Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 359 Confronting Whitebeard

The Emperor Bucky slowly entered the territory ruled by Whitebeard.

Because Qiaozi and others had already said hello, no one jumped out to test the quasi-emperor's skills for their father, which saved Noah a lot of trouble.

Before entering the territory, I had done a lot of homework, but it turned out to be useless.

Newgate is indeed the anchor of this big ship. Before his death, this team could be said to be the strongest pirate group in name.

Bucky, are you ready? We're going to see the world's strongest man soon.

Okay, ready.

As the ship went deeper, the huge Moby Dick could already be seen.

Bucky became more and more awake, falling back to the ground from the sky before.

That macho man with a strange beard is the monster who cuts each other off with Captain Roger.

Isn't it a bit rash to go to the dock with him this time?

Teacher Noah, wouldn't it be good for us to come here directly? How about we come back in a few days?

If you leave now, you will make them think you are very unruly. If you are surrounded and killed by Whitebeard's fleet, don't blame me.

Then, let's go and have a look, hahaha.

What a forced laugh.

This is not possible, we are about to meet the rightful owner, so we cannot show our timidity.

Noah was not prepared to have a heart-to-heart relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates and blow up his vest.

Not to mention the large number of people in this group, there are many good and bad people, and there are many people with poor character.

Even if there are many well-known young men, if Akainu can lure one into rebellion, he can lure into several.

They are all ambitious people and must be on guard against them.

Noah whispered.

Oh~ I heard that the red hair and the white beard were chatting and laughing, never falling behind.

He also said before that if you have any difficulties, you can come to him and he won't ask for help now. I don't care.

Yamato, help me get the phone bug.

Yamato, this idiot, actually went to get it.

It was this action that completely stimulated Bucky. He roared directly.

No need, it's just a white beard!

The red-haired Noble Phantasm is really useful, but how should we bear the consequences?

Ku la la la la, the little brat now is so brave. He dares to say such things in front of me!

Bucky forgot that they had already arrived at Whitebeard's ship, how could they not hear such words.

Still, everyone present heard it.

On the ship of the revolutionary army, naturally they admire the bravery and fearlessness of their own captain, who dares to deal with his face. The most domineering man on the sea is our captain Bucky!

On Whitebeard's boat.

Marco spread his wings, and the flames on his body had already jumped dozens of meters high. His eyes were fixed on the arrogant red nose.

Even the gentlemanly Bista was livid, holding a sword in both hands, vowing to kill the clown in front of his father.

The other brothers also unleashed murderous intent to deal with this group of ignorant people.

How brave someone is to talk nonsense in front of Moby Dick!

It's not good to bully someone's sword. Murderous aura struck the opposing battleships one after another.

Only Whitebeard, after the initial anger, found it very interesting.

The brat on Roger's boat had such a courage that Marco and the others couldn't compare to.

Few young people dare to say this to their face anymore.

However, offending his majesty is not easy to get over.

The dignity of the emperor cannot be violated.

Then, a strong wind suddenly blew on the sea, and dark clouds appeared in the sky to cover the sea area. Amidst the lightning and thunder, the emperor's anger was vented.


The domineering color belonging to Whitebeard comes to this world.

Let’s test you with pressure.

Let's see if your courage and courage are worthy of your own ambitions.

Bucky was worthy of facing such pressure. A firm and powerful domineering energy emanated from his body, directly withstanding Whitebeard's suppression.

It’s just overlord sex, I have it too, although it’s not strong, but I have Teacher Noah.

Noah, who was standing behind Bucky, restrained his aura and exuded his own domineering slightly to assist.

This is something that has been discussed. Bucky's overlord color is really a bit stretched. If he really relies on him to fight, he may create the fastest battle loss ratio against the overlord color. He can only rely on Noah to support him.

Noah couldn't use his full strength either, because his was too special and too recognizable.

Fortunately, red's domineering spirit still has a certain degree of tolerance and can coerce Bucky.

Eventually the 1+1 model was formed.

The dark clouds in the sky were shattered by the courage of both parties, which also proved from the side that this red nose is really qualified to stand in front of white beard.

Although the opponent's domineering aura is a bit strange and slightly red.

However, Whitebeard is not a figure who pursues him relentlessly.

He still took back his power and took the initiative to end the confrontation.

The sea became calm again.

Since we're here, let's talk.

After receiving Whitebeard's invitation, the two boarded the ship together.

Looking at the cadres around him who were watching eagerly, Bucky didn't show any panic on his face.

He walked up to Whitebeard even a little arrogantly and sat down calmly.

What a spirit! Everyone sighed secretly.

Noah, who was following behind, looked at Teach in the crowd.

A middle-aged man with a rugged appearance, thick hair, a tall build, and a few missing teeth.

At this time, Tiqi blended in the crowd and was inconspicuous.

Is this this kind of guy? At this time, he looks really honest.

Not only in appearance, but also in temperament. Good acting.

The closer someone is to you, the more unbearable the betrayal is.

The backlash of brotherly loyalty is enough for them to drink a cup of wine.

It’s better to find an opportunity to arrange for this kind of trouble-making boss in advance.

So many historical processes have been changed, and Noah no longer cares about the plot.

As long as Blackbeard hangs up in advance, a lot of things can be saved.

As for the Dark Fruit, what can I do if Sachi finds it?

The Dark Fruit requires the cooperation of two hearts in order to exert the most powerful power. Otherwise, it is just a relatively strong fruit ability user.

The only thing to note is that Whitebeard cannot find out when arranging Teach. He has never experienced his son's betrayal and cannot accept the reason given by Noah.

Even if he knew about Tiqi's betrayal, he couldn't do anything until no family members were harmed, which was really troublesome.

Maybe he had been observing for a long time and was discovered by Tiqi.

He gave Noah a simple and honest smile, then probably realized that he had to keep pace with his brothers, and started to glare at him with a clumsy fierceness.

Oh, the actor's self-cultivation.

No matter what, behind Bucky, Noah assumed the image of a silent swordsman and stopped making any moves.

Bucky, right? I didn't expect that it's time for you and Shanks to be equal to me. It's time.

With his big heart, he shouldn't have expressed such emotion, but when he was seriously injured and his sons failed to live up to expectations, he still said some unnecessary words.

Well, I came here just to see the strongest man from the previous era. As expected, he is still so powerful.

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