Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 195 Planting the fire of thought

I feel like you don’t understand, but I don’t want to explain anymore. The more you explain, the more you understand.

Really just a book about labor and labor law. Now the revolutionary army's stall is getting bigger and bigger, and its manpower is getting more and more. The South China Sea Federation that is about to be established alone has no one knows how many administrative personnel.

Things regarding working hours and holidays need to be adjusted early. Some laws and regulations from previous lives may not be suitable for the world of One Piece. All must be adjusted based on actual conditions.

There are also issues such as benefits, obligations, and employee protection. There are too many issues.

When it comes to labor laws and holidays, the first thing Noah thinks of is General Kizaru. why? Because there has not yet been a trade union organization in this world to speak out for the working class, no one is fighting for many rights and working hours, and people just follow established habits.

If you want to have a clear answer to this kind of question, I believe Porusalino will have many opinions. Although his strength stands at the top of the sea, he knows his position as a worker very well and will never cross the line.

While clocking in and catching fish at work, you can also do your job well. He is also very proficient in worldly affairs and understands the principle of letting the descendants of leaders go to sea. Such a person is believed to have a full understanding of labor relations.

This will also give you a chance to communicate with Porusalino. So far, he has met Aokiji, and he and Akainu are both adults, except Kizaru. Although Kizaru once wrote a reader's letter to Adam, and Ma Jia Adam also replied, the identity of Noah was still unknown to him.

You know, poaching, but you have to see the right time and be persistent. As long as the hoe digs well, the navy will also fall.

Handing the book to Violet, Noah ignored it. There is a note in the book, which is the mailing address of the opinion draft. It is a one-time address. The recipient does not know what the situation is and will keep forwarding it inadvertently.

It takes many twists and turns to reach the South China Sea. It is still necessary to be on guard. What should people in the workplace do if their brains go crazy in order to make a big achievement?

Put the gilded handcuffs on Baby-5 and Buffalo and stuff them into the portable space. First find an island with a revolutionary army base, put them there, and then transfer them back to the South China Sea after the South China Sea Federation is successfully established.

I wonder if Luo would be moved to see that his former friends in the criminal gang would go to school with him. He will definitely do it, because he has someone to do homework with.

After everything has been explained, Noah must prepare to leave here. If he doesn't leave, the World Government will be anxious to death.

Seeing that Noah was about to leave, Violet asked even though she knew she shouldn't ask.

Mr. Noah, will there be another chance to see you in the future?

Noah, who roughly understood what it meant, decisively rejected any possibility of things developing further.

It's not a good thing to see me. There are many things worth pursuing in this world. Don't grasp the impossible things.

The cold refusal made Riku Dold III, who was eavesdropping, breathe a sigh of relief. He was also experienced and knew a little bit.

“What is impossible to grasp?”

Overthrow the World Government.

Having said that, it can be considered an end. Seeing that Violet was still a talented person, Noah still left a box of books.

Read more books and use your brain more in the future. My blessing to you is to study hard and make progress every day. Blessings from across the world, I hope you are well.

Violet is not a lover, she is just impulsive. Now he has been completely awakened by several large basins of cold water from Noah.

After I got over the emotional entanglement, I became curious about this box of books. As a princess, reading is one of her hobbies, so this gift is in line with her wishes.

In order to express her gratitude, she wanted to send Noah to the dock, but Noah didn't refuse and just walked out.

Riku Dold III was very happy when he saw his daughter walk out of the hazy love. Although he fell in love quickly and fell out of love so quickly, that kind of person was really not a good match. He asked the maid to deliver the box of books to the new king's palace, and he followed.

It's just that he overlooked one thing. Compared to love, the thoughts in that box of books are more terrifying. The seeds of thought have been buried deeply, and they will grow into towering trees as people learn and understand.

By the time it breaks out in the country of Dressrosa, there is no power to destroy it.

Walking to the dock, when Violet was about to ask where Noah's boat was, a civilian ran over from a distance.

He asked breathlessly and gratefully.

Benefactor, may I ask where you are going? We have prepared many gifts to give to you. Could you please wait for a moment?

? Violet and Riku Dold III instinctively felt that something was wrong. Noah showed a dangerous smile

Do the spies of the World Government want to know my whereabouts so much?

What! The new king of Dressrosa was shocked, this... On the other hand, Riku Dold III felt a sudden realization. He knew that the World Government had placed some spies in some countries, but he didn't know how Noah could tell the difference.

Benefactor, what are you talking about? I don't know what a world government is.

First of all, every household is licking its wounds at this time. Even if no family member has died, they don't dare to go out and run around.

Secondly, there are two royal families here. No matter how grateful you are, you don't dare to rush up directly. King Liku, no matter how close he is to the people, can't do this.

Finally, maybe the news about my big fish has made you want to make meritorious deeds too much. Although your breathing is rapid, your heart is a little calm.

When he heard Noah mention the second point, the spy had already started to retreat quickly. He knew that he was too careless and was too excited after receiving the order from the World Government, which exposed himself. He only hoped that Noah would not care about a small person like him.

Don't care, it's impossible. With a stroke of the sword, the red sword energy caught up with the spy and split into two. Why don’t we keep this kind of people around for the New Year? I believe there are still one or two spies here, but it is no longer important. His tactical disguise has been sent out, and it depends on whether the World Government can fall into the trap.

He raised his hand and took out the permanent pointer, said goodbye, opened the space door and left.

Sure enough, there was still one spy left here. After he saw the body of his companion, he sent the information back to the headquarters. This idiot doesn't even think about why such a great credit was given to him. That Noah is not only powerful, but also famous for his cunning.

After receiving the news of the spy's death, the CP chief nodded with satisfaction. How could he not know that sending out spies was a deliberate attempt to commit suicide? This is actually a way to confirm information.

There are two more chapters being written and will be posted tonight. My shoulder is slightly sore and may need to be strengthened.

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