Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 338 Bucky and Rogge Town

It's still a little early to organize the Cross Guild at this time. Let's first make a name for ourselves by using the name Bucky the Clown.

After a brief naming, everyone ran to the boat excitedly to see their own boat.

Once everyone is done making noise, it’s training time.

Each person was given a manual for the traditional sailboat and started practicing based on practical operations.

Formerly a student and a swordsman. There is a lack of skills in navigating traditional boats.

I specially found a few old crew members to guide everyone.

In addition to driving skills, how to make yourself look like a pirate is also a problem.

This is taught by Captain Bucky's words and deeds.

The look must be wild, the clothes must be worn well, the laughter must be unique, and the eyes must be fierce and fierce.

After a week of emergency teaching, everyone has mastered these basic skills.

The Emperor Bucky officially sets sail.

A pirate flag with two knives crossed and a clown skull on top was raised in the East China Sea.

Huge hull, ferocious firepower. Big Mac-like battleships roamed the East China Sea.

In the East China Sea, known as the weakest sea, its deterrent power is unparalleled.

Some small pirate ships were unable to even get close, and all collapsed under the suppressed fire.

Hmph, such a small character also wants to fight Uncle Bucky? Ridiculous!

Captain Bucky, who is wearing a cape, is very disdainful of Donghai's weakness.

It's been a week, and we haven't even encountered a warship. It's really inefficient.

If it had been placed in the South China Sea, it would have been besieged, crushed, captured, and roads built.

There are still ruthless people in the East China Sea. If I encounter some of them, I will have to retreat as soon as possible. I will leave you to face them alone.

I'm just kidding. Captain Roger's hometown is certainly unusual. Pirates should keep a low profile.

The fruit that is divided into pieces can also be bent and stretched.

Denjiro looked at the situation in Donghai and scratched his head a little.

The strength of this group of pirates is not strong, but their arrogance is really arrogant, and they have the flavor of a new world.

The security of the weakest sea is not very good either.

That's right. Old Man Garp comes back from time to time and takes away batches of pirates, which is why the East China Sea is maintained at such a stage.

If it weren't for him, this place would be ten times more chaotic.

Mr. Noah knows the East China Sea quite well.

Well, I was born in Donghai.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Noah, this was really unexpected.

The source of everyone's understanding of the revolutionary lights mainly comes from the World Government's investigations and newspaper propaganda.

Few people know about this Donghai birth. Basically, the whole sea knows about his O'Hara remnants.

At this time, Bucky asked with an iron head.

Then why did you leave the East China Sea and become a revolutionary army?

He thought that if Noah had not joined the revolutionary army, he would not be so miserable.

Oh, because the whole family was killed by pirates and taken away as slaves. They just left the East China Sea.


Bucky felt that he might have asked a question that he shouldn't have asked.

There's a reason why this guy hates pirates so much.

Ahem, Teacher Noah. Where should we go next?

Rogge Town. Then go to the Grand Route. There is no point in wasting time in the East China Sea. We must complete the first half of the Grand Route as soon as possible and join the battle of the Four Emperors as soon as possible.

Roger Town.

Bucky was silent this time. The relationship between this place and his captain was really hard to tell.

The Emperor Bucky galloped on the sea and soon arrived at Rogge Town.

At this time, Smoker has not come here to garrison.

The highest officer in Rogge Town is just a headquarters commander.

It is enough to be used in the East China Sea. The domineering navy is already an invincible power in the East China Sea, but the pirates who come this time are extraordinary.

Bucky, Noah and Denjiro arrived at the execution platform.

How does it feel to go back to old places, Bucky?

I hate it here. After I came here with Shanks that time, I never came back.

Then how about issuing your declaration to go to sea here.

Just what I wanted.


Bucky dodged and flew onto the execution platform.

Standing on the stage and looking at the tiny crowd below, I didn’t know what I was thinking.

When passers-by saw a stranger standing at the first scenic spot in Rogge Town, they all started to watch with the mentality of watching the excitement.

He must be another pirate who just went to sea.

Every year, a few pirates come here to do inexplicable things, and in the end they are captured by Colonel Kadaru of the Navy Headquarters.

Da da da, there was a sound of the collision of leather shoes and stone slabs. A navy commander with dark skin, yellow broken hair, and glasses came over.

Kadaru was in a very bad mood. He originally followed Lieutenant General Kizaru's team in G-2. Later, because the encirclement and suppression of Tiger failed, he was let go by the enemy, leaving a stain.

Not even Kizaru's face can make the World Government forgive him.

Because Tiger is not the Tiger of the Sun Pirates in the original work, but Tiger of the Revolutionary Army.

Being spared by the revolutionary army has more meaning.

After multiple rounds of reviews, he was still sent to Rogge Town, which made him feel very bad.

The signal corps sent news that another idiot was causing trouble on the execution platform today, which made him feel even more irritable.

Why do you pirates have to prove something here?

Why don't you go to Judiciary Island, the Undersea Prison, or Marinefando to prove your courage if you are so brave?

What's the point of coming to Rogge Town?

See that red nose standing on the execution stand.

With his blue hair and exaggerated style, he looks like a rookie who wants to be new and different.

He didn't even want to say a word about this trash pirate.


Without even drawing the sword, he just flashed into the air and punched him.

Just a little pirate.



A hand wrapped in armed color easily picked up this group.

No, it’s a big fish! He quickly retracted his fist and grabbed the weapon at his waist.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Bucky is not a guy willing to give his enemy a fair fight.

He is the most pirate-like person in the Revolutionary Army.

A flying knife flashed from his hand.


Kadalu, who was poked like a hedgehog, fell from the sky with blood all over the sky.

It hit the ground so hard that he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The passers-by who were watching the meal were all shocked. The captain of the Navy Headquarters died like this?

He was obviously such a majestic master before

I, Bucky the Clown, am destined to become the Pirate King! Hahahahaha!

Bucky the Clown, Bucky the Clown.

Run quickly, Bucky the Clown is going to kill someone.


Don't panic, notify the Navy Headquarters quickly.

The civilians below discovered that the Marine had been knocked down and immediately stopped watching the excitement. They should run for their lives first. This guy named Bucky the Clown is a lunatic.

Riots spread in Rogue Town, such was the reputation of pirates in this era.

The navy was also panicked. What should we do? The top officer was killed instantly. We could only inform the navy headquarters.

Bucky was still laughing wildly in mid-air. This crazy smile really had the look of a villain.

Are you considering updating at the end of the month? There are generally very few people reading on the 6th.

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