Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 344 Sand Crocodile Finished

Ridiculous, this thought made the Sand Crocodile feel a little funny.

Do you know who there is in the new world? Are you the Four Emperors who you want to be?

Whitebeard~~ I think I said more than ten years ago that I wanted to remove his head. I don't know if I have a chance this time.

Auntie didn't say hello much. Kaido? He is gone.

You see, they can all become Yonko, why can't I, Sand Crocodile, come and help me.

I reject.


Bang~! ! !

Bucky dodged and struck out three times, but Sand Crocodile blocked it with the golden hook in his hand.

You are still the same, so despicable.

You should be grateful that I have a stupid guy on my ship, otherwise there wouldn't be a living soul in this city.

As he said that, Bucky glanced at his pirate ship with fear.

Following Bucky's gaze, Crocodile also saw the red-haired warrior standing on the bow of the ship with his arms crossed.

Seeing the two people looking at him, Battousai showed a gentle and firm smile.

Please make sure that the battle between the two of you does not affect civilians, please.

Then a burst of shocking sword intent erupted from him, which was both an advice and a warning.

Hehe, Bucky, it seems that the people on your ship also have great personalities.

Hmph, you have to be more tolerant of talented people, otherwise how can you reach the top of the Four Emperors? A battle in the desert!

A battle in the desert!

The two of them headed towards the desert at an extremely fast speed.

Battōsai followed closely behind.

Not long after, the sky in the desert changed.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder.

Dust surged on the ground and the wind howled.

Roaring sounds continued to come from the desert, as well as the clown's laughter and the roar of the desert king.


After entering the desert, Bucky quit his master persona. Except for the previously recorded laughter, he hid in the corner like a quail.

I ate a mouthful of sand, but didn't even think about moving to a nest.

Because those two people were really fighting to the death.

It was agreed that once they enter the desert, Crocodile will use his fruit ability to keep the battlefield from being seen.

But after they came in, for some reason, that guy always looked at them as if he wanted to kill someone.

As for professional ethics, it's really outrageous.

Sand Crocodile returned to his old place, and when he saw the battlefield in front of him, he remembered his last defeat.

After that humiliation, he secretly practiced physical skills and domineering, trying to make up for his shortcomings.

When I came here again with Noah this time, I felt like I was ready to make a move.

When you are testing the results of your own practice, you can still take revenge from the beginning. This is so attractive.

The actor's professionalism controls his thoughts, but as Noah said:

Do you want to try it?

It instantly ignited his fighting spirit. This is what you said. Fighting with you also fulfills Party A's additional requirements.

Noah thought that since he wanted to leave traces of the battle, he might as well give it a serious fight.

By the way, knock the sand crocodile. We still need to cooperate in the future, so that we can maintain the relationship between them.

Besides, if he can't lose, why not fight.

The two officially started fighting in the desert.

After Lao Sha's physical skills and domineering skills improved, he was really difficult to deal with, especially in the desert.

The reaction speed, strength, and even fruit ability have been greatly improved.

This is because his physical fitness was too stretched before, which is why there is such an obvious improvement.

Of course, Noah was not wasting his time.

The practice of domineering has not fallen behind, and it has made steady progress, slowly making up for the basic gap with the older generation of monsters.

At the same time, the fruit's ability gradually deepens. The current door fruits are all different in terms of opening time, teleportation distance, and teleportation intensity.

If the enemy is advancing, then you must advance even more rapidly in order to maintain the balance of combat power.

The sea is no longer the sea it used to be, and many people have changed their life trajectories because of Noah.

At least Akainu's combat power feels much stronger than at the same time. Aokiji and Kizaru at the same time as him are also passively improving. He cannot let his comrades completely suppress him. The man's competitive spirit cannot be defeated.

Noah is very pleased that Lao Sha can have such an improvement.

Therefore, he shot harder, this is for Lao Sha to make better progress.

With Crocodile's expression as if he had seen a ghost, he actually lost faster than the first time he fought to the death.

Lying on the sand, the whole person was stupid.

The Desert Diamond Sword has been given a weapon color, and its power has at least doubled. It still feels like it can be cut with one sword, and the process is quite smooth.

The suction power of the eroding reincarnation has increased at least twice, and it will be swallowed by the space door?

Can such a large range skill be swallowed up? Still unreasonable.

What have you accomplished through all these years of training? lonely?

Seeing Lao Sha doubting his life, Noah hurriedly became a spiritual mentor. There were not many comrades who were so useful.

Lao Sha, you performed well.

Don't comfort me, it's just a failure. Sooner or later I'm going to kill you bastard.

The words are very strong, but the blood spurting out from time to time is a bit unsatisfactory.

Very good, perseverance is the successful quality that people who do great things should have.

After helping Lao Sha stop the bleeding, the transaction was basically completed.

There was not enough time, so we could only chat on the sand.

I alone as a Shichibukai can't raise my reputation much. Who else will your revolutionary army attack in the follow-up plan?

It's still being arranged.

Haha, you have to choose a battlefield where no one can watch the whole process, and there are opponents who are willing to cooperate. How much energy can you have?

Noah thought about it, Lao Sha was considered an insider, so there was no harm in talking about it.

Nine Snakes can consider having a fight. The people there are very hospitable, and it's located in a windless zone, so no one should see it.

Boya Hancock heard that men are not welcome on that island. You are awesome.

This network of people will not worry about anything.

There is also a handsome boy who raises orangutans on Curacana Island. With the reputation of the world's best swordsman, even I, the executioner Battosai, will have some ideas.

Mentioning this person, Lao Sha was silent for a rare moment.

He won't listen to your arrangements.

No need to arrange, there is a battle between great swordsmen on a deserted island.

Presumably he is still willing to pay something, after all, great swordsmen are not easy to find.

The price is to let him say nothing. The Revolutionary Army can handle the subsequent arrangements.

You are working so hard just to help that idiot ascend to the throne of the Four Emperors?

As he spoke, he glanced contemptuously at Bucky who looked confused in the distance.

Hahaha, this is not important. Don't underestimate Bucky. His potential is definitely emperor-level. He just lacks time now.


Lao Sha only felt that he was still perfunctory until now, just like that red-nosed fool.

If he could ascend to the position of the Four Emperors with his own abilities, he would not be a Shichibukai, but also join the Four Emperors.

Rapeseed Flower Harbor.

There was another bombardment in the sky.

Hmph, Bucky, although you are more powerful, I am the king in the desert. Let's call it a tie this time.

It's ridiculous. If it weren't for the desert, would you be my opponent?

Bucky turned around and flew back to the Emperor Bucky.

Set sail, leave here. This sand crocodile, we will deal with him later.

That’s it for today. Continue tomorrow.

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