Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 339 The majesty of debut



You have to watch out for Bucky this time when you go to sea. Don't let this guy become a monster. As you can see, he is very adaptable to things like pirates.

Looking at Bucky laughing wildly above the execution platform, Denjiro nodded.

Brother Bucky's demeanor really has nothing to do with the revolutionary army.

Although this can also confuse the world government, I am really worried.

Mr. Noah, what about the riots in the city?

It doesn't matter.


A terrifying overlord appeared in Rogge Town, and almost everyone in the town fainted.

The only naval commander who could see the source of the overlord's lust knelt down at the beginning, so it should be assumed that it was Bucky, the pirate who wanted to be the emperor, who did it.

That's good. By the way, it will help Bucky show off his skills for debut.

After Noah finished speaking, he asked Bucky to come down.

Everyone has fainted, he has let go of what he said before, the photos have been taken, and he even helped him show off his overbearing look. It's time to leave.

By the way, the person who just took the photo of Bucky was one of us, and the angle was chosen very well.

At the foot is the execution platform of the Pirate King, with dark clouds behind it, and the red-nosed pirate laughing wildly in the wind. The tone of the big pirate is definitely enough.

I hope the redhead will be surprised when he sees his good brother looking other than funny.

Of course, the wanted notice will not be released so quickly.

A big pirate who was born in the East China Sea and has overlord color and double color domineering must dig deep into his background. After the navy investigates clearly, it will take a week no matter what.

This time is enough time for Noah to take Bucky to Alabasta for the first battle.

They don't need to wait for permanent pointers. The revolutionary army has a large number of pointers stored inside and can be used at will.

This is how big forces operate.

Otherwise, we would have to wait a few days to kill this little brat somewhere.

Back at the port, the Emperor Bucky continued to set sail, heading straight for Upside Down Mountain.

The sea current rushed straight to the top of the mountain. This strange sight attracted the novice pirates. They climbed on the fence and pointed, just finding it interesting.

The appearance of this ocean current is quite interesting, second only to the upwelling current of Sky Island and the Carp Falls of Wano Country.

The veterans on the ship are different from the new recruits. They have seen too many stranger and more magnificent scenery.

I have developed a calm state of mind.

After rushing out of the upside down mountain waterfall, the boat flew directly into the waters of Twin Capes.


There was a huge splash of water.

Fortunately, Rab was taken away early, otherwise the Emperor Bucky would probably have suffered the first impact at sea.

At this time, Gemini Cape didn’t know if his old friend was still there.

Oh, it’s so sad that a lonely old man, Kurokas, is still here guarding the lighthouse.

Kulokas, are Rab and Brooke gone? Why are you the only one left here?

Kurokas was lying on the beach chair reading a magazine, enjoying himself.

Two or Three Things About the Revolutionary Army and the Admiral

Some very ridiculous evidence is used here to discuss the friendship between the Revolutionary Light and Admiral Akainu, indicating that the two people may be connected in private.

Why fight to the death twice without any casualties? The revolutionary lights in the first battle were so weak but were able to escape. All kinds of strategies and methods that ignored Noah were related anyway.

It has the flavor of the entertainment industry.

Looking at Kurokas Gagale, you just want to establish friendship with Aokiji and Akainu, but with Akainu.

This underground publication is so nonsense, but it’s really interesting.

Why does this way of telling stories have the writing style of that brat Noah? Could it be that this guy is so cruel that he won't even let himself go?

While he was watching intently, he suddenly felt someone appearing behind him!

His eyes flashed red and disappeared.

Ah, it's this guy Noah.

Haha, this old guy always looks like an ordinary muscular old man. This time he must have revealed his secret.

Haha, where's Brooke?

It's so enviable to be carrying the waves that fill the sea.

Why don't you go along and just stay at the lighthouse and be a lonely old man?

When I was young, I ran all over the sea, but when I got older, I didn't want to move. After all these years, this is my home. Also, I still have to thank you for that, Brooke.

Noah knew that he was grateful for the fact that Brooke was not directly dragged into the revolutionary army.

That afro was so miserable that he didn't even have a good life for a few days.

With Noah's temperament, he couldn't bear to let them work with only a skeleton and a whale.

In addition to letting Brooke work as a courier a few times in the early stage, Noah only commissioned him to compose a few pieces of music to help out later on.

The remaining dangerous things were not suitable for him and Rab to get involved.

This is what Kurokas is grateful for. He knew about the Revolutionary Army's big moves in recent years, including Brooke's initiative to contact Noah.

All were rejected by Noah.

Those battlefields are not places where Brooke can intervene at will. Forget about other work, just accompany Rab to fulfill his promise.

It is enough to write a work every day and be a member of the revolutionary front.

Whatever, what are you looking at?

The underground publication that your revolutionary army created, I saw that the writing was written by you.

Kurokas looked at Noah with a mysterious smile and handed over the magazine.

After a few glances at Noah? ? ? ? ?

Two or Three Things About the Revolutionary Army and the Admiral?

Akainu! ! Those little bastards.

You must know that Noah is so busy at work. He only occasionally contributes to this magazine. Most of the other pages are created by the publicity department he trained.

He said he would write some exciting, mysterious, and interesting stories.

At the same time, some smoke bombs should also be placed.

But is this what you wrote?

Noah, who had a gloomy face, wanted to kill the Resurrection Island, hang up those brats and whip them, but he thought about his own teachings.

This is shooting yourself in the foot!

Noah, that boat is yours? Why did you get such a retro boat, but it's so beautiful.

Even Kurokas couldn't resist the aesthetic impact of this exotic warship from the Age of Discovery.

The angular design that is completely different from the anime style is full of impact.

Yes, there is a rising star in our revolutionary army who wants to compete for the position of the Four Emperors. You should also help him when the time comes.

There are too many flaws in this sentence to complain about.

For example, the last Yonko was killed by you and Rayleigh. Kurokas knew this.

Also, the revolutionary army wants to become the Four Pirate Emperors, and they really want to attack the pirates.

And why do you need his help?

Well, he might know why.

The rising star of the revolutionary army looked a bit familiar.

No, no, why did the Revolutionary Army choose him?

Isn't this the hell difficulty?

Yo, Bucky kid.

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