Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 347 Battle with Hawkeye

Kraikana Island.

Hawkeye, who was finishing his meal in the castle, stared intently, as if something strange was coming.

He casually picked up the black knife leaning on the back of the chair and walked out of his castle.

The human imitators on the island have gathered together uneasily, and the swords in their hands cannot give them a sense of security.

The monsters that come out of the sea are very powerful.

Is this Mr. Joracol Mihawk? I'm very sorry for taking the liberty of visiting.

The whale shark man said slightly apologetically.

Such a formal opening, something that Hawkeye didn't expect.

You must know that everyone in the sea calls him Hawkeye more often, and this fierce-looking fish-man is surprisingly polite.

The great swordsman, who had heard too many dirty words on the sea, was a little curious.


The fish-man in front of him gave him a good feeling. Although it was still a little short of the threshold, it was worth killing.

I hope this guy can bring interesting news, otherwise for the sake of being so polite, I will just cut him three swords.

The fighting spirit in his heart was ready to stir up, and the sharp sword intent was about to hit Jinbei's forehead.

Didn't I say that this guy only has extraordinary fighting spirit against top swordsmen? This is obviously not the case, Noah misunderstood me!

Noah deceived him to deliver the letter, saying that since he didn’t have Hawkeye’s contact information, it would be easy to start a war on the island if he went directly to the island. Why don’t you deliver it for me.

Hawkeye is kind to strong men who are not swordsmen. What is going on?

Noah had forgotten that it had not been long since Hawkeye had become the world's greatest swordsman, and he had not yet reached the lonely state of being a master in the future.

At this time, Hawkeye's momentum was a bit strong, and he wanted to chop down a few powerful ones.

Jinbe didn't dare to waste any more time, so he hurriedly took out the letter, finished the task and left as soon as possible. There were a lot of things to do on the island. If Noah's layout was not very crucial, he would not have come.

Here is a letter of challenge for you.

War letter?

Since he took over that title, no one has given him a challenge for a long time. If he can send such a strong person to deliver a letter, I believe the owner of this letter will not let him down.

He took the letter and read it silently.

Revolutionary Army.

Jinbei was on guard, he would run away if he turned against her.

The light of the revolution, Noah. Long admired name.

There was a moment of silence.

This plan is okay. I won't care about Bucky's affairs, let you decide. As long as the battle satisfies me.

Hawkeye's calm reply made Jinbe a little confused. This guy suddenly restrained his sword energy and even lost his fighting spirit. This letter is so magical.

Looking at the other party, he folded the letter and put it away.

Jinbe also said goodbye, plunged into the sea, and returned quickly. He always felt that this place was unsafe.

After the fish-man left, Hawkeye stood on the beach for a long time, closing his eyes slightly and thinking about something.

After a while, the black sword behind him let out a slight sword cry, and then the sound became more and more terrifying, and the endless sword intent burst out, cutting the surroundings into pieces.

The human imitators on the island fled in all directions, and the sword monster was going crazy again.

Noah, Himura Kenshin. I really didn't know how brilliant your swordsmanship is!

If Jinbei was still here, you could see the endless fighting spirit boiling in Hawkeye's eyes.

Eventually, the sword cry slowly dissipated and continued to be silent.

Hawkeye solemnly performed maintenance on his weapons, then rowed out his boat and set off.

Another breaking news came from the sea. The Baki Pirates' captain, Himura Kenshin, made an appointment with the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, on a deserted island in the windless zone.

Hawkeye gladly accepted the offer and was already on his way.

According to the pirates along the way, Mihawk was in a good mood. The evidence was that when he saw a pirate ship passing by, he only destroyed it with a knife and did not pursue them.

Well, this evidence is quite sufficient.

Both sides of the duel were swordsmen familiar to the sea.

Everyone in Hawkeye knows that he has killed countless great swordsmen with one sword, and countless masters have been killed by his sword.

There are also records of fighting against top powerhouses, such as the red-haired Yonko.

After defeating countless swordsmen, he ascended to his throne.

Everyone thought that he had lowered his style by joining the King's Shichibukai.

Crocodile from a certain desert said that you are polite when talking like this.

Then this Himura Kenshin is strange. He is famous, but it's just another way of becoming famous.

He never kills innocent people indiscriminately, walks the sea with a reverse-edged sword, and likes to make people confess their sins.

It's strange that such a hateful behavior has survived unscathed.

His greatest achievement is that he once had a battle with Noah, the light of revolution, on a desert island, with no winner or loser.

This news was recently disclosed in underground publications, and the authenticity is unknown.

Everyone still knows that the World Government wanted to give him a sign to join the King's Shichibukai.

This type of information has basically no confidentiality level within the World Government, and it was abandoned because the correct owner was not found.

By the time Himura Kenshin went to sea again, he was already the first officer of the Baki Pirates.

This time can be regarded as the top showdown between swordsmen on the sea.

There are many people who want to watch the battle.

It's a pity that the location was chosen on a deserted island in a windless zone, which cut off 99% of the onlookers.

Hawkeye also said that those who dare to come and watch must at least be able to withstand the sword energy of the two great swordsmen.

This makes many people dissatisfied. You are swordsmen dueling, and you are not engaging in private transactions. Why are you so secretive? There is nothing shameful about it.

This time, Emperor Dong, who was specially arranged by the revolutionary army, stepped forward to set the pace.

What do you know about the great swordsman? That kind of duel will be shown to you like a monkey show?

Himura Kenshin is a kind-hearted person and has never killed anyone in vain so far, but you must try Hawkeye's methods?

I really can't imagine you going up to duel. If you have close contact, you will know what it feels like to compete with a great swordsman.

It is too easy for a bunch of people who specialize in public opinion to set the trend in this world.

The conversation quickly turned to the question of which of the two was more powerful.

Judging from the opening of Underworld Casino, everyone is generally optimistic about Hawkeye.

It's not like there are no people betting on the sword's heart. It's just a random shot, and there's not much hope. What if something like this happens? What if Hawkeye has diarrhea.

As for the tie, everyone tacitly ignored it.

It's a simple matter of life or death in a battle between great swordsmen. A draw? How is it possible that swordsmen would stop fighting after fighting to the extreme?

The navy and the world government were also panicking at this time. Why did these two people start fighting?

Oh, the duel between swordsmen is so unreasonable.

One is the upper limit of the Shichibukai's force, and the other is the upper limit of the moral character that everyone is optimistic about. Alas, this is really a trick of fate.

When I first proposed recruiting Himura Kenshin and the Swordsmen Group, I was worried that they would get involved with Hawkeye, but I didn't expect that the Shichibukai failed to recruit them, and they ended up getting involved anyway.

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