Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 354 Technology changes the sea

A very profound truth.

He no longer sticks to words like lazy, absolute, and kingly, but pursues the truth.

There was no one within the navy, so he could only look for it from the revolutionary army.

Warring States asked him what justice meant.

What he answers is to remove the rough and select the essence, remove the false and retain the true, from one point to another, from the outside to the inside.

Justice is not fixed but is understood in an ongoing way.

In other words, he is always pursuing justice, rather than hastily deciding which is justice.

Warring States was very pleased. Although it was different from other high-level officials, no one could deny that this path was wrong.

Under such circumstances, with the support of Marshal Warring States and former general Zefa, the future of such a person is limitless.

More and more people gathered around Rocinante, and a new faction was formed.

This faction is dominated by young people and is not exclusive in any way. As long as it is not extreme, anyone can come to discuss it.

It has also gained considerable momentum in Marineland.

Noah is not anxious at all about the Navy's liquidation now, he is waiting.

The most perfect situation is.

Baki assumed the position of the Four Emperors, and then eradicated some restless pirates in the new world while containing the naval forces.

Rosinandi slowly spread and assimilated ideas within the navy, and continued to climb to the top of the navy.

Fight for the right to speak and prepare for the opportunity for peaceful evolution in the future.

Nanhai continued to develop and formed a rock-solid base. Continuous violence and transformation.

Penetration work in the other three seas will also continue, as well as the Grand Line phase.

Take a multi-pronged approach to create more and more favorable conditions for ourselves.

But the future will not follow the most perfect route. This is just a fantasy.

Noah is always ready to confront the reality of the world.

After buying the wine, I figured it was almost time.

Then he found a corner, opened the space door, and returned to the tavern.


Sister Xia Qi is back, no wonder Bucky sits beside her with a cautious look on her face.

Why don't you buy wine from me?

Oh, this reason

Because...I drank fake wine this afternoon?

Ahem, Xia Qi. Forget it. All our old friends are here, let's have some fun.

Lei Li still showed his courage as a dragon-slaying swordsman and tried to persuade him in a low voice.

After that, the guests and hosts have a great time, eating, drinking and chatting.

What are you going to do in the New World this time? Are you really going to be a Yonko?

If possible, Bucky can also be the Pirate King.

Rayleigh was choked. Thinking that the second generation of the Pirate King was a red-nosed clown, Roger's image suddenly collapsed. Where is the strength of the Pirate King?

I'm just kidding. The main reason is that Wano needs to be protected without Kaido. If Brother Rayleigh doesn't show up in the future, there must be someone to scare the surrounding people.

That makes sense.

Xia Qi and Lei Li were convinced. This was indeed the truth. Pirates were still very forgetful.

If someone goes to Wano Country by taking an unconventional route, it will be a big trouble if the truth is exposed.

You will definitely look for Shanks when you go to the new world. I don't know how happy that kid will be when he sees Bucky.

Riley's words made Bucky explode.

Captain Rayleigh, I'm going to be the Yonko, and maybe I'll compete with Shanks.

I have nothing to be unhappy about meeting him. We are enemies, enemies!

Hahahaha, your relationship is still so good, so I'm relieved.

Where's the relationship? Didn't I say it directly? Ahhhhh, I'm so angry.

Bucky is immersed in his work. He is a famous quasi-emperor in the outside world, but Bucky has no status at all after entering here.

Rayleigh, on the other hand, looked at Bucky with complicated eyes.

This kid is still so out of tune. I really don’t know whether it’s right or wrong not to stop him from going to the new world.

The topics that followed were not very sensitive, so they simply ate and then dispersed.

When Noah took Bucky out, he was warned by Rayleigh.

Take good care of Bucky.

Noah turned back and said firmly.

You guys, don't underestimate this guy. At critical moments, Bucky will be more reliable than the redhead.

Now Reilly suspects that it was not Noah who fooled Bucky, but Bucky who fooled Noah.

Normal people would not believe Bucky so much after knowing what he was like.

I don’t understand today’s young people.

On the way back, Bucky was extremely moved. Noah's last words were so tough.

He wasn't a fool either, Rayleigh was worried that he looked really uncomfortable because he wasn't worried about the red hair.

The new world is the final stage of the plan. Bucky, let's work hard together!


I, Bucky, did this bowl of chicken blood.

Back on the Emperor Bucky, the coating master made clear arrangements.

The revolutionary army has traveled across the sea for such a long time, and it can be said that they are extremely professional in the coating process.

The coating in the original work cannot be scratched by anything tough. Even if you are careful, 70% of the ships will die in the sea.

This is something that the revolutionary army cannot tolerate, so it combines the power of the science and technology department to make breakthroughs in technology.

Coating speed, coating strength, and even double-layer coating methods have all been explored.

Coupled with the warriors of the fishmen tribe, basically there is no obstruction under the sea.

Technology is a highlight of the revolutionary army. After all, the saying that technology changes the world is engraved on Bika.

Now the revolutionary army has black box technology and energy gems, and has synthesized various materials that can transcend time.

Material science is one of the foundations of modern science.

Because of the scientific research ecosystem that Noah built in advance, and supplemented by the control of Dr. Tsukimi, in terms of technology, he has been rapidly pursuing the navy's scientific research troops.

Moreover, the Revolutionary Army's research was very pragmatic and abandoned the two frontier topics of blood factor and devil fruit research.

Study common technology directly.

After the war is won, we can then consider doing advanced research. This is the pragmatic situation.

The sea occupies most of the world, and maritime technology is a top priority.

Even submarine technology has been researched, but unfortunately this technology is not very practical in the world of One Piece.

Including the technology of fighter jets, Noah still put forward a lot of opinions.

He thought he had seen modern warfare and was somewhat forward-looking when it came to weapons research and development.

However, the proposals were rejected one by one by the scientific research department.

The weather in the world of One Piece is unpredictable, and aircraft such as airplanes are greatly affected by the weather.

Suddenly there was strong wind and lightning, and a group of aircraft crashed, causing huge losses.

Only aerial fortresses like Bika have the power to resist nature. In order to increase their defense capabilities, various equipment need to be installed.

Submarines can't dive below 10,000 meters. If you have time to study this material, why not upgrade the coating technology.

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