Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 352 One of Bucky’s life-saving straws

Bucky, go call the door. Rayleigh is inside. I won't go in.

Teacher Noah, why don't you go in?

At this time, after being trained by Noah, Bucky was not as easy to trick as before.

They all arrived at the door but didn't show up. I'm afraid it's not some kind of festival, haha.

You don't understand. Lei Li and I are old friends. It doesn't matter if we go in early or late, but you are different. We are old friends who haven't seen each other for many years. This is a surprise.

Really? Then, should I go in first?

Hmm. You are already a quasi-emperor. Why are you so lazy when entering a tavern? Shanks will laugh at you if he sees it.

I've seen red-haired men, and he's an upright and good man. Bucky, just tut, tut, tut.

Red-haired Shanks, the Four Emperors of the New World, has a special Noble Phantasm against Bucky.

Maximum catch: one person.

Destruction effect: MAX

Side effects: Dementia.

Bucky immediately changed his aura, showed off his great pirate spirit, and rushed directly into the tavern.

He couldn't believe it, this place could be more terrifying than the Navy Headquarters.

Captain Reilly, I am~~

call out! bump!


There was a short scream and the sound of a wine bottle falling to the ground.

Where did this little brat come from? Who is Rayleigh? I don't know him!!!

Alas, Sister Xia Qi's temper is still so lively. I'll go shopping around first and then try to find people later.

Turned around and was about to leave.

What are you doing Feicun? Come in!

They are all old friends, and it would be shameful not to come in at their door, so we might as well go.

When I walked into the tavern, I saw a man with a red nose lying on the ground, rolling his eyes, foaming at the mouth, and a big bump on his forehead.

Sister Xia Qi, long time no see, hahaha.

Last time.

It was my fault for not stopping Uncle Rayleigh last time. As a great swordsman, you know, no one can stop him if he gets the upper hand.

Rayli slays the dragon.

The Legend of Dragon Slayer is my own initiative. Of course, Lao Lei himself also has a certain responsibility. He is still very happy to have such a story and provided me with a lot of materials.


I added money last time, Sister Xia Qi. We have cooperated many times, so we must have business ethics.

call out!


Let me speak!

You say.

Why are you here with Rayleigh this time!

I came here with Bucky to reminisce about old times.

Just catching up on old times? No other ideas?

It's really not true, Sister Xia Qi, you have to believe me.

Xia Qi stared at Noah for a long time, mentally weighing how many tricks this little guy had.

This sharp look put a lot of pressure on Noah, but there was nothing he could do.

Regarding the Wano Country, Noah indeed went a bit too far.

Bringing Rayleigh, a retired old pirate, to the forefront and making the reclusive people uneasy cannot be solved by adding more money.

In the end, Xia Qi let Noah go. To be fair, Rayleigh was such an adult, he would still make his own decisions on some things.

Now that he has done it, he is prepared to face the follow-up.

Besides, Rayleigh really had fun this time. The copy of Rayleigh's Legend of the Dragon is already a treasure he treasures, including the handsome photo in the newspaper.

Xia Qi also cherished that handsome photo. After getting the film, she developed a few larger ones.

For the sake of this matter and the money, Wano Country will generally let it go, but will definitely be extremely wary of Noah as a brat in the future.

This time Noah came again and brought Bucky with him. Xia Qi could only make sure that Noah was okay before letting them stay in the store.

Reilly has gone out. When I come back in the evening, I will go shopping on the island. You know how to deal with this store. Let's go.

Xia Qi is really a strange woman with a cheerful personality. After confirming that Noah was harmless, she turned around and went out to play.

Noah, who was left to look after the store, skillfully came to the bar and started cleaning the glasses and pouring fake wine.

As for Bucky, just walk on the ground for a while.

After a while, Bucky let out a painful groan and stood up unsteadily.

He shook his head to calm himself down.

Seeing Noah cleaning the cup, he hurriedly said.

Teacher Noah, I was attacked by a sneak attack just now, and I was knocked unconscious as soon as I entered the tavern.

The opponent is extremely powerful, and based on what I see, I can only feel that it is something like a wine bottle.

Well, the sensor is good. Let's go find the cleaning tools. The water bottle I just smashed at you shattered all over the floor. Clean it up quickly and don't disturb the guests who come to drink.

Oh well.

Bucky turned around to get the tools, and while he was cleaning, his body froze.

Why do you need me to clean up after I got smashed???

Oh, the one who hit you was Sister Xia Qi, she is our good friend.


Afterwards, Noah told Bucky about the origin of Sister Xia Qi and her relationship with Rayleigh.

Why is Rayleigh being controlled by others now? The eldest sister is kind-hearted and powerful, and so on.

The deceived Bucky was stunned for a moment.

Anyway, she will be back soon, respectfully. Her opinion is very important whether Captain Reilly will come to rescue you in the future.

You can understand when you say this, it is a matter of life, so naturally you care about it more than others.

It's made hygienically and there are absolutely no dead ends. What is a split fruit? It means that a finger can be divided into several segments, which is a good helper for hygiene.

A sudden general cleaning begins.

The place was given a new look without the knowledge of the bar owner.

The polished and waxed floor is now shiny, and the polished bar has gone from 30% new to 99% new.

Even the wine bottles have been wiped down, and they can blind people under the reflection of the light.

For example, Rayleigh just came home.

As soon as I entered the tavern, I was stunned by all the lights.

Sorry, I went to the wrong place.

Such a neat and clean tavern is definitely not your own.

Turned around and was about to leave.

Lao Lei, that's right, it's my home.

This voice? Noah.

Hey, Noah, you still dare to come. Why, you were repaired by Xia Qi, so you need to work part-time to calm her anger? Hahaha.

Bucky, who had been squatting aside for a long time, suddenly jumped out.

Captain Riley, it's me, Bucky, Bucky!

Aha, it's Bucky with the red nose.

It's Bucky, old man!

One sentence made Bucky's emotion disappear in an instant. These elderly people were so incapable of joking.

Looking at the angry Bucky, Rayleigh was in a good mood. It was so interesting to see the trainee crew doing things alone.

He took out his personal money and handed it to Noah.

Help me go to other pubs to buy some drinks. I'm happy today!

Bucky was confused. Isn't this a tavern? There are so many drinks on the bar.

No one gave him an explanation, so Noah just opened the door and disappeared.

Leaving Rayleigh and Bucky with a private space.

He knew that Rayleigh was still curious about why Bucky was hanging out with the Revolutionary Army. This guy didn't seem to have any ideological awareness.

As for what Bucky would say, Noah was not worried, because over the years, something had changed about the red-nosed guy.

Such as Yamato, such as classmates, such as everyone's expectations.

Of course, there is also the main reason for being embarrassed in front of red hair.

I am so tired from rushing. It turns out that tomorrow is not the last day. I was careless.

Then we can only continue. Please support me.

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