Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 343 The clown is coming

Rapeseed Flower Harbor.

Another busy morning.

As a superpower on the great sea route, the port's daily throughput is very huge.

Goods from all over the world are transferred here, and this small town built on the port is also very prosperous.

In the world of One Piece, prosperity means that for pirates, it is a piece of fat that everyone wants to take a bite of.

Pirates would attack from time to time, and even with the royal guard captain and others defending, it was impossible to intercept them every time.

Until one day, Alabasta ushered in its own hero.

The king of the Shichibukai, the king of the desert, Sand Crocodile.

In the past few years, he has single-handedly withstood countless pirate attacks.

One year, he even encountered a legendary pirate. He dragged his enemy into the desert and fought for a day and night before the winner was determined. He also suffered heavy losses.

This event is a royally sanctioned event.

Therefore, among the people, Crocodile changed from a pirate leader to a hero in the desert country.

After he was stationed for these years, pirate attacks became less and less. Except for newcomer pirates, few large pirate groups dared to come here.

Today, there was another ship flying the pirate flag on the sea heading towards the port.

The pirates are coming!!

Don't panic, clean up the stalls, everyone hide in the house, we have already informed Mr. Crocodile!!

The residents packed up the supplies in an orderly manner, and then hid in the supplies in an orderly manner, waiting for the sand crocodiles to deal with the invading enemies.

Everyone is used to the fact that the Desert King will deal with the problem first, and then the royal family will come to handle the finishing work. It seems that both parties have reached a tacit understanding.

Just wait until Lord Crocodile comes.

It's just that I don't want to ask where this new pirate comes from. Not many pirates dare to come here on this great sea route.

Look, it's coming!

A sandstorm blew in from the interior, covering the sky and making the sunlight much dim.

The feeling of oppression comes with the sky full of sand, which is both strength and strength.

In such a big scene, you can tell that a powerful person is on stage.

A figure loomed in the wind and sand, flying rapidly, and finally settled on the tallest clock tower in the town.

That is Lord Crocodile's favorite spot, and he will stop there almost every time.

He has a hunched head, a long horizontal scar on his face, an earring in his right ear, and a cigar in his mouth. Wearing a black fur coat and an orange plaid long-sleeved shirt underneath.

The classic pirate style, this is the King of the Desert, and it still fills the eyes today.

Our hero is here!

Come on Lord Crocodile!

The people below cheered, this was a sense of security.

According to the follow-up process, Lord Crocodile coldly turned the invading enemy into withered bones, and finally turned around calmly and left here. This process is familiar to everyone.

However, today's process is different.

Standing on the bell tower, Sand Crocodile frowned a little when he saw the pirate flag in the distance, as if he saw something different.

Is it an old friend?

After saying that, it turned into wind and sand and rushed towards the pirate ship that had not yet reached the shore.


As soon as the sandstorm landed on the bow of the ship, it was hit hard, as if it was hit by an invisible object, and exploded.

What followed was a dense sound of metal and iron, deafening, mixed with shouts.

The sword energy and power were unintentionally released onto the sea, setting off waves of waves.

A sword energy came from afar and directly cut off half of the pier, and a fist shadow blasted into the sea, creating a whirlpool with a diameter of a hundred meters.

This battle scene, which was like a natural disaster, made the residents of the town dumbfounded.

They had seen the Sand Crocodile destroy the enemy before, but they had never seen such an intense battle.

It seemed that the battle had just begun to heat up.

Two figures shot from the boat to the sky, and then from the sky to the sea.

Covered in the violent sand and dust, it was impossible to see who had the upper hand and who was at the lower end.

There was another loud noise.

A black figure was beaten from the ship back to the main road of the port. Two legs plowed two trenches into the ground.

At the same time, angry shouts spread throughout the port.

It's you, Bucky the Clown!!!

The exposed sand crocodile appeared with a solemn face, and raised the golden hook on its hand in a defensive posture.

This made the residents on both sides very uneasy.

How is it possible? Mr. Sand Crocodile seems to be at a disadvantage.

Moreover, is Bucky the Clown a famous pirate? Why would Mr. Crocodile be so surprised?

In the tense atmosphere, the pirate ship still docked.

Da, da, da, da, da, da

A sound of footsteps came from the pier, and the figure slowly walked onto the street, followed by an endless sense of oppression.

This terrifying aura seems to be able to knock people unconscious at any time. Is this Lord Crocodile's enemy?

He was dressed like a clown, with a white skull pattern painted on his forehead, and two blue scratches slanting across his eyes.

He has a big red nose, red lipstick, and a captain's hat.

The clothing is a gentleman's type of tuxedo suit, wearing an all-purple long trench coat and trousers, and wearing white gloves. He also wore a navy-style coat.

This is the look that Noah carefully designed for him, so that he can slightly hide his teasing aura.

Baki wants to be the Yonko. The Yonko of this era is not the kind of era that relies on contrasting cuteness to attract attention.

It refers to the original facial makeup and the gentleman's clothing of Batman's old enemy.

This realistic version of the outfit can leave a deep impression in the first place.

A crazy, neurotic, arrogant top pirate.

Krokdal, long time no see.

The hoarse and harsh voice sounds cruel at first glance.

Why are you here, get out of here, Bucky!

With a nervous movement, Bucky took out the knife and waved it wantonly in mid-air.

Speak in a aria manner.

Oh~~my old friend. We haven't seen each other for so long, why are you so unfriendly? You are not like this in the new world. A hero? Hahahahahaha!

The clown's laughter hovered over Rapeseed Flower Harbor, startling countless birds.

Fear is slowly gripping the land.

After taking a deep breath of the cigar, Sand Crocodile said thoughtfully.

If you don't go to find red-haired trouble, and you don't go to find Rayleigh, what are you going to do with me?

It's nothing, I just haven't seen my old friend for a long time. I want to say hello.

Have said hello, you can go.

Hey, old friend, I have another question. Do you want to go to the new world with me?

Sand Crocodile didn't reply, just smoked silently.

For example, how about becoming a Yonko?

Crocodile's expression changed visibly. Then a disdainful expression appeared.

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