This kind of lines, at first glance, were written by Noah and were used to enhance the character.

At that time, it was another way of saying that Whitebeard was old.

At the same time, acknowledging the strength of your opponent is also acknowledging your own strength.

Haha, you have become calmer. Back then, you wanted to take off my head as soon as we met.

Having said this, Whitebeard felt a little uncomfortable looking at Marco and the others who were sitting on the edge and listening quietly.

Marco was also a very brave young man back then, and he directly challenged Rayleigh. Although he was teased a lot, he was still stronger than he is now.

By contrast. The red nose in front of me is just like Shanks, another child from another family.

Just irritating. Roger will be angry even if he dies. snort!

I was just young back then.

What now?

Now everyone who stands in my way of becoming the Pirate King is an enemy, and Shanks is no exception!


Whitebeard's eyes widened with anger, and he leaned forward, as if an ancient sacred mountain was pressing down on him.

That kind of terrifying pressure almost made Bucky reveal his true colors.

Accompanied by the sound of swords from the cadres on both sides, it really felt like eight hundred swordsmen swarmed forward and chopped the two people into pulp.

As the deputy captain, Himura Kenshin must take action to support his captain at this time. It is estimated that Bucky will be unable to carry it within 5 seconds.

The great swordsman sat on the ground, without any movement, but with all his sword intent passing through his body, he was pressing down on the white-bearded cadres.

Suppressing all the heroes with one sword is so direct and naked.

What about Whitebeard, what about Marco the Phoenix, what about Foil Bista, what about Diamond Jozi.

Under the sword of the executioner Battosai, all living beings are equal.

The swordsmen on the ship were silent in the wind, trying their best to resist the sword intent. Only Cong Yunqie still insisted on the pride of the supreme sharp sword, and was also proud of his master, without any reaction.

Stimulated by this sword intent, Marco and Bista's fighting spirit surged, and they wanted to start a fight on the spot. Other cadres also showed their intention to fight.

Although the unparalleled swordsmanship of the top swordsman was extremely lethal, it was not something they had never encountered before in the Whitebeard Pirates.

The atmosphere was tense again, and war was about to break out.

Tiqi in the crowd was also targeted by this sword intent. He tried hard not to show his true strength, and even broke out in a lot of cold sweat to show that he was under great pressure.

Sachi quickly stood in front of him and helped him share part of the sword pressure.

Looking at the back of the captain of the fourth division, Tiqi showed a moved expression on his face, but in fact, there was only boundless indifference deep in his eyes.

Friendship, family affection, playing house, please bear with it for a little longer.

He said he was being patient, but seeing Bucky competing with Whitebeard and drawing his sword against the heroes, he was still a little jealous. Damn it, if it were him.

He wouldn't do that either. Facing the overwhelming superiority of the Whitebeard Pirates and still refusing to retreat is not what a smart person should do.

Whitebeard was also amazed when he felt the boundless sword intent coming from behind Bucky.

Such great swordsmen have joined Bucky's disciples, and today's young people are really amazing.

If it weren't for the conversation between captains, he would really want to talk to the Sword of Mercy.

The response of the two people on the other side made everything he did was in vain.

A man with an expressionless face, but with astonishing courage.

A person with a calm face, but a sharp edge.

For a moment, Whitebeard was a little distracted.

Even if such a person became the fourth emperor, it would not be considered as insulting the majesty of the emperor.

Is there anything else you want to do here this time?

No, I just came to see the magnanimity of other emperors.

Are you going to Lingling's side too?

According to Whitebeard's idea, we went to see the red hair and me, and the next step was to see the last emperor.

This way, you can penetrate deep into the enemy's lair without fear of encirclement and killing.

It is really crazy to use your own strength and courage to directly talk to the emperors to gain equal status.

The red hair just kept fighting with other big pirates, or playing chess with the emperor from a distance, fighting with his own forces.

This kind of operation of Wang Jianwang is not something normal people dare to do.

Of course, this kind of gold content is also the highest.

Just meeting him today, if I was not careful, it would be a shocking bloody battle.

Three times before, they were almost in close combat, with the two sides fighting to the death.

Haha, the current junior pirates

“Of course I want to go to Big Mom, but I don’t know if they will welcome us.

Of course, if there is hostility, you might as well have a fight.

I am satisfied with seeing the white beard and red hair on this trip, and the remaining one is not bad as an enemy.

Having said this, even Marco and others completely recognized the emperor.

Strong in strength, strong in spirit, and strong in crew.

They couldn't do it without the courage to start a war with another emperor just after he ascended the throne.

That's right, Marco and others have recognized Bucky's status as emperor.

Now there are only three emperors left in total. The red hair has already approved it, and the father seems to also approve of this one's status, so the opinion of the remaining one really doesn't matter that much.

A simple feast followed.

After the banquet, Bucky said goodbye to everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, saying that he was going to visit the territory.

This topic is a bit sensitive.

Marco asked in a deep voice.

Where is Captain Bucky's territory located?

Wano Country.

This choice is not surprising.

Because of the restraints of the three imperial groups and Rayleigh's warning, no one really took over.

Considering the relationship between Rayleigh and Bucky, Xiang Bi would not object.

Do you want to expel all the pirate groups that have gone around Wano? Our Whitebeard Pirates can help you.


Whitebeard stopped his stupid son's words.

He understood that Marco wanted to think more about the Whitebeard Pirates, and hoped that in this way he could form a certain alliance with the Bucky Pirates.

But people have their own considerations. Judging from their current state of mind and skill, they must have their own ideas.

No need, I haven't seen much blood this time in the new world. After all, I want people to understand what awe is.

The understatement revealed a deep confidence. And a determined desire to kill.

When an emperor ascends to the throne, in addition to the recognition of others of the same rank, the bloody path is indispensable.

Pirates are afraid of power but not moral, and are destined to rely on killing to solve the final problem.

Don't look at Bucky being a little scared in front of Whitebeard, but except for the Imperial Group, they really don't have to worry about anyone in the new world.

Now that the white beard and red hair have been taken care of, the revolutionary army no longer needs to be timid.

If the remaining Charlotte Lingling dares to come in person, we will lure her into the country of peace and kill her.

It would be okay if one of the four emperors dies and a new emperor ascends the throne.

However, the aunt is still very cautious at this time, after all, her good brother Kaido has died.

Facing Bucky's climb to the top, at most Katakuri would be sent to fight.

The emperors will not act rashly until they find out the details of the new emperor.

Next month, keep up the good work.

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