Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 196 Kizaru’s first step

With Noah's cunning, such a spy could spot it at a glance, so he had two options.

One, kill people and silence them, and are unwilling to reveal their whereabouts. This is what the CP chief wants to see most. Explain that you don’t want anyone to discover your whereabouts after that, and everything is normal.

Second, it is definitely a despicable tactic to deliberately tell someone and then let them go. There is a high possibility that the subsequent information is false. This is not the first time this kind of fishing has been done.

Now we can formulate a siege plan. We must first convene a meeting with intelligence personnel within the World Government. How to track it in the later stage is a big problem.

Over there, Kizaru, who was still drinking tea, reading and fishing in the G1 branch, received a call for help from Dressrosa.

Oh~ Doflamingo led the Don Quixote family to try to seize Dressrosa through despicable means, and was finally defeated by the passing revolutionary army Noah. Now let us go and pick up the arrested criminals?

Let the navy clean up the land. This Noah is really lawless. It was obvious that the life before was very comfortable for this troublemaker.

Due to the red-haired summit battle, the pressure on the New World's navy skyrocketed, and in the end Lieutenant General Crane and members of the staff were sent to assist in the defense.

As soon as Lieutenant General Tsuru arrived, Kizaru immediately handed over all power and official duties and completely transformed into a high-level thug and mascot. Isn’t it comfortable to fish in the office all day? Isn’t the new “Dragon Ball” good?

After a few days of happiness, he received a call for help from Dressrosa, and Lieutenant General He asked him to go. Although it is unlikely to encounter Noah at this time, it is still more dangerous to send others.

Now the new world is too chaotic. In order to fight for the last throne, the pirates are killing each other like crazy. It is not impossible to fight with the navy head-on.

He had no choice but to lead his team and set out. On the way, he encountered all the blind pirates and killed them all with one finger. He and his boat were all eliminated. If you have good strength and are not dead, just add a few more kicks. After defeating him, he was brought back to the ship for custody.

The pirates in the New World are still very strong, and many of them have caught Kizaru's small combos. When encountering such an opponent, Porusalino will let the opponent go, and it is impossible to kill them all.

This sea is full of miracles and accidents. Maybe if you get anxious, what if the other party releases a secret weapon?

Sigh~~ It's easier to mix in the paradise stage. It would be great if I could be transferred back next year. Letting that guy Sakaski guard G1 is the time to show his talents. Why don't you go to the East China Sea? The old enemies have come to the new world. .”

He swept away the blood stains on his trouser legs, returned to the recliner on the warship, picked up a book, and started reading happily.

After a while, Dressrosa finally arrived. As the main force against Noah, he now has to show off a bit of admiral style. If the navy loses face in front of outsiders, Marshal Sengoku will assign him to a more dangerous mission.

The warship hadn't docked yet, but when it passed by one side, Kizaru was attracted by the ruins after the battle on the shore. The broken mountains, the abrupt deep-water port, the sword intent that cut through the earth has not dissipated until now.

Hey, hey, this is too scary. I hope that lunatic has left here, otherwise it will be really difficult. If the revolutionary army does not fight hard, they will be held accountable by the world government.

The ship finally docked, and Kizaru walked down wearing a cloak. Looking at the girl in front of him, he was a little curious. He vaguely remembered that the previous king was a middle-aged man with shaggy hair, right?

Hello, Admiral Kizaru of the Navy, I am the new king of Dressrosa, Riku Violet. Thank you for coming to support me.

Ah~ It seems that we are a little late. Can you tell us what happened in detail~

Looking at the somewhat wretched admiral in front of her, Violet's mind turned several times. Is this admiral really connected with the Revolutionary Army? Could this wretched appearance be a disguise? terrible!

Kizaru always felt that the new king of Dressrosa looked at him a little strangely. He was still quite energetic today.

They came to the palace together and asked the soldiers to pick up the criminals of the Don Quixote family. He and the intelligence officer listened to Violet's detailed account of the entire incident in the conference room.

This Noah is quite nosy. It's a pity that he left too fast. Otherwise, I really wanted to fight with him. Well, for justice!

Kizaru's words were meant for the intelligence officer. Anyway, it's easy to say a few more words to express loyalty for free. This is the way to go in the workplace!

Although I won't go, it doesn't stop me from expressing my willingness to sacrifice myself for the Navy. It's so great. Today I was moved again to work as a worker.

The intelligence officer understood the words of General Kizaru and recorded them in the report. He had not fully understood the meaning of this, so he was not an intelligence officer.

After understanding the information, Kizaru was ready to leave. Everyone in the Don Quixote family has packed their bags long ago and can just throw them on the warship. We came to the palace to give some information to the people. The navy has not given up on everyone, even though we arrived very late.

Wait a minute, General Kizaru, I wonder if it would be convenient for me to say a few words alone?


The intelligence officer thought it was a bit strange. Could it be a gift? It is quite reasonable for a king whose country was almost taken away to seek the asylum of an admiral. From the beginning to the end, he never thought about seduction. Why bother with General Kizaru.

Kizaru thought about it, and as the intelligence officer thought, he was quite disgusted with giving gifts. It's not a matter of disrespecting justice, but giving gifts means asking for something, and asking for something means trouble, and he doesn't like trouble. It's that simple.

Finally, he gave the king some face and walked to a private reception room. When he was about to refuse the property, he saw Violet taking out a book and handing it to him.

What's this?

Before Mr. Noah left, he specifically asked me to give you the book, saying that he hoped you could make some comments after reading it.

Should I accept this or not? It will definitely be a trouble to take it, but don’t take it, you are still a little curious, after all, Noah gave him the book specially.

At this time, Violet was also frantically peeping at the admiral's expression, hoping to see something. If there was something, it would be big news. The matter between the admiral and the revolutionary army is difficult to discuss.

Of course, you don’t dare to look at your heart. You will be discovered. If you know too much, you will die.

Finally, I took it. Kizaru thought to himself, I am a naval admiral, am I still afraid of a book? Even if it was given by Noah, as long as the king in front of me doesn't say it, and I don't say it, who can know.

This king would only tell others that he had colluded with Noah unless his head was caught in the door.

Seeing Kizaru put away the book and leave Dressrosa, Violet had an expression that was indeed true.

No one can say anything about this.

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