Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 198 Teacher Kaido is the most convenient

At a certain revolutionary army stronghold in the new world, Noah and the person in charge of the stronghold explained the matter of two problem children.

Then he spoke earnestly to baby-5 and Buffalo.

The Don Quixote family has become a thing of the past. The ideas and behaviors you were exposed to when you were young were wrong. Maybe you don't feel it now, but it doesn't matter. You will know when you meet Luo in a few days and go to school together.

The two of them were still immersed in the grief of the family's young master being killed and their hatred for Noah, and they didn't want to talk to Noah at all. One thing to say, Doflamingo is relatively good against his subordinates, and he does have a lot of die-hard loyalists.

Forget it, just be honest here these days and don't cause trouble. Being young is no excuse for you to cause trouble.

After saying this, Noah left. A child like this who grew up in a gangster family without someone like Rosinandi to teach him will definitely grow crooked. When he enters school and lives with children of the same age, After that, you will understand what kind of moral standards a normal society is like.

Now that the news of Doflamingo's death has probably spread, I wonder what those related to him will think.

The news has indeed spread, and even the news that the South China Sea Federation and the 20 South China Sea countries are about to go to war cannot cover up this matter. After all, he is a great pirate who has just taken over the title of King Shichibukai, and he still has a certain deterrent power on the sea.

This can be regarded as an indirect slap in the face of the Navy and the World Government. The King's Shichibukai system is a very unpopular system among the people. It actually allows pirates to plunder legally. This is too difficult for the general public to accept. The safety of one's own life and property cannot be protected by the navy.

It can be said that the credibility of the world government has declined again. Some people may wonder, does the world government still have credibility? Yes, many people who have lived on small islands all their lives rely entirely on newspapers to obtain information about the outside world, and they still believe in the world government.

Without comparison, you don’t know what despair is. It is definitely better for 10 people to starve to death in one village than to have 20 people starve to death in the next village. They don't know that there are places where people can't starve to death. In some places, not only can people not starve to death, but they can also live very well.

There are two other people who care about Doflamingo's death. One is Luo from the Island of Resurrection. Although Mr. Cora did not die on Mignon Island, the despair and hatred at that time are unforgettable. Deep in his heart, he has been working hard to defeat Dover, but this guy just died

Needless to say, Rosinandi, his brother is dead. Even though this brother is a pure evil person, he is still nice to him most of the time. This time I died on the way to the new world stealing the country, which really made me have mixed emotions for a while.

Of course, the emperors of the new world had no feelings after learning about Doflamingo's death. In their eyes, he is just a young boy who has just gained some limelight, and he will die as soon as he dies.

They are more concerned about the red hair who stirred up endless troubles in the new world, and they are more concerned about the reason why Noah, the most vicious criminal in the world, came to the new world.

Red Hair's journey to the top is related to the future structure of the new world and the division of interests. The emperors all have their own territory, and the islands they shelter need to be donated. If the red-haired emperor becomes the emperor, there will definitely be a chance of collision with them.

Noah has always been secretive and has been fighting against the world government for many years without dying. The more powerful the power, the more they understand the terror of the world government. What kind of storm will this man bring to this sea, who brings disaster wherever he goes?

There was no storm, and the person who caused the storm was wrapped like a rice dumpling, covering his flowing hair, and arrived at Ghost Island without any trace of it.

Dragon's mission is to come here, wait for Noah's signal, sneak in quietly and steal the historical text of the road sign, and then deliberately attract Kaido's attention, and then lead him to the target location.

In order to create favorable conditions for the establishment of the South China Sea Federation, it is really difficult to remove the suspicion of collusion with the revolutionary army.

The information provided by the South China Sea Federation is that Noah is coming to an uninhabited island in the New World to connect with people. It is unclear who exactly it is, and the specific reason is unclear. Even though they are not clear about it, the World Government believes in it, and it would be strange if everything was clear.

In Noah's plan, Long is the person he wants to deal with. Something worthy of the two leaders of the Revolutionary Army must not be a trivial matter. The text of the road sign history, the Emperor of the Sea, this is important enough. It can also be a reasonable explanation for why both of them appeared in the new world.

Whitebeard is not easy to mess with. The old man has not yet retired from his prime. It will be embarrassing if the dragon is beaten to the point of overturning. At that time, Noah will be left alone to face the two navy generals on the Nameless Island, and everyone will be gone. . The South China Sea Federation has really accomplished an unprecedented feat.

Charlotte Lingling is still in the state of giving birth, and it will take two or three years to give birth to the entire crew of One Piece. She is so dedicated. From an ethical point of view, the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled and pregnant women cannot be vaccinated.

Red-haired Shanks. He has been fighting in the new world for so long. At least he has met once and had dinner together. It is not appropriate to trick him like this.

After thinking about it, Teacher Kaido is the most suitable. A lonely old father, he has strong fighting ability, is tough and not afraid of being beaten, has a bad temper, and likes to fight randomly. However, the formation of the force has not yet been completed, and the strength of the three major signboards is not enough, so they are just suitable to be a spoiler.

After all, Noah has no plans to have a duel with the navy at this time. They may all be future comrades. How can they work together after they become mortal enemies at this time?

In the South China Sea, the South China Sea Federation will be formally established in three days. After this news was released, the South China Sea was boiling. The 20 countries in the South China Sea also issued a notice on the same day. Three days later, troops were sent to Batlila Island. The dark clouds of war had already shrouded the island, and both sides activated their respective war machines.

Originally, Tezog wanted to show off his skills and have a good fight with the opponent's commander. As a result, they just gathered all the warships and soldiers on an island, preparing for a wave of attacks, intending to wipe out the South China Sea Federation in one fell swoop, so that these small countries can deeply understand the majesty of a big country.

In the past few days, after all the people had arrived, they had done nothing. They had been discussing the distribution of the spoils after the war. The fight was very fierce. There was new gossip to listen to every day. The soldiers were also lazy. In everyone's eyes, , the armies of the 20 countries in the South China Sea are just going through the motions.

The three-dimensional sea, land and air tactics prepared by the revolutionary army seemed to be a waste of resources. Bika's radar was not used, and they were all gathered in one place. If the founding war did not require some big scenes of defeating the opponent head-on, Tezog would have given it to the opponent. A fire company is coming.

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