Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 349 The outcome is decided

Noah's swordsmanship seems ordinary at first glance, but in fact it is a return to nature. The bright surface is as bright and cold as the frosty moon, and it can be seen that it has an extremely orthodox swordsmanship inheritance.

It also hides something as hot and fierce as a sea of ​​fire, as thick and tenacious as the vast earth, and also has the overturning meaning of the rolling torrent of the sea of ​​mundane people.

Weird, too weird. Even with Mihawk's many years of fighting experience, he couldn't understand what kind of foundation the man in front of him had to practice such a magical way of swordsmanship.

Is there really a kendo that can accommodate everything?

His swordsmanship that combines positive and negative swordsmanship is deviant and unique. What happened to Noah's swordsmanship?

Regardless, at this moment, they lamented not only the strength of their opponents, but also their own luck.

In the same era, meeting such an opponent was just luck.

When in doubt, let the sword speak.

On the desert island, only the afterimages of Noah and Hawkeye can be seen.

In the gaps between the rocks, inside and outside the thick clouds, above and below the waves of the angry sea.

Wherever it passed, rocks exploded, clouds dispersed, and sea currents surged backwards.

The sound of metal clashing with each other was left in the air, as well as the sound of metal scraping against each other during the collision.

Then the frequency became faster and faster, the sound became crisper and louder.

At the beginning it was like rain hitting banana trees, in the middle period it was like wind and thunder, and in the later period it was even louder and louder.

We can only guess where they were just from the sword marks on the island.

The situation escalated much faster than expected.

On the Emperor Baki in the distance, Denjiro was sweating profusely and terrified.

With his strength, he can naturally see the movements of the two people.

But it can't be stopped. Eyesight and dominance can keep up, but the body cannot.

After a few moves, he will be cut down. This is the gap between the great swordsman and other swordsmen.

Swordsmen and swordsmen will not fight for days and nights. They prefer to decide life and death in an instant.

Denjiro has died several times in his heart, which is why he is lost and frightened.

Bucky Bucky was already stunned and didn't even want to go to the new world.

He hadn't seen a battle at this level for many years, and it awakened his past memories.

In that most chaotic era, there were always fights with monsters like this from time to time. It was really a bad memory.

Most of the students watched the excitement from the sidelines. Many people are in the same situation, just look at the special effects of sound and light.

How dangerous it is, they can't see it.

I even felt that a battle scene of this level was not as exciting as when Noah slashed Yuntian with his sword that day on the playground.

A long and long sword roar came.

Denjiro's expression changed.

Watch carefully and be serious.

A green sword energy that stretched for hundreds of meters shot through the air, kicking off the ensuing fight between gods.

In the close combat just now, Hawkeye had the upper hand. They were both great swordsmen, so the gap in combat experience was not easy to bridge.

Even if Noah's subsequent sword moves were messy, he had a way to deal with them after getting used to them.

I don’t know how many days it will take to fight like this, so let’s speed up the process a little bit.

As Hawkeye exerted his strength, Noah also let go.

Buzz~~~! !

Overlord color and domineering, fully activated!

With the desert island as the center, red torrents rushed out in all directions.

Roar, silhouette, red world. The oppression of the material and spiritual worlds can be described as devastating.

Cracks spread all over the island from under your feet, and the stones were crushed into powder.

This time, the domineering force with full firepower directly covered dozens of miles in radius, and the calm sea surface in the windless zone was directly crushed to a certain extent.

The sea kings gathered under the sea fled frantically, and this powerful sense of oppression was no worse than the king they remembered.

On the Emperor Bucky within the coverage area, a small number of people were not prepared for the impact and lay directly on the deck, while some were crushed to the point of stooping.

Only Denjiro, Baki and others could resist, but they were also shocked.

This, is this the true level of domineering teacher Noah!

So strong!

They are already the best of the best, and it must be even harder for Hawkeye on the island to endure such a difficult situation from such a distance.

Mihawk really felt uncomfortable, the intensity of this domineering force was a bit outrageous.

It's not like I haven't seen a master who combines domineering and swordsmanship. His friend Hongfa is very good at using it and is also a representative of this kind of swordsmanship.

But today, he discovered a swordsman who might be even more perverted than his old friend.

As the domineering force quickly retracted and restrained, the domineering color that could cover dozens of miles of sea merged into the slender sword, and the red sword's intimidating power increased dramatically.

The kind of sword intent that feels like a red sun is really direct.

That's right, it is to directly release one's own light and heat, that kind of unscrupulousness or the terror of giving equal destruction to everything. really going to kill you!

The extremely excited Hawkeye also erupted with his most pure sword intent, and the cyan sword intent emitted an unstoppable light on this sea area.

No matter the sunshine, I bloom my heart alone and cut off everything.

Black knife. Night.

Red Sword. Hedao Yizi.

The flying slashing battle that belongs to the level of a great swordsman began.

Several hundred meters of sword energy spread across the island and across the sea.

Mihawk held the sword with both hands and swung the blow with a consciousness that could break mountains and seas.

The green sword energy cut through the islands, oceans, and air.

Not to be outdone, Noah fought back with red sword energy.

The sword energy from both sides cut the world into scars one after another.

On a pirate ship in the distance, Denjiro stood on the bow of the ship, drew out his two swords, and tried his best to resist the occasional flying fragments of sword energy. He suffered numerous major and minor injuries on his body.

Bucky and others were doing the same thing.

Denjiro smiled bitterly, he didn't expect that the first injury since going to sea was to resist the aftermath of these monsters.

I hope they finish it soon, otherwise, I might not be able to bear it.

A bloody battle is going on on the island, and both of them are covered in glory. In the storm of sword energy, no one can protect themselves.

In a fight between swordsmen, as long as you kill your opponent in advance, you will not be injured again. This is the correct mentality.

After fighting for a long time, I had a good time using all kinds of moves.

At this moment, Noah seemed to see the embarrassment on the ship.

Let's decide the winner!


The two of them used their ultimate fighting power for the last time, and both took another step towards the future of kendo.

They are all average players, and they don’t have the habit of yelling out moves, so just do it!

Jian Qi and the swordsman launched a charge together.

boom! boom! boom!

The red and cyan fields are colliding crazily, trying to overwhelm each other.

Energy like plasma flow is constantly overflowing from the core.

The island could no longer bear the aftermath, and was finally wiped from the sea above the light.

The outcome of this battle has been decided.

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