Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 345 The Navy Headquarters was shocked

Bucky the Clown.

A photo of Bucky laughing loudly on the execution platform was distributed to the top Navy admirals in action.

Sengoku, Garp, Aoki and others were sitting in the conference room listening to the CP chief on the stage doing intelligence analysis.

The last time I listened to intelligence analysis, it was about Hawkeye, the strongest Shichibukai.

This time Bucky seems to be not simple either.

Garp looked at Bucky's photo a little confused.

Have you seen this kid somewhere before?

With his no-nonsense attitude, he is probably not an ordinary little pirate.

“Originally, he was a pirate who had just debuted in the East China Sea, and his first stop was Rogge Town.

Standing on Roger's execution platform and announcing that his target was the Pirate King, he mistakenly thought he was a little pirate who didn't know the heights of the world.

However, he killed Biruda, the commander of the headquarters, with one move. Fortunately, the opponent just used it casually and did not kill them all, so his life was saved.

Speaking of Biruda, Kizaru stopped trying to fish and raised his head. This was his old subordinate.

Before, I was sent to Rogge Town because of the Revolutionary Army. Who knew I would run into this clown Bucky? It was really unlucky.

I don’t know if Biruda will be able to return to the Navy Headquarters after he recovers from his injury.

This person is proficient in two-color domineering, and - overlord color! I'm not sure if he has the fruit ability.

Ah, how scary, another overlord. Isn't it Revolutionary Lantern that didn't take care of the overlord's appearance last time and ended up becoming a serious problem?

Although Kizaru will not take revenge immediately, it is still okay to give this guy eye drops.

Sure enough, everyone sitting here is a little more serious. This is a pain in everyone's heart.

His problem isn't just about his lust. It's also about his identity!


Warring States was a little puzzled. At the same time, he also felt that he had seen this guy before. The red nose was quite conspicuous.

Bucky is not a new pirate who just went to sea. How can it be so simple for a guy with three colors of domineering to appear in the East China Sea?

He is a trainee crew member on the Pirate King's ship!

On Roger's boat, it seems that there was a red-nosed kid who was very arrogant at that time. He wanted to sign with me with a knife, but Rayleigh pulled him away.

Garp felt as if he suddenly realized that it was actually him.

According to intelligence, there are two trainee crew members on Roger's ship, and the other one is the Yonko Red-haired Shanks!

Everyone in the conference room immediately started talking, this matter is not simple.

Many new-generation executives still don’t understand how terrifying the One Piece crew is.

After doing some popular science around me, I realized that this was really a huge event.

Rayleigh, who killed Kaido some time ago, the current Yonko Shanks, and Douglas Barrett, the descendant of the devil who was imprisoned under the Impel Castle.

This kind of character will definitely stir up trouble when he comes out. Just look at the red hair. When he first climbed to the top, he killed a lot of blood in the new world. Will this clown Bucky have to do it again?

Moreover, he came out after so many years and claimed to compete for the position of the Four Emperors. We don't know what conspiracy is involved. The unknown is the most terrifying thing.

This analysis is not unreasonable.

The red-haired man had gone to sea long ago. How could Bucky of the same level only be on the sea stage now?

No one thought that with Bucky's strength, even when Luffy went to sea, he would not be worthy of being on the stage of the sea.

The latest information is that he has just launched a surprise attack on Rapeseed Port in Alabasta, and officially started a war with King Shichibukai Crocodile.

During this battle, Sand Crocodile also confirmed Bucky's identity.

During the battle, he invited Sand Crocodile to join his fleet to seize the throne together. It was obvious that Bucky the Clown had great ambitions.

The final result of the battle was that he was on par with the Sand Crocodile in the desert.

Those with the Shasha Fruit ability can only compete with him in the desert. Everyone should be aware of this level of combat power.

At this point in the data analysis, everyone basically understands that if you want to defeat Bucky the Clown, you must at least deploy a general-level combat force.

Akainu directly asked the Warring States Marshal for orders to kill this legendary big pirate.

Don't worry, let's listen to the analysis.

Warring States' mentality is very stable. If it were that simple, the CP chief would not analyze the intelligence himself.

Sure enough, the subsequent information made everyone's hearts sink.

According to reports from intelligence personnel on the scene, there is another troublesome person on board the Emperor Bucky, the leader of the swordsman group, Executioner Battousai.

That red-haired samurai, he was previously said to be recruited as the new king of the Shichibukai, so why did he join forces with Bucky the Clown?

Faced with the confusion of the senior executives, the CP chief was helpless.

“We have not yet found out the reason why Himura Kenshin led the swordsmen group to join the Clown Pirates.

But one thing that can be confirmed is that Kenshin Himura should have reached an agreement with Bucky the Clown. The Clown Pirates cannot harm civilians.


Akainu expressed disdain. In his eyes, a pirate is a pirate. Even if he does not harm civilians, he is still a pirate. They are all objects to be exterminated.

Qingzhi admires the leader of the swordsman group very much. It is rare to see such a disciplined swordsman.

Neither of these attitudes will affect the ever-powerful Admiral Sengoku in the Navy.

“Find out the reasons for the merging and, if possible, divide the group.

Battousai's combat power is very strong, and if he is mixed with Bucky, there are no two generals who are not safe.

But the current situation between us and the revolutionary army is so serious that it is difficult to divide our troops.

This matter is very critical. Your CP department should investigate it as soon as possible.

These words were not polite at all, but the CP chief still listened honestly.

They used to think of themselves as the dogs of the Celestial Dragons and were very arrogant to the outside world.

But after successive failures, it has almost lost the trust of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, and now it has no right to be arrogant in the face of the Navy.

We have been working on this aspect, and now we are discussing how much Bucky's reward will be.

500 million? After all, I didn't have any outstanding achievements in the past. If I can defeat a sand crocodile, this bounty should be about the same.

Too little. Who knows if there was any shocking conspiracy on Roger's ship before, and the interaction with the red hair. 1 billion, this is safer.

We have to consider the Battousai around him, so 1.5 billion.

1.5 billion! He has only been out at sea for a long time, and many of the Four Emperors' lieutenants have only offered this bounty. This is too overestimating the opponent. Sand Crocodile's own record is only like that, and Bucky's bounty cannot be so high.

Sand crocodile? What's my record like?

Everyone was talking about it, and Warring States was also a bit worried. Bucky's combat power fluctuated a bit, and there were some issues left over from history. The positioning of this bounty was a bit uncertain.

One more question. Is there a reward for the swordsman's Battōsai Himura Kenshin? How much?

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