The enemy of the revolutionary army is the world government. There are many masters, and their technological level has surpassed the times under the leadership of Vegapunk.

To deal with such an enemy, submarines and fighter jets are just living targets. They are expensive to build, suffer heavy battle losses, and are ineffective.

Other weak enemies cannot use such high-tech tactics to clear the ground, which greatly reduces the usability of these modern weapons.

In a world full of seas, the equipment of the army is basically meaningless, such as tanks and armored vehicles.

Guns and artillery can still be developed. Generally, those who can cut through these are masters, but ordinary soldiers still can't.

After being humiliated by Dr. Tsukimi, Noah put away his pride. The scientific path of this world was not something he could dictate.

Electromagnetic guns, electromagnetic wave weapons, and kinetic energy weapons have all been installed on Bika.

He is definitely not powerful enough to deal with a general, but if an ordinary lieutenant general attacks alone, he really has no way to deal with Bika, and may even fight back.

Back on the Bucky, the coating has indeed been completed.

Dive directly into the deep sea and target Fishman Island.

The whereabouts of the quasi-emperor group must be both unexpected and predictable. This requires a certain degree of control.

In the quiet deep sea, Noah stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the super giant sea kings passing by and sighing.

Every time he passed by the deep sea, he would try to talk to these big guys, but it was all in vain.

Is this ancient weapon like Neptune really a weapon? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a kind of authority.

Thinking about the world government that disappeared for eight hundred years, it is quite powerful.

Able to defeat the Free Will coalition led by Joey Boy. Just these giant Neptunes and Zuo Wu walking around in the new world are so difficult to deal with. Sooner or later, he has to take a look at the big secret in the flower room.

We did very little when we arrived at Fish-Man Island this time. This was not the first time for the Swordsman Group to come.

Let them move freely. The recruits in the boot camp will follow the swordsman and see the sea scenery.

He took Bucky to see King Neptune for a chat.

Walk through the process.

The more he was in a crowded place, the more Noah cared about disguise.

After a cordial interaction with Ryugu Castle, the Emperor Bucky set off for the new world.

This new force, which affected countless pirates, finally reached the new world.

Mr. Noah, what should we do next?

Denjiro became vigilant after arriving in the new world. This sea area left a deep impression on him when he first went to sea.

The fighting continued, and the average combat power was good.

Purge the pirates, kill them all except the Imperial Group.

This is the original intention, and naturally no one objects to it.

Then when will you go to Wano Country?

This is what Yamato asked. She is very interested in Oden's hometown.

Let's wait until we finish a few key things.

The key thing is the finishing work of climbing to the top of the Yonko.

Those of us who have fought against Hawkeye, basically everyone agrees on the level of the Emperor Regiment in terms of combat power.

But besides me and Bucky, the reputation of the crew is also very important. This time in the new world, everyone must fight bravely to fight the enemy and make their own name.

Does this mean you can become the Four Emperors?

I still need to visit two people, and maybe have a fight with one person. Basically, the position of the Four Emperors will be stable.

Bucky had an ominous premonition.

Red hair, white beard, this is a must. If you meet these two emperors and get recognition, you are basically safe. As for the possibility of a fight~~

Charlotte Lingling!!!

That's right, it's a captain's battle, one that none of us will interfere in.


Bucky was petrified on the spot.

If Noah had told him this before going to sea, he would never come to the new world even if he died.

It seemed as if the scene of the aunt in the XXXXXXXXXXL floral skirt waving a big knife and chopping him into pieces appeared before his eyes.

Why was such a hellish task given to him? Tears fell from his eyes.

That's not what you said to Captain Reilly.

Tired, no longer in love.

Captain Bucky lay back in his chair, heartbroken.

Just kidding, if there is no conflict of interest with her, at most Katakuri will come over and talk about it.

If the aunt actually runs out, it will be time to break up, and then we will just shake her off.

To deal with this kind of pirate scum, there is no need to talk about the morality of the world, just shoulder to shoulder.

Just a Yonko, what are you afraid of? Even if the red-haired person is alone, she won't act like an aunt.

The Noble Phantasm was activated, and Bucky exploded.

His eyes narrowed, and his voice became higher pitched.

It's just the Yonko, will I be afraid?!

He looked so arrogant, as if he was the Four Emperors and Big Mom was the new pirate, full of courage.

Moreover, a unique wave just emitted from Bucky, but it was too weak for others to notice.

Noah really felt it. At that moment, was he looking domineering?

It shouldn't be, it's not that Bucky can't have a domineering look. With his potential, luck and strength, it's normal to have a domineering look.

That is, how could there be such a weak overlord color? It could be an illusion.

Noah, who was deep in thought, felt like he had encountered a puzzle that he couldn't solve.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, you will find out sooner or later.

Isn't it just overlord color? Bucky has been out at sea for many years, but he started out as Roger's pirate ship.

Everyone on that ship who is slightly famous has a Overlord color, so it is not surprising that he can awaken.

Next, let's go find the redhead.

Red hair!!!

Bucky became excited when he said this, and immediately discussed with others excitedly how to appear.

Don't let this guy underestimate his Uncle Bucky.

The Emperor Bucky was running rampant in the new world, and his destination was heading straight for the redhead.

Sure enough, this kind of fierce dragon crossing the river is definitely not willing to be lonely, and goes straight to the emperor to charge, strong.

The pirates you meet along the way are out of luck.

In order to establish their reputation as soon as possible, Denjiro, Yamato and others are merciless in their actions, no matter how cool or grand the scene is.

Whenever they bumped into each other, the group of people would jump up with a roar.

Relying on the bloody battles in the past few days, they have indeed spread a few names, but they are not unified yet and are waiting for the navy's wanted order to correct their names.

Bucky, on the other hand, was recharging his energy and waiting for a battle with the red-haired man.

He was a little weak when fighting against his aunt, but he definitely had the upper hand when fighting against the redhead.

Shanks' ship also stopped on the same island and stopped moving. The freest man on the sea was inevitably trapped by friendship.

The meeting between the red-haired emperor and Bucky, the quasi-emperor, is also the top priority in the new world in the near future.

The battle over the Fourth Emperor has now officially entered its climax.

Seeing the red-haired Redforth parked on the shore from a distance, Bucky couldn't wait to rush towards Shanks standing on the dock.


Oh, Bucky!

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