Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 346 It’s not just force that defeats the Empress

It's another headache, but since you have joined the pirate group, there must be a reward and no special treatment.

In the end it was Sengoku who made up his mind.

Bucky the Clown, 700 million bounty, no matter life or death.

Battosai Himura Kenshin has a bounty of 500 million, regardless of life or death.

The Warring States Period at this time was ruthless. No matter what the reason was, you would have to pay the price if you became a pirate.

This meeting finally ended with the final word of the Warring States Period.

The latest wanted order spread across the sea with the World Economic News, and the content inside caused huge waves in the already restless sea.

Conspiracy, the Successor of One Piece—Baki

Is Sand Crocodile the Shame of the Shichibukai

700 million debut, the legendary man——Baki

The Clown Pirates are famous on the Grand Line, and the new Yonko is about to ascend to the top

This kind of big news immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The second article was written by Noah to give Lao Sha some motivation, hoping that he would work harder after seeing it.

As for the sand crocodile, it is said that he has moved into the desert and vowed to practice magical skills before leaving seclusion.

Everyone else is like: Oh! Bucky the Clown. It's related to One Piece, defeating the Shichibukai, it's so scary and stuff like that.

People related to Bucky


Spitting out a sip of the drink he bought from another pub, Rayleigh really didn't expect that Bucky would be able to make the headlines in the newspaper.

This guy's hobby is not digging for treasures, so why did he announce that he would go to the New World to compete for the Four Emperors?

Hey, that's not right. That Battousai who is also offering a bounty seems to be one of that bastard’s vests. Noah, it’s you~~

Rayleigh had the same idea as Kurokas. This bastard really took care of Roger's pirate group.

Forget it, I have my own opinions, maybe Bucky is enjoying it now.

They are going to the New World, and they will probably come to the Shampoo Islands for coating, so it's time to ask.

Boy Noah can't do anything to force people to join the gang.

Although there are conspiracies one after another, his personal moral level is unexpectedly high.

Rayleigh recognized that Noah was following him, so he wasn't too worried yet.

Just red hair.

Damn it, this guy Bucky is really messy. He won't be killed on the way to the new world.

Scratching his head, his red hair was tingling.

Shanks is really worried about Bucky. Although Bucky is strong to a certain extent, he is not strong in the worldly sense.

This is how to do?

Looking at Bucky giggling (laughing wildly) in the photo, the redhead could only feel anxious.

He could not and had no reason to block a sea boy's dream.

Everyone else in the new world is just watching for fun. Who would believe that a pirate who just debuted from the East China Sea can ascend to the top of the Yonko.

Even if he is Roger's trainee crew member.

There is only one red-haired person, and there cannot be another such character.

As for defeating Crocodile, please, that's just a useless pirate who was eliminated from the new world and returned to the paradise stage.

What king is in the Shichibukai? The pirates here only recognize the four emperors.

Besides, they dared to kill and kill even the Four Emperors when they were in trouble. Bucky was just a clown.

The sensation caused by the Clown Pirates was quickly dispelled, and maybe the Navy and the World Government would take him seriously.

One day, Bucky's pirate ship disappeared into the sea, and no news came out for several days.

As a result, after a while, the latest information appeared.

Bucky the Clown is suspected of injuring the Nine Snakes Empress.

This was said by a certain caravan that was attacked by the Nine Snakes Pirates.

In the past few years, the Kuja Pirates have only robbed money, not resisting and not harming people's lives.

So several crew members accidentally saw the empress with injuries, and there were bandage marks on her arms and legs.

As for why I suspect it has something to do with Bucky.

A clown's target was set up on the boat, and there were marks of slashes and axes on it.

It was very obvious, and with a slight snort, the Empress kicked the clown target's head off.

There are indications that there was conflict between the two sides, and that Boya Hancock clearly suffered the loss.

This is the second Shichibukai to be overthrown after Crocodile.

What is Bucky the Clown going to do?

Because no one saw this battle and the results could not be confirmed, it was temporarily suppressed by the Warring States Period.

He wanted to see if this Bucky could fight all the way to the New World.

On the Emperor Bucky, Noah is using a phone bug to dispatch the revolutionary army to distribute materials on the sea, trying to spread the story of Bucky's journey to the top in the underground world as soon as possible.

It's still not possible to count on the navy. Their announcement is too brief and cannot reflect the power of the top pirates.

For example, this time about the battle with Hancock, such obvious information was given, but the Navy delayed its release. It's really unacceptable.

If he had known that the navy was so incompetent, he would not have owed a favor.

Let the proud Empress of Nine Snakes raise her status to a clown, and only Noah can raise it.

Although Hancock was very reluctant, the revolutionary army sent too many supplies.

Ship after ship is sent to Amazon Lily.

Ordinary food and supplies cannot impress them at all. As the World Government recognizes the legal robbery of the King Shichibukai, these things can be obtained through their own methods.

Only some special items need to be supplied by the revolutionary army.

For example, Dahai’s best-selling Nanhai Federation’s top luxury daily necessities, knitwear, and luxury goods.

Toilet paper, shower gel, shampoo, underwear, sanitary napkins, clothing, shoes and hats, bags, as well as cosmetics and skin care products.

It hit the weak spot of the daughter country.

Faced with such an offensive, the entire Amazon was defeated.

Many of the luxury brands here are unavailable. They have seen them in advertising spaces in underground magazines, so they will definitely not be able to grab them.

Boya Hancock agreed on the condition of favors + daily necessities + no real people appearing on the scene.

No one saw the battle scene, it was just a show, so I quickly convinced myself.

There is the scene at the beginning, the scene where the clown is kicked in the head to vent his anger.

In order to allow the World Government and Navy to receive information as soon as possible, the Nine Snakes Pirates robbed many merchant ships of nobles within a few days.

Just to play this last scene. The scars on the clown's target serve as demonstration props again and again. How pitiful.

Now the underground world has long been spread, and Bucky the Clown has already defeated two Shichibukai. With such strength, he will not be a nobody in the new world, but will develop into a dragon crossing the river.

I don’t know what the others were thinking. After the red-haired man found out, he felt strangely funny. He didn’t know why.

Reilly just took another sip of wine. With boy Noah around, anything could happen.

The battle records of Empress Nine Snakes were suppressed by the navy, and Noah didn't want Bucky's schedule to be too simple, so he had to activate the backup plan.

I really don't want to fight with that kind of guy, it will cost my life.

It's all the Navy's fault. If it dares to initiate a battle of this level, then don't blame Noah for making a big splash.

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