Everyone can only let this kind of thing happen, and the great swordsman will not be under control.

The last question is whether to send people to watch the battle. A certain desert island in the windless zone cannot be found by other forces.

If the Navy is serious, it is still possible.

After discussion, the plan was rejected. Hawkeye is not a joker.

He was so serious about discarding unexpected factors off the court that he really cared about this battle.

If you encounter one in a windless zone, someone will die. The name Navy Hunter is not a joke.

As for the matter of fake fighting, it did not appear in their minds at all. How could someone as proud as Hawkeye have such an idea.

Of course it's a real duel. I don't have the dignity to let Hawkeye do such a thing.

Faced with Bucky's question, Noah also answered him calmly.

Why did Bucky have such doubts? The main reason was that Noah showed him what it means to have connections along the way. The forces he mobilized were all well-known figures on the sea, so he mistakenly thought that Hawkeye could also arrange it.

If Hawkeye can really cooperate, then Bucky can too. I don't dare to think about it, I don't dare to think about it.

A standard great swordsman has indescribable pride and a fanatical fighting spirit. Throw away this stupid idea of ​​yours.

Teacher Noah, he said you can’t read minds!

It's not mind-reading, it's just that your expression is unobstructed. It seems that I need to put some eye makeup on you to cover up your eyes a little.

Is it dangerous to go this time?

A swordsman's duel involves victory or defeat, as well as life and death. I haven't fought before, so who knows. Alas, for your growth, Bucky, teacher, I have to fight with a top swordsman. Aren't you touched?

Moved and moved.

Teacher Noah, your sword energy is swishing out with excitement. As a great swordsman, you are also looking forward to this duel.

Looking forward to the showdown? impossible. Noah considers himself a calm revolutionary worker and a different kind of swordsman.

There won't be such a strong will to fight. As for why Hedao Yiwen trembles, it is happy.

Even happier than Wado Ichimonji was the swordsman group.

From the time he went out to sea, he knew that there was an extremely powerful swordsman in this sea, known as the world's greatest swordsman.

In a sea full of masters, what an honor it is for a swordsman to hold such a title, and how lucky they are to be able to witness this battle.

This group of former warriors were already shaken and unable to control themselves.

The Emperor Bucky turned to the windless zone and set off for the appointment.

Some passers-by saw the recently popular Clown Pirates entering the windless zone, and the news was immediately passed on.

The speed of gossip is much faster than that of news birds.

Everyone is waiting for the winner to return to this sea.

Hawkeye arrived at the agreed upon location first, and the sword energy he unconsciously exuded along the way drove away all the Neptunes along the way.

Calmly board the desert island and wait for the arrival of your opponent.

On the lonely peak of the desert island, looking around, a small black dot appeared between the sea and the sky.

With Mihawk's eyesight, he could naturally tell that his opponent had arrived.


The sword's intention surged in an instant and then fell silent in an instant.

Noah also sensed the aura of the great swordsman when Hawkeye saw him.

It's really scary.

This was the first meeting between him and Hawkeye, and unexpectedly it was really fun.

Just stay here and don't come any closer. No matter how close you are, Denjiro won't be able to protect the ship.

In this duel, he did not let Ryu or Fujitora dominate.

With masters of the same level hovering nearby, it would be difficult for them to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the battle.

For the sake of fairness, to enjoy the battle, and to thank Hawkeye for his cooperation, this decision is the right one.

As for why people like Baki and Denjiro can come, it's a bit hurtful to say it. In terms of combat power and swordsmanship, they may not be able to catch Mihawk's eyes.


Noah flew up, his figure soaring into the sky carrying boundless sword intent towards the lonely peak of the desert island.

Hawkeye, here I come!

Falling straight from the sky to the ground, the sword intent surged toward the eagle eye like a tide, its momentum rolling in and flowing endlessly. All the vegetation and gravel along the way were crushed into powder.

Not to be outdone, Eagle Eye's sword intent was like a solitary peak that was allowed to be beaten by the tide. The momentum grew higher and higher, reaching straight into the clouds. Outstanding, pure and strong.

The battle hasn't started yet, but the duel in terms of momentum is already so amazing.

Joy, Mihawk's face is serious, but his heart is full of joy. This battle will be a rare memory in his life.

The last time I had this feeling was the first time I fought with the red hair. After that, I never felt this way again.

Noah's blood was burning. Such a swordsman deserved a fight.

sulfuric acid!

A black sword was unsheathed, the blade was heavily decorated with a T-shaped blade, the hilt was slender, and gorgeous gems were embedded in it.

Joracol Mihawk. Black Knife. Night!

He also drew the knife out of its sheath. There are not so many gorgeous decorations or exaggerated shapes, but this is the friend who has accompanied Noah through life and death countless times.

Noah. Hedao Yimon!

The air grew heavier.

next moment.

The two disappeared from the spot and drew their swords at the same time.

Dang~~~! ! !

The first collision between swords occurred. They were both thin swords, but the sound of Hong Zhongda Lu was heard in the collision.

The power contained in this sword can be seen how heavy it is. The swordsmen in the world of One Piece are all powerful and powerful masters, and this is just the appetizer.

The heavy rock beneath his feet reacted uncontrollably, exploding directly, and the cracks spread all the way down from the top of the lonely peak.

Feeling the strength coming from his arm, Hawkeye's serious expression no longer appeared, but he slowly smiled.

Noah has no need to control his expression, and his natural smile is no longer restrained, but slowly and freely. This is such a pleasure.

The two looked at each other again, with one intention in their eyes, to kill you!

drink! Muscle pumping!

Continuing to exert more force, this lonely peak is bearing pressure that it should not bear.

Finally, the cracks spread from the top of the mountain to the ground.

Click, click, click.

The mountain peak made a continuous mournful cry, it could not hold on any longer.


The rocks collapsed, and the two used their last strength to shake each other away.

They all fell back to the ground, letting the debris from the sky fall down without caring.

Disappeared again, this time it was not a collision of forces.

It is a battle of speed and skill. Swordsmen always have to fight to the death within three feet.

Hawkeye's swordsmanship is great, he moves forward indomitably, he is invincible and powerful. He is worthy of the title of the greatest swordsman in the sea.

Even after getting close, there is no lack of delicate and rounded movements. He really uses a big sword with great skill and is unpredictable, just like this mysterious underwater world with constant undercurrents.

Ordinary swordsmen who really know people with their swords and try to get close will only end up being swallowed by the abyss. At least, at this moment, his opponent was marveling at the terror of this swordsmanship.

The sense of contradiction between pros and cons, length and weakness is so naturally integrated, Hawkeye's combat power is much higher than the revealed record.

That should be it for today.

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