Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 350 Post-war interview

In the year 1515 of the Haiyuan calendar, the latest information came out.

The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, and Battousai Himura Kenshin have decided the winner.

The outcome is a tie!

This is simply unbelievable. The fight between the swordsmen was actually a draw.

Hawkeye was injured and returned to his lair. This was verified by the life of the pirates who wanted to take advantage of the situation. The body was severely injured and the killing was much slower than usual.

Some people also saw that on the Emperor Baki, Himura Kenshin occasionally appeared with a bloodless face, walked lightly, and could vaguely see traces of bandages.

As for the tie, Bucky said it.

The great pirate who targeted the Yonko was interviewed by a reporter from the News of the World.

Yes, he contacted the reporter very calmly and expressed his opinions on future plans and actions as well as this swordsman battle.

This kind of psychotic behavior makes people extremely uneasy.

This is the first time a pirate has taken the initiative to accept an interview.

In the past, the Navy was responsible for doing this kind of thing. I didn't expect that in this era, there would be a person with such a unique brain circuit.

After long discussions, the newspaper headquarters sent its ace reporter there.

This kind of report is big news at first glance. If you are not tempted by big news, then you are still working in the media.

It is impossible for Morgans himself to go. He has concocted a lot of weird news over the years. Who knows if he has slandered the would-be emperor.

If the opponent suddenly attacks, even if he has some strength, it will be a bit useless in front of Bucky who is in full swing.

As a result, the following text report was produced.

I watched the duel between Hawkeye and Kenshin. Their combat power is undoubtedly the strongest in the sea.

He recognized his own ship's mate and the Shichibukai's strongest combat power level.

No one expected a tie. Originally, I wanted to interrupt the fight between the two in the final stage.

It almost made the difference between life and death. Fortunately, we provided emergency treatment to them.

He said that the tie was real, that an accident almost occurred, and that his team had a little relationship with Hawkeye because of the rescue. To pave the way for possible future cooperation.

In terms of swordsmanship, we have reached the level of Shanks. Oh, Shanks, you know, the bastard who debuted with me.

Red hair = Hawkeye = Himura Kenshin. Use Yonko as the unit of measurement. A casual display of connections.

I have to admit that if I faced either of them, it would be difficult to win.

In this way, Bucky the Clown = Two Swordsmen = Shanks the Four Emperors, the closed loop of combat power is completed.

As for why we are competing for the position of the Four Emperors now, it is because Kaido is dead and the new world is in chaos.

He explained that he was trying to balance the situation in the sea, avoid the hostility of some navies and the world government, and gain space for the Clown Pirates.

Whitebeard is indeed the strongest in the world, and Captain Roger used to admire his fighting prowess.

Although he was seriously injured this time, don't worry. I remember Captain Reilly said that Marco's Phoenix Fruit has special abilities, and there will be more in the future.

Point out the intimidating power of Whitebeard and let the navy know that the strongest man in the world is the one they should be wary of.

Warn them not to get involved in the new world. By the way, I want to mention my background. There is an old dragon-slaying captain standing behind me. Don't mess around.

“In the end, no one can stand in my way as the Four Emperors.

Crocodile is not good, Boya Hancock is almost interested, and Hawkeye is also blocked by my deputy captain. This is the general trend.

To explain his own record, since the Navy covered up part of it, he would self-destruct.

It can also scare off most pirate forces.

Why does Kenshin follow me? Because I promised him that this sword of mercy would not harm civilians within my jurisdiction.

As you know, the Sword of Mercy has some quirks, which is understandable, and I will definitely accommodate a companion of this strength.

Clarifying the logic and giving a reasonable explanation for his lack of pirate style also brings closure to Kenshin's identity.

Why doesn't Kenshin join the World Government? Please, are you really a reporter?

Kenshin said not to harm civilians, can they do this? Ah hahahaha.

Finally, it is my duty to add a debuff to the World Government.

A written report was completed and some beautiful photos were taken.

Bucky breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the reporter go away.

Noah gave him dozens of replies, all about possible interview questions, and he memorized them all. Sure enough, all the reporter's questions were here, so accurate.

Being good at using the power of words can be considered a lesson.

With the mission completed, he returned to the cabin to report the situation to Noah.

In the room, Noah was writing something and showed no reaction when Bucky came in.

He was injured, and he had spent most of the past few days analyzing the follow-up plan, hoping it would go smoothly.

In the interview just now, the part about the duel was basically true.

The duel that day was indeed inconclusive, with both sides suffering losses.

The damage caused by the sword energy of a great swordsman of the same level is very serious.

If it weren't for the revolutionary army's very strong medical capabilities and the in-depth development of various special drugs, their injuries would not be as minor as they are now.

In the end, when it came to swordsmanship, Hawkeye won. In terms of combat effectiveness, Noah is slightly better.

So it's a tie externally.

This time Hawkeye was satisfied and left after receiving treatment.

Before leaving, he said that there will be such activities arranged by you in the future, as long as there is another fight.

Noah was horrified. Half of his life was lost in the fight. He fought so hard this time because he was so passionate. He will never do it like this next time.

Mihawk didn't believe it. When you were swinging your sword on the desert island before, you smiled so happily and said that you were not a swordsman. Tsk tsk.

After saying that, he left, found his boat in the distance, and rowed away slowly.

After the duel, Noah organized this news interview again, vowing to seize his efforts and dedication.

Help Bucky secure his position as the Four Emperors as soon as possible so that he can escape. The atmosphere in this sea is too bad, with fighting and killing everywhere.

World Economic News also lives up to expectations.

Spread the latest interview across the sea.

Battousai is actually so strong that he can compete with Hawkeye.

Then aren't there two of the greatest swordsmen in the world?

And Bucky the Clown has such a strong mate, plus he has the same combat power, the position of the Four Emperors may really be his.

On that day, countless gamblers committed suicide by jumping into the sea, only to be caught back to pay off their debts.

Ridiculous, what's the use of jumping into the sea, pay back the money as soon as possible. If you don’t have money, you go to Nanhai to work. It’s a shame to be part of society.

Other forces were a bit silent when they saw a big pirate who took an unusual path.

Are pirates so wild now? They are already so arrogant that they were interviewed in newspapers. This smells very strange.

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