Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 342 Actors please take their seats


Slapping the table.

Lao Sha stood up immediately.

What do you mean? Do you look down on my strength? Although there is a slight gap between my strength and Kaido's, but...

We can make suggestions or contain the enemy. Are you looking down on our Shichibukai?

Your Majesty the Shichibukai?

Bucky filled in the full name teasingly.

Your Majesty


Lao Sha slapped the table again. Doesn’t His Majesty deserve respect?

How about we sign, he meant sign with Bucky.

After being angry for a long time.

Well, it really can't be of much help.

Crocodile, who recognized the fact, sat down angrily.

Ahem, Lao Sha, don't be anxious, won't I give you a chance when I come here this time?


The cold words squeezed out from between the teeth. But Noah's enthusiasm could not be poured out.

The first thing is to have a fake match with this guy and get some praise.

Haha, I am a dignified Shichibukai. I will not cheat in matches, and I will not praise unknown people.

No one, this made Bucky, who had always been wearing a hood, angry, and he immediately took off his disguise.

Ah hahaha, just a mere Shichibukai is so crazy?

Captain Roger took great care of me back then, and I could fight Shanks whenever I wanted. Why are you so crazy?

Red-nosed Bucky was furious this time. He was preparing to reach the top of the Four Emperors, how could he be embarrassed here.

Roger? Red hair?

Crocodile was a little shocked. Anyone who dared to come with Noah would not lie about this kind of thing.

This is a veteran pirate, and he seems to be quite impressive.

So why do we need to play a fake game? Could it be that Noah is joking and wants to play a serious game?

For fear that Lao Sha would misunderstand and then kill him, Noah still had to explain.

If he really fights, Bucky can still resist a few attacks, but he won't fight for too long. The split fruit seems to have no restraint against the rustling fruit.

It wouldn't be fun if Bucky turned into a mummy on a whim.

In order to take care of Bucky's self-esteem, Noah asked Bucky to guard the door as well, and he would talk about the rest.

Bucky actually regretted it just after he said it. If this guy wasn't suppressed by the Pirate King and the red hair, he wouldn't have given it away. As expected, it would be good to go out and guard the door sincerely.

After he went out, he regretted it even more. The murderous Mr.1 next to him almost drowned him.

This is also making yourself uncomfortable.

After Bucky went out, Noah simply gave Old Shakop a red-nosed background.

A rising star in the Revolutionary Army, a trainee crew member of One Piece, and the red-haired childhood sweetheart of the Four Emperors.

The goal is to reach the top of the Four Emperors, so when I debut, I want to find a big pirate who is very famous on the sea to raise my hand.

As for why he was pretending to fight, it was because Bucky's potential had not yet been unleashed, and his combat power was slightly worse at this time.

Well, it's quite different. I still have to tell the truth. If the information is wrong, someone could easily be killed.

What if Lao Sha thinks Bucky is hiding his strength, and Bucky dies of exhaustion. What a tragedy.

The biggest injustice case of the year. The kind that will die with its eyes in peace.

After listening to Noah's explanation, Lao Sha looked at Noah with admiration.

This man always has such unexpected strategies. Compared with him, I am still too kind.

As a rare conspirator in the world of pirates, he appreciates this kind of grand conspiracy.

Appreciation is appreciation, the price still needs to be discussed.

I can't accept a fake fight. You know, everyone who messes around in the sea wants to save face.

It's worth one thing.

This is not a good compliment. If this guy reveals his secret in the future, will it damage my reputation?

Your reputation refers to being a great hero.

One more thing.

make a deal.

The three things we agreed on before were exchanged for Pluto’s information, but now two things have gone out, making a pure profit.

It's just a little fame, why would he care.

Except for Whitebeard and One Piece, everything else about Lao Sha is measurable.

Time, location, how big the scene should be, and how high the praise should be, just mention it and I will try my best to cooperate.

There is one thing to say, after Lao Sha got what he wanted, his service attitude was truly speechless. In two words, professional.

Tomorrow morning, we will go to Rapeseed Port and fight all the way to the desert. One day and one night. I will give you the lines and script soon.

Okay. Let's go slowly without seeing you off.

After the matter was discussed, this guy immediately saw the guest off.

Although they have a business relationship, he still doesn't like the person who beat him.



Noah, who had turned around, was stopped.

Can you have another fight with Mr. 1 and be gentle?

Hey, this Lao Sha cares so much about his subordinates? This is to let the subordinates get rid of their inner demons.

My appearance fee is very high!~

One thing for you.

Seeing the half-smile on Noah's face, Lao Sha became a little angry.

No yes!

Okay. Let's do it now. When Bucky's drama ends, we will go straight down. It's better to solve it now.

The office door opened, and both Mr. 1 and Bucky walked in.

Mr.1’s eyes were fixed on Noah, and his sharp breath was running around his body. But the whole person was still very calm and did not move at all.

Mr.1, let's have a good discussion with the guests later.

The bald man glanced at Lao Sha in surprise.

What did your boss pay for?

Noah raised his hand and opened a space door.

Let's go, let's fight quickly.

After saying that, he walked over.

Others followed.

Amidst the wind and sand in the sky, Daz Bonis's whole body was covered in armor, and his whole body turned into a sharp sword, making those who saw it shudder.

The domineering power seems to be okay. It seems that he has been practicing seriously.

I dare not forget the power of that finger. Please teach me.

He took an offensive stance, raised his energy, and disappeared in place, only hearing the sound of the sword.

Half an hour later, a light door opened in Yudi's office.

Crocodile came back carrying Daz Bonis, who was covered in blood and unconscious.

This battle was very crucial for his subordinates. He broke through the fear in his heart and his domineering power reached a new level.

As for not regretting exchanging one thing for it later.

Who knows.

After the captain returned, the Emperor Bucky began to move rapidly towards Rapeseed Flower Port, and it is expected to arrive tomorrow morning.

Noah kept urging Bucky on the bow.

Although tomorrow will be a fake fight, in the early stage in a crowded place, you must be sure to show your master's style.

How to handle it?

Bucky humbly asked the conspirator for advice.

First, the higher you stand, the better. Don't fall to the ground. This distance will make people more scared.

Second, keep your words brief. People with fewer words are more powerful. Anyone who talks nonsense will most likely be the talkative king.

Third, you can talk more about the deeds of other great masters, compare yourself with Lao Sha, and take the initiative to improve your status.

“These three points must be kept in mind.

From now on, when walking on the sea, you will mainly rely on this to get by.

Just let nature take its own course.

After hearing this, Bucky called him professional. It turns out there is a way to pretend like this. I learned it. I learned it.

After that, I took the time to memorize the script. This is tomorrow’s line. Don’t forget the words and be professional.

Director Noah was very pleased to see Bucky working so hard.

Tomorrow's episode of the Shichibukai versus the Clown Emperor is guaranteed.

I just don’t know how dedicated another actor is.

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