Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 356 Red Hair Duel Crossdressing

The redhead received the kick with a smile on his face.

You bastard, how can you still smile? Do you know how miserable I was in the past few years?

Bucky grabbed the redhead's collar with both hands and shook it wildly.

Do you know how many treasures there are under the water in the sea? I have cried silently on the beach countless times with the treasure map, bastard!!!

Well, judging from Bucky's heart, this is a deep hatred.

The most hateful thing is that Shanks didn't take it seriously at all, and he even said hello to others.

Hey, hello there, Bucky's crew.

This disregard for the conflict made Bucky even angrier.

Let's duel, Shanks. The throne of the Four Emperors begins with killing you, bastard.

Bucky took out the knife from his pocket and made some gestures.

The red-haired man was helpless, this old friend always looked like this. I could only say a few words to the two groups of people.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'll go over there with Bucky for a duel first. Beckman, please entertain Bucky's crew and come back later for a banquet.

Then Bucky was dragged away while saying something like, I must kill you, it's time for you to die.

Beckman was speechless. This friend that the captain had always been thinking about was a little out of line.

Moreover, his strength is obviously not that of a quasi-emperor as mentioned in the newspapers, and his aura is particularly approachable.

Or is he hiding something? Logically speaking, Roger's pirate ship shouldn't have such a stumbling figure, so he is really good at hiding his combat power.

This performance is really confusing.

I'm sorry, my captain's brain is not very good. I am the deputy captain Ben Beckman. Are you the Sword of Mercy, Himura Kenshin?

Yeah, it's okay. My captain's brain isn't working very well either.

In the captain's mind, everyone reached a consensus. Unexpectedly, the breakthrough in the friendship between the two parties turned out to be complaints about the captain.

When we arrived at the station, everyone relaxed and started chatting, mainly communication between the two officers.

Beckman thought for a moment and asked directly.

Mr. Kenshin, have we met before? I always feel familiar.

Beckman instinctively felt that something was wrong with the other party. With such a weird captain, how could he have such a reliable mate.

Why would someone who can be on par with Hawkeye and has such a high moral level follow that captain's friend?

This is not normal. It is enough to have him as an abnormal person. If there is another one, there must be something wrong.

Beckman has a pretty clear understanding of himself.

I did. You were very grateful to me at that time.

This is the time to take off the vest.

We will often interact with red-haired people in the new world in the future, so there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

This vest of his will often go offline after completing Bucky's mission to reach the top. Maybe when big things happen in the new world, the red hair will be needed to help.

Beckman is using his own brain, grateful

Smart people begin to recall their past.

Swordsman, extremely powerful, sociable, and grateful.

A ray of light passed through Beckman's brain.

Isn't it, it's impossible, it doesn't make sense, it's him.


Casual wear in a second.

Yes, I am Noah.

Revolutionary Army?

Beckman couldn't understand why? There are so many things that don't make sense.

From Shanks' description of his old friend, it can be seen that Bucky is a low-spirited pirate who is not strong in combat, very timid, and only likes to dig for treasures everywhere.

Sorry, that's not the red-haired person's original words. This is the image that Beckman himself summed up.

After seeing it today, I feel that my conclusion is correct.

But isn't it a bit different from the Revolutionary Army? That guy is so good at disguise? Looks like she's acting in her true self.

Moreover, judging from the current performance, the Revolutionary Army is definitely a large force that far exceeds the Imperial Regiment.

Even if they wanted to get involved in the new world, why did they put so much effort into introducing Baki, a pirate who had no reputation at all before?

Seeing that Beckman was confused rather than wary, Noah felt that his casual clothes were not very intimidating.

Aren't you worried?

The reputation of the Revolutionary Army has always been very good. Mr. Noah is indeed kind to us, so we can rest assured.

I don’t know if I can explain why Bucky, I don’t believe it’s just because he is a good friend of our captain.

This Beckman is really boring. Look behind you. Both Lachilu and Jesus Bu have already taken out their dicks. The scene is already tense. You are still sitting so firmly. In terms of strength, you are indeed on par with the red-haired guy.

Beckman and Noah signaled both sides to calm down.

Although our captain Bucky looks timid and his combat power is not very strong, his potential is very terrifying.

This point still needs to be vindicated by Bucky. How can we look down on the great Lord Bucky?

In the new world, the revolutionary army already has a base, which is the country of Wano. There is a lack of a guard here.

You should also know something about the situation in Wano Country. It is quite special and cannot be suppressed without the emperor.

Wano Country! Raleigh! Surround Kaido!

Beckman had the feeling of seeing a hidden corner of a big chess game being slowly opened up.

Everything before is connected.

Kaido, die without regrets.

The top three powerful forces in the sea can set up a dragnet, and even a red-haired person may not be able to escape death if he falls into it.

Of course, there is a general trend of revenge for Oden. He also borrowed the help of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates.

It is possible to initiate and plan such a terrifying plan. This seemingly gentle revolutionary light in front of me is really dark.

At this time, the country of Wano has also fallen into Noah's clutches.

Facing this man, one must be extremely vigilant.

Ignoring Beckman's gradually changing eyes, Noah continued.

“Finally, as a student of the Revolutionary Army, his career path is to become the Pirate King.

So it's normal to lead students and samurai from Wano to start a business here, and at the same time visit partners in the pirate industry.

Do you think those who have reached the top of the throne should be employed?

This pretense is really unexpected.

Beckman was silent for a while and asked Jesus Bu and others to sit down.

This is Noah. The captain's hand can be saved and I have to thank him. They are all friends. Don't be impulsive.

The friendly tone was still set.

Over there, the red-haired man who had a fight with Bucky also came back, dragging Bucky with him who looked very dissatisfied.

Aha, what are you talking about? Let me tell you, Bucky's strength is still... Noah!!! Why are you here?!

After that, Beckman stepped forward to exchange information with the red hair.

The red-haired man's expression alternated between serious, shocked, and demented.

Just Bucky? And the Revolutionary Army?

The question contains deep disbelief.

Taking out the knife, King Bucky felt that Shanks should not exist in this world.

Tomorrow is the last day of August.

Just a few days after the update feels like a year.

I really don’t know how I got to that point last month.

Perhaps the most important thing in writing novels is perseverance.

Finally, it’s 800,000 words, spread the flowers~~~

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