionary army thought the same way, so they started all kinds of propaganda.

Katakuri suffered a disastrous defeat. The new emperor's majesty cannot be challenged.

Wan Guo? You can go whenever you want!

The Fourth Emperor defeated BIGMOM to reach the top. Who will win in the battle between the old and the new?

I have to say that this group of people have mastered it, and the little tricks to conquer the fire are one after another.

They are all talents.

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