Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 337 The wire is about to break

The graduation season lasted for a week and ended.

At the last graduation dinner, all the senior officials arrived and gave these graduates their future expectations.

In their future lives, the challenges they will face are huge and unpredictable.

A group of temperamental people were crying and crying.

In the world of One Piece, most people have terrible emotions.

When you cry, you cry loudly, with your mouth wide open and your nose flowing.

Whether it's a beautiful woman or a big man, this may be the real feeling.

Noah looked at these calmly.

Tezog came over with the wine barrel.

Teacher Noah, you are too cruel. There are people down there hugging their heads and crying.

I've seen too many things like life and death. This is just the graduation season. What do you want from me? Let's talk about it first. Bucky's priority is very high. I can't help you with manpower issues.

Tezog is very purposeful, and something will happen to him every time.

Some spies from the World Government have recently come to the South China Sea Federation. Although there are not many, I am a little worried and want to ask you what to do first.

Noah frowned.

Come to the South China Sea at this time?

If it is just because of the funds for the sea train, it is still a good thing. Compared with the financial problems, everything can be settled.

At worst, you can make less money, or even make no money at all.

The original purpose of the revolutionary army has been achieved. Profit has never been the first priority.

That is what investors care about. The revolutionary army just borrows their money to incubate its own strategy.

The train development in Nanhai has always been a frequent feature in newspapers. So many people have benefited from it, and there is news to write about every day.

Maybe a certain official wanted to get more, so he sent someone to make a fuss.

Come up with some handles, this is acceptable.

But that's not what Tezog and Noah were thinking about.

But, things other than economics.

As the sea train progresses faster and faster, more and more people move around.

A lot of information also spread.

The thoughts of some revolutionary troops cannot be suppressed.

Although things like land reform and political reform are implemented with different names and starting points, they are essentially the same.

There is more and more information like this, and ordinary people may not pay special attention to it.

But if the World Government and the Navy notice it, don't investigate in depth. They can see through this anywhere.

Who said that the entire South China Sea has been taken over by the revolutionary army?

At present, the revolutionary army is walking a tightrope, which is getting thinner and thinner.

After learning that the World Government's spies had arrived, Noah was also a little troubled.

Preparation means always being prepared, but the later the better.

It's okay. Let's take some time to chat with our good friend Spandam, give him something to do, and try to get some information.

Well, then I will continue to pay attention to these people and see what their purpose is.

Neither person filed a report.

One is that the matter is still unclear, and the enemy will only consume the energy of the revolutionary army.

The second thing is that Noah is already at the top, so it’s enough to talk to him, and he still has the power to make early decisions.

The two of them did some simple coping methods, each thinking about something thoughtfully.

This time period is really not a good thing.

The next day, things started to break up outside in full swing.

Bucky set off secretly with more than a hundred people behind him, heading straight for the East China Sea.

Teacher Noah, why are you still going along?

Please call me Kenshin. I'm here to escort you first. After arriving at the Grand Line, I will disembark after arranging the follow-up arrangements.

Phew~ breathed a sigh of relief.

I was very happy to escape from Noah's clutches with my brothers, but when I turned around, this guy was also among the crowd. What was this?

With the big boss staying on the ship, is he still the free pirate Bucky?

After hearing Noah's explanation, I felt relieved. It seemed that Captain Bucky would have the final say in the future.

Seeing Bucky breathing a sigh of relief, Noah was speechless.

In fact, this ship is full of people from the revolutionary army. Even if I get off the ship, there doesn't seem to be much difference.

If it weren't for the critical moment of his debut, he, a busy man, wouldn't have stayed with the boat for a while.

The third batch of admissions to the Island of Resurrection is very stressful. For example, Luo and Kuina can't make it in time for the entrance ceremony. This red-nosed person is still considering some things that are good or bad. It's really just luck, so he has nothing to fear. ?

Forget it, keep going.

The place for this debut was carefully chosen by Noah.

The South China Sea has become very eye-catching. In a place where not many pirates have debuted in recent years, an imperial group has popped up. Is it causing trouble for itself?

The final choice is.

The East China Sea is a magical place where top figures come out and can stir up troubles.

It's not unacceptable to have another Yonko.

Bucky's debut in Donghai is consistent with history.

Before joining the revolutionary army, he originally planned to come to the East China Sea to dig for treasures, but he failed to succeed and was taken away by a dragon.

Debuting again from the East China Sea can also be regarded as inheriting the legacy of the Pirate King, which is more convincing.

At least the Sengoku and World Government who knew Bucky’s background later on would understand this place of debut.

As long as they didn't accidentally run into Garp who was going home to see his grandson, there was really no need for others to worry.

On an unnamed island, a large three-masted warship was docked there.

Emperor Bucky.

Tonnage 1,500 tons, length 232 feet. The whole body is made of top-quality wood, and some leftover materials from Adam tree are also used in key parts.

There are three decks, each with a certain amount of artillery installed. There are a total of 104 guns on the ship.

The power system is still a traditional sail, and the more high-tech power source is not suitable for a veteran pirate like Bucky.

A group of people stood on the pier, looking at this gorgeous sail warship and sighing.

It’s not about how awesome it is, but the design embodies the beauty of retro and luxury.

In terms of power, the high-tech warships of the Revolutionary Army are far more powerful than this one, but they are really not as good-looking as this one in appearance.

This is the appearance designed by Noah after imitating the Sea Sovereignty built by King Charles I of England.

It is different from the traditional pirate sailboat, and has a special flavor of war and history.

Bucky's eyes widened.

Is this my boat?

This specification, this hull, this keel. This collision angle, this style, this artillery.

Seeing that Bucky had the urge to go up and take a lick, Noah quickly grabbed the red nose.

He is the captain after all, so don’t be so embarrassed.

There are two urgent things now that must be resolved.

Bucky looked at Noah with a confused face.

Is it really a good idea to choose this guy as captain?

The name of the pirate group and its flag.

Yeah, no name yet.

Then how about the Clown Pirates.

Bucky made his decision confidently.


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