Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 200 Kaido’s incompetent rage

After thinking about it, at this time, what would I do if it was my idol Kozuki Oden? He must have laughed and asked the other party to help. This is the courage of a hero.

In this case, stick the mace in the ground, stretch out your hands, and expose the handcuffs on the outside.

bring it on.

Long was not hesitant, he directly held the handcuffs, Liu Ying activated, and then pulled the handcuffs away in an instant and threw them into the distance.

As soon as it hit the ground, there was an explosion. BOOM! It was extremely powerful. It looked like it was really going to kill the woman who claimed to be Kozuki Oden.

Huh? Why are you crying?

Long was not a person who asked too many questions, so how could he know Yamato's inner sorrow. Although she knew since she was a child that she didn't listen to Kaido and had always been rebellious, it was still a bit miserable when the handcuffs actually exploded. From then on, she and Kaido broke off.

A huge explosion spread across Onigashima, waking everyone up. Later, a body was found on the roadside. Did someone break in?

How dare this person dare to invade even the territory of the King of the Sea? The alarm sounded immediately, and several large signboards and cadres rushed out, using their knowledge to look for the enemy.

found it! over there!

A group of people rushed towards the cave where the historical text was stored.

Hey, since you gave me freedom, let me block these people for you. I, Kozuki Oden, will repay my kindness!

Yamato wielded the mace and removed the explosive handcuffs. She was completely free. At this moment, she just wanted to cause a scene and engage in a life-and-death fight with the enemy. The blood of the battle was just boiling.

It's up to you, I'm leaving.

Long walked towards the historical text and lifted the stone tablet with one hand. Then the other hand was retracted to the waist, and a strong momentum was exuded. How could that kind of domineering feeling over the top of the sea be so strong! Yamato's face was full of shock, this was almost the same as that guy Kaido.

Although Yamato has never seen Kaido at full strength, he can still sense the difference in aura.

A dragon roared and a punch was thrown out. The strong storm and fist force hit the mountain wall. The storm compressed into the shape of a drill and continued to sprint online with the force of the fist.

Finally, this punch broke through the mountain peak, the gravel was crushed into powder and flew around in the outside world, and the sunlight fell from the sky into this dark world.

So strong! ! !

With this kind of strength, it seems that I no longer need to protect him. At this moment, I am not only excited to see the strong men in the outside world, but also feel inferior to my own strength. Sure enough, Lord Kozuki Oden's notes were right. The outside world is really vast, and the strong are outnumbered.

Yamato thought for a while and then spoke.

Every favor must be repaid. If I can't help you this time, there will always be a chance to help you. I can look for you wherever I go in the future.

Long glanced at Yamato, who was considered an expert. It was best to leave this kind of pulling people to Noah, so he casually reported a contact address.

If you can fight your way out, go to this location and tell the boss that Noah asked you to come, remember?

Remember. Next time we meet, I will help you soon, in the name of a warrior.

Seeing that time was running out, Long didn't waste any time. He immediately rode the strong wind and flew into the sky. Anyone who blocked his steps was destroyed with one punch. It was extremely powerful.

As soon as he flew into the sky, Onigashima's roar came through the mountain peaks.

How dare you steal my historical text, how brave you are!

A blue dragon appeared on Ghost Island, with a dragon body several hundred meters long hovering above the ghost path. Dark clouds instantly covered the sea area, and the emperor's anger changed the sky at this moment.

It turned out that the hungover Kaido was furious after discovering that the enemy had snatched the text of history, and he sobered up instantly.

No matter who it is, this is an offense to the dignity of the emperor. In anger, the fruit power is activated.

Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Azure Dragon Form.

He opened his mouth and blew out hot breath. Miles-long flames ignited the sky, and the high temperature raised the temperature of the entire island. Hit the target straight.

Hehehehe, you are very brave to dare to steal Captain Kaido's things. Not even the scum is left now.

The soldiers below were taunting wantonly. Only Yamato knew that such strong men would not die under such a level of attack.

Sure enough, the dragon in the flames was unscathed. He easily blocked the attack of the flames with the text of history, and it was not hot at all. This text of history is indeed the best fruit vehicle, and it is very convenient to use.

Long discovered that the revolutionary army's full use of historical texts originated from Noah's words and deeds, so that everyone learned how to better utilize the physical effects of historical texts.

Kaido also discovered the fact that his heat breath had no effect, and became even more angry. The enemy's calm look was the biggest mockery to him.

The next move was a bad wind, but the opponent used the historical text to block it easily. It was ridicule, this was ridicule.

At the same time, the dark clouds began to roll, and several giant lightning bolts struck down, hitting Kaido directly. The beating made Kaido scream in pain several times.

Humph, it's just using celestial phenomena, not a powerful method.

In desperation, Shenglong Flame Bagua! A huge fire dragon wrapped around his body, and the high temperature burned the air around him. The overlord-colored haki wrapped around the head with a powerful impact and hit him with a headbutt.

I wanted to try the historical text to prevent headbutts, but when I thought about it, I couldn’t waste time. Seeing that the mission was completed, he decided to turn around and run away, flying towards the agreed island to join Noah, with Kaido chasing after him.

First of all, the historical text cannot be given up. Secondly, the guy who provoked him must be killed. The opponent he also recognized was the dragon of the Revolutionary Army. So what about the Revolutionary Army, the navy didn't kill him either.

Long once asked Noah, what if Kaido doesn't come after him, and whether he should say some taunting words. Who doesn't know that Noah is an expert in provocation, and he can roam the sea with just two hands.

But Noah said, Kaido doesn’t need these things. Sure enough, you are right.

The two men chased and escaped, disappearing from the eyes of everyone on Ghost Island in the blink of an eye. This adult has gone after him on his own, what should we do? I can't catch up.

At this time, there was a soft drink from the island.

Thunder gossip!

It was Yamato. She took a mace, knocked away a cadre, hijacked a pirate ship and fled, and the remaining people hurriedly chased her all the way.

We can’t catch up with those in the sky, but we can still try hard at those at sea. Otherwise, when Lord Kaido returns victorious, everyone present will be in misfortune. If you are lucky, you will get a stick. If you are not lucky, you will only get a stick.

A group of people rushed over, leaving behind the devastated Ghost Island, which was finally clean.

Noah from the Nameless Island also estimated the time and appeared from the sky.

There are still two chapters left and I will post them after I finish them at noon.

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