Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 199 Yamato’s Handcuffs

In desperation, he had no choice but to report the situation to Noah, saying that there would be no changes in three days and the war would end as expected.

Very well, the most difficult step for the South China Sea Federation is about to be taken. The first half of the plan is over, and we can start to work harder in the second half.

Hey, dragon, we will launch the plan in 2 days.


It is impossible to do things on the same day as the South China Sea Federation. Anyway, masters usually fight for several days, so this arrangement is reasonable.

Over there, Noah has already arranged plans for the South China Sea and the New World. Aokiji brought five CP0s to the G1 branch and joined Kizaru.

After greeting each other, the group entered the base.

Arriving at the combat conference room, Lieutenant General He discussed specific plans with the two of them. Although this siege was proposed and arranged by the World Government, the top combat forces were all from the navy, so the on-the-spot command ultimately fell into the hands of the navy.

Kizaru looked at the five CP0s standing outside on the playground and said with a bit of disgust.

Who are these five guys? Their auras are a bit chaotic. They are not serious warriors.

Aoki didn't know either. He was far away from CP0 on the warship, and he felt something was wrong.

Nothing, it's a ripening technology of the World Government. Created by combining Devil Fruit and certain technological means.

These people are mentally immature. Although they can barely reach the level of lieutenant general with the animal system, their combat power is not enough.

There was one a few years ago, but it was abandoned because the cost was too high and the usability was not strong. It seems that the CP department has used all the remaining combat power.

Lieutenant General He introduced the biological weapons in a familiar tone. As the chief of staff of the Navy, she still knew some information. It was a joke that the World Government made such weapons to fight pirates. Who else could be the target?

After investing huge resources, it didn’t work, so we gave up. I thought that all these short-lived weapons were dead, but I didn't expect that there were still a few of them. Noah was really a big threat.

Okay, let's not talk about that. The current battle plan is very simple. If Noah appears on that unnamed island, the two of you will go together. Kuzan will directly control the surrounding sea areas, create a battlefield, and then carry out the main attack. Polusali Nuo is responsible for pestering the other party and preventing Noah from escaping. The two of you should be able to suppress him by joining forces.

Hearing He's simple and crude arrangement, Qing Zhi was a little puzzled.

Is it that simple? It is said that Noah is not very cunning?

According to the information from the World Government, this time it was a calculation that was calculated unintentionally. We have already gained a huge advantage. The two generals are surrounding us and will be surrounded by five powerful beasts as assistants. If we still fail to achieve our goal in this situation , it is also a crime other than war.

Have you found the person who contacted Noah?

No, this information is only half of it. Unless the leader of the Revolutionary Army is Long, it is impossible to fail. You go and prepare. Porusalino remembers to clean up the area around the G1 branch before leaving. Give me some relief. pressure.

Ah~ I see, it's so troublesome. You still have to listen to what the seniors say~

This lewd tone coupled with the lewd expression really made General He have the urge to 'wash' him.

It is very troublesome, but General Kizaru with full firepower is absolutely terrifying. A flash of light appeared above the surrounding pirate ships, and various flashes exploded randomly. After seeing that there was no life in the color, he moved to another ship. Above the pirate ship, the above actions were repeated, and the surrounding sea area was quickly cleared.

The next day, a warship set out under the cover of night, and all the pirate ships that happened to encounter along the way were wiped out. No one could escape the attack of the two serious generals, and even the telephone bugs had no chance to use it. The whole process was extremely difficult. Secretly arrived near the target sea area.

You can't get any closer at this time, just wait for the monitoring phone bug to send back the picture.

The next morning, Noah stood on the edge of the cliff and estimated the time, waiting for the dragon's notification.

On the outskirts of Ghost Island, the dragon used the breeze to cover up its breath and smell. Noah had reminded that the content of animal fruits on this island exceeded the standard. There are probably many people with good noses, so the smell must be covered up.

His ethereal steps made him feel like he was in a deserted place on the island. It turns out that in addition to violent hurricanes, he can also control breezes.

Step by step, we walked into the interior of the island. As Kaido's territory, the pirates here were all extremely arrogant. They did simple things like patrolling the territory, and the dragon walked in casually.

After entering the cave inside, follow the unparalleled stealth mode taught by Noah and kill anyone who can't escape or is about to find him.

Finally, following what I saw and heard, I found the historical text. Red road sign text? Noah knew this matter quite clearly.

However, the current Revolutionary Army's definition of historical text is a very easy-to-use Devil Fruit vehicle. The history on it will be left to Robin to study, but it is not so eager for the history itself.

They followed Noah on a path of self-development and conquering nature with man. Past history cannot bind them. Breaking this meaningless cycle and creating a new future with your own hands is the current route of the revolutionary army.

Touching the historical text, and just as he was about to take action, he sensed someone coming over again.

Look at the entrance of the cave and prepare to kill whoever comes.

There was a very harsh sound of metal dragging on the ground. A tall and thin figure walked out of the darkness.

Dragging a mace and wearing a Prajna mask, his long white hair with gradient color was combed in the middle, and the hair on the temples naturally hung down to his chest. There is a pair of red devil horns on the top of his head and a handcuff on his hand?

There are handcuffs, is he Kaido’s enemy? For the time being, the dragon did not act rashly.

Who is coming?

That's right, Kozuki Oden! Is he the one who killed Kaido's men? He's pretty strong.

? That stupid general that Noah said could only be moved by himself? Not a man?

Who is it? Forget it, I have other things to do. If you are Kaido's enemy, don't hinder me.

Of course I am Kaido's enemy. It's a pity that I, Kozuki Oden, was trapped on this island by explosive handcuffs, otherwise I would have made a big fuss like you!

This guy must be mentally ill. But the strength is still enough, and it can cause a little chaos here. Liu Ying can untie the explosive handcuffs.

Just need a little movement to attract Kaido, this is it.

I'll help you unlock the handcuffs, and then you can do whatever you want.

? ! Yamato felt that he was already very dignified as a general, but the guy opposite him turned out to be even crazier. These are explosive handcuffs. Can you respect them a little?

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