Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 353 The Rise of Rosinandi

Leaving a lot of time for Rayleigh, Noah went to buy wine.

I didn't panic at all when I saw the passing navy soldiers walking around on patrol.

Not to mention that his camouflage skills are already perfect, even with our connections, as long as he keeps a low profile, he won't be able to get along here.

I heard that the person in charge of the sub-base here is Brother Kizaru. If he wasn't afraid of causing trouble, he would really want to talk to him about life.

Huang Yuan gave a lot of practical suggestions on many normative regulations on enterprise employment.

It seems that in the busy work of the Navy, he has realized that many shortcomings need to be corrected.

After the beating of Kaido, they still had some contact in private, but of course it was limited to labor compensation and labor protection.

Noah also let nature take its course and never mentioned the revolution.

Make a friend first.

They also beat up Kaido, and Aokiji was really tough.

Their loyalty to the navy is very high, so if there is nothing particularly against basic justice, there is no need to consider joining forces.

This man is worthy of his position.

It's a bit difficult to make friends, and even because of letting Noah go, he is unspeakably harsh towards the revolutionary army.

A troubled sea boy.

The revolutionary army's strategy for the navy is to divide, win over, and strive to make more and more friends.

At present, the growth trend of friends in the Navy Headquarters is still okay.

It does not mean making friends with the revolutionary army, but making friends with advanced ideas and concepts.

Rosinandi did this much better than expected.

The recruits at the same time as him have basically heard his views on the sea, and many of them support him.

There are also many people who oppose him. As for the debate over ideas, even if he is a general, he is still arguing.

Rosinandi maintained an attitude of arguing with others and debating with others in his spare time.

As this debate continued and expanded in scale, more and more people came to listen, and eventually more people chose Rosinandi's path.

I think this Navy recruit's idea is reasonable and even far-sighted.

This article summarizes some of the reasons why the ocean is so chaotic, as well as practical ways to change it.

Young people are always more passionate, enthusiastic and motivated to change the world.

I am so lucky to have a mentor and friend by my side who can point the way forward.

As for the surveillance by the CP department? After they were defeated repeatedly and caused losses to the world's nobles, they were no longer qualified to enter Marinefando to monitor a new recruit with a special identity.

Not only among the new recruits, Rosinandi is also somewhat famous among the middle and senior leaders of the Navy.

First of all, his identity as the adopted son of the Warring States Period cannot be concealed.

As a naval marshal, Sengoku's every move was watched by countless people, either with good intentions or with bad intentions.

It was only because of his top-notch political and military connections and his superb skills that he was able to subdue so many proud soldiers.

An adopted son suddenly appeared. When he first returned to the navy, he was censored by CP9, and was suspected to be related to the case of the missing surgical fruit.

This makes people curious. Sengoku’s stance is not entirely in favor of the world government.

His identity again, a former Tianlong? !

He used to be a world noble, and he was a brother to Doflamingo who was hacked to death by Noah of the Revolutionary Army. This was so exciting.

My elder brother is a standard garbage of the sea, and my younger brother is a good person. Who would know at first.

What is the innermost attitude of the Navy's top brass towards the Tianlong people?

Refer to what Karp said. Rubbish!

This is the attitude of the Navy.

This approach of the Warring States Period was beyond everyone's expectations.

Of course, it turned out that Warring States had a good vision. This adopted son is amazing.

Secondly, there is his talent.

Maybe when I first entered the boot camp, my combat ability was a bit stretched, and it was no different from someone who went through the back door.

But after hard training under Zefa, he was like a piece of rough jade, polished to a dazzling brilliance.

His physical fitness continues to improve and has not yet reached the upper limit. His two-color domination is also very solid and stable.

Continuously, steadily, solidly, solidly.

These adjectives are important labels placed on Rocinante.

Because he relied on his belief in not giving up to break his limits and surpass himself bit by bit.

On a daily basis, he only read books and trained, and he fainted countless times in the early stages.

After waking up, I did some simple processing and returned to the training ground. In the middle period, I was not satisfied with the intensity and practiced more by myself.

The reason why it wasn't abolished is because the Navy's medical capabilities are strong enough and its nutrition can keep up.

It was rare for Zefa to personally give a very high evaluation.

Rocinante is a hard-working genius.

Karp also gave a positive evaluation after seeing this little guy training.

Maybe the older generation of navy likes this kind of hard-trained students very much.

His will is something that many people are moved by.

When he officially graduated as the first in the boot camp, he was awarded the position of major general in the headquarters.

The Warring States Period did not want Rosinandi to receive such an honor. People's hearts are complicated. If you flatter him too much at this time, you will have to add insult to injury when you fall down in the future.

But the World Government doesn't know why it is very interested in the aliens among the Celestial Dragons. It feels that this is a representative of changing the reputation of some world nobles, so it adds more money.

This led to this abnormal jump. His starting height has exceeded the current three generals of the Navy.

He understands that even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

After communicating privately with Noah, Rosinandy readily accepted the order.

Noah said, since the Navy has given this opportunity, then seize it.

Your ideals, your beliefs, and your efforts are not worthy of a major general!

Yes, we want to overthrow the old world. How can we stand still in a mere position?

The higher the status, the more I can help Teacher Noah and the others. I will take over this matter.

Such courage has surpassed that of others.

Now, Rocinandi is the recognized candidate in the navy to succeed the admiral.

Like the tea dolphin and the peach rabbit, they are the mainstay of the younger generation of the navy.

As for Smoker and Tina, who were a few years ahead of him, they have not yet shown their extraordinary side and need to be tempered.

Being an admiral is neither a fruit nor a physical skill that can be achieved.

These are the basics, and other things must be shown in addition.

Of course, the subsequent world conscription was a bit nonsense. At that time, it was already seen that the navy had abandoned the most critical thing, justice.

Only then did something like the Green Bull come out that lowered the level of the navy.

Back to the Navy Headquarters, under the leadership of Rosinandi, many people rallied around him.

Think he will be the future power player in the Navy.

Rosinandi also showed his justice early, and this step was even ahead of the other two already famous general candidates.

True justice!

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