Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 197 Green Pheasant in Action

Kizaru, who returned to the warship, lay back on the recliner again. Out of boredom, he thought of the book.

I turned it over and just looked at it. It was fine. The content on the cover of this book was quite normal.

Oh ~ labor law, labor security! This is something. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, adjust labor relations, establish and maintain a labor system that adapts to society, and promote economic development and social progress.

well said! Some of them are really good.

The chapter on the right to rest, and the chapter on the right to social security benefits. He liked it so much. Otherwise, I would say that I am a revolutionary light, but my words must be of a high standard.

I sat up just looking at it. It would be disrespectful to read such a sacred book while lying down.

Kizaru's adjutant was extremely surprised when he saw his superior sitting reading a book. Such a bastard, no, that's not a good way to put it. It was unusual for such a commander, who had a somewhat lazy attitude towards work, to suddenly be so serious.

What kind of book is that in your hand? The adjutant also became curious. In his impression, there were only a few comics among the books Kizaru brought this time.

In a certain conference room in Mariejoia, the CP chief was collecting the final intelligence. Based on the analysis of the staff department and several senior officials, the South China Sea Federation's intelligence has been confirmed by 80%, and it is basically certain that the follow-up will not be wrong.

Ahem, this siege operation is codenamed Fire Extinguishing. It is recommended to dispatch at least two general-level combatants. And more than five lieutenant-general-level combatants, as well as an elite fleet.

There is no need to dispatch the warships of the Demon-Slaying Order. For enemies with gate fruits, unless they are trapped on a crowded island and use their hypocritical justice and kindness to kill them, the effect will not be effective.

Chief CP highly recognized the action plan proposed by the staff department. The two generals surrounded and killed the enemy in the center, and the surrounding five lieutenant general-level combat forces coordinated the attack to prevent the enemy from escaping. Coupled with the siege of elite troops, the situation was basically stable. For a suspected great swordsman, such specifications can be said to be a sure thing!

The next step is to go to Navy Marshal Sengoku to transfer people. Although there are orders from Wulaoxing, for better cooperation, we still hope that the navy can go all out. After all, all the general-level combat power seeds cultivated by their CP department were killed by Noah.

The CP chief personally went to the Marshal's Office at the Navy Headquarters. This time, he had to be begging for help. Although the Navy also had the responsibility to hunt down the revolutionary army, mobilizing generals was not a trivial matter.

Marshal Warring States, this is the current situation. I hope you can cooperate.

Cooperate? Warring States didn't see any of this as cooperation. After receiving information from the South China Sea Federation, he conducted a test without telling the navy. Let Noah be allowed to kill the King Shichibukai in a world alliance country in the new world.

Although the Shichibukai is dead, it is too much for the World Government not to say hello.

After learning about the Dressrosa incident, Sengoku immediately reported it to the World Government. An important figure from the revolutionary army appears in the new world, with unknown intentions.

As a result, you came over and told me that you had the information for a long time, but you didn't tell me. Now that we need generals, they come to me to ask for people. Isn't this the marshal of the Warring States period a marshal?

The terrifying aura of a strong man was exuding, and the suppressed CP chief was miserable. It's not that he's weak, it's just that he can't fight back because he's wrong. If you are beaten, you will be beaten. In the end, you can still lend someone out.

Sure enough, Warring States finally agreed, and now the two began to discuss the selection issue.

Kizaru will definitely go there. The shining fruit and the door-to-door fruit can entangle Noah's displacement method. In addition, Kizaru's attack power is also very strong, which is the best way to surround and kill people with relatively strong displacement ability. It just so happens that he is also in the new world, this is fate.

The remaining personnel can only choose between Aokiji and Akainu. While Zefa was engaged in internal purges of the navy in the South China Sea, he was also monitoring the development of the South China Sea Federation. The Warring States Period must not act rashly if they want to sit at the naval headquarters. Garp used to guard the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea, and now he is playing with his grandson, not thinking about Shu.

Qing Pheasant is currently at the headquarters and ready to go at any time. He has never fought with Noah before, maybe he can achieve different results. The frozen fruit's combat effectiveness is also extremely strong, and it also has a good field control effect. He is the first choice in Sengoku's heart.

Moreover, Sakaski has not returned from the East China Sea, and Sengoku has no intention of bringing him back. Although Akainu and Noah are mortal enemies, they are afraid that he will be too impulsive, which will affect the effect of the siege. While Akainu understands Noah, Noah also understands Akainu and knows exactly how to deal with this old rival.

As for the remaining five lieutenant general-level combatants, they were handed over to the CP chief. The world government always has some way of producing some masters. The price is extremely high, but it is worth it for the light of revolution. The attitude of the Celestial Dragons alone was worth it.

The warships and soldiers use the elite of the G1 branch. I hope this time there will be a successful outcome. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble if the information about the emptiness of the G1 branch spreads. Ahe alone can't last long.

Now that the plan has been designated, let’s send out the notice.

Kizaru received this information as soon as he returned to the G1 branch. It was like a bolt from the blue. How is this possible? Do such troublesome things happen one after another? I looked at the intelligence officer with disbelief. Did the sentence in your report spread and make the headquarters mistakenly think that I wanted to fight Noah to the death?

The intelligence officer responded with an innocent expression. He had just returned to the branch and hadn't even handed in the report. How could you blame him?

The helpless Kizaru had no choice but to accept the fact sadly, and waited for the arrival of Aoki Pheasant before setting out to encircle and suppress Noah.

Touching the book in his arms, Kizaru said silently, I'm sorry. This amazing person who can write such a book that understands the voices of the workers is about to perish. Yes, in his opinion, if he could be surrounded and killed by Aoki Pheasant, he would basically not be able to escape.

At the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji, who accepted the mission from Marshal Sengoku, also set off with a complicated look on his face. After 11 years, he was about to see that boy again. This time, he was ordered to surround and kill him. Together with Kizaru, he also thought that Noah could not escape.

In the past 11 years, watching Noah climb to the position of the enemy of the world step by step, he also reflected on whether he had done something wrong back then. But when he thought deeply about what Noah had done wrong, he couldn't figure out where he was guilty.

Thinking about the leaflets they distributed before and their philosophy. Perhaps Noah's biggest mistake was to correct this mistake in the world.

He shook his head and couldn't think about it anymore. After paying attention to the growth of Noah and Robin for so many years, he had unknowingly been passively infected by the thoughts of the Revolutionary Army. It's really scary, Noah.

As Admiral Aokiji, I will go all out to attack. I hope you can survive.

Five chapters are completed today and will continue tomorrow.

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