
The war with Doflamingo is over, and the Don Quixote family has come to an end.

There are several very difficult things that need to be solved before King Riku.

After this country-stealing incident, he has lost the trust of the people and is destined to step down.

First of all, when facing Doflamingo, he naively agreed to the extortion of 10 billion beli and borrowed money from the citizens, which had broken the balance of the country.

Later, under manipulation, he led soldiers to massacre people. The blood feud has been forged, and the people who have lost their families will no longer trust him as before. Kneeling down and apologizing can only relieve the temporary anger, but the hatred will become deeper with time.

In the end, the person who solved the crisis was Noah of the Revolutionary Army, the most dangerous criminal in the world, a man who would bring disaster to the country as long as he appeared. With the record of entanglement with the Revolutionary Army, it would be difficult for him to think of a reason to explain to the World Government in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally made a decision.

Since his resignation is destined, his chosen successor is Princess Viola.

At this time, as a member of the Liku royal family, there were not many people who were qualified to inherit. Princess Scarlett had already lived in seclusion with Cyrus. She had been a good wife and mother for so long, and had no foundation, so she was no longer suitable for inheriting the throne.

As a woman, she can win more sympathy from the people at this time, because she was captured by the Don Quixote family early and did not participate in the massacre of civilians, so it is easier to gain support.

There is also her fruit ability, Staring Fruit. He has certain blessings for seeing through people's hearts and can lead the people forward better than him.

When Princess Viola was informed of this decision, she was very confused. Over the course of a day and night, the country became fragile, like duckweed swaying in the wind and rain. Then her father wanted to pass the throne to her, which made her a little resistant and afraid.

After hearing King Ku explain the reasons, she also understood that it was time for her to take responsibility as a member of the royal family.

Huh~~Okay, I'll take over this throne!

Seeing his little daughter taking on this important task with a solemn expression, King Liku was both pleased and sad at the same time. He failed to fulfill his obligations as a king and failed to shoulder the responsibility of a father, leaving the difficult years to come to her.

I also deeply felt the cruelty of the sea. The calm life before was like a flower in the water, shattered with one poke. It turns out that the real sea respects strength.

Then, he will be sorry to his eldest daughter again. Cyrus, this country needs you.

After taking Princess Viola and other ministers to tell the news about his passing, everyone also agreed with this decision. This is the only way to pull the country out of the quagmire.

Another live camera broadcast begins. The citizens looked at King Riku with complicated faces and didn't know what to say. A king who cannot protect his own people is the original sin.

On TV, King Riku recounted everything that happened last night. From the whole story of the 10 billion debt that was threatened by Doflamingo late at night, to the fact that he and the army were controlled and raised a butcher knife against the civilians, and finally the ending of the Don Quixote family being suppressed by Noah, it was all told. .

The news of Noah and Doflamingo's battle couldn't be concealed at all, and now that he said it, he could at least leave an honest impression. Any explanation from the navy is another matter. Noah is in the royal city at the moment.

Finally, King Riku announced that the throne of Dressrosa would be passed on to Princess Viola, and he would be exiled to the sea outside Dressrosa forever, fighting to protect the safety of this country.

No cheers, no applause, no flowers. The inheritance of the throne this time is extremely simple. To gain the trust of the people again, Princess Viola, no, the new King Riku, Riku Violet, has to walk a thorny road.

After turning off the live broadcast, Riku Dold III was going to lead some generals who consciously committed major crimes and were shameless to face the people to go to Noah to plead guilty.

Because he decided to notify the navy to temporarily deter the surrounding pirates and take away members of the Don Quixote family, it would not be appropriate for Noah to be here.

The great benefactor who just saved the country has to be forced to leave. It is really an excessive thing, but it is impossible not to do it.

The navy and the world government must know about this big thing. Keeping Noah in the country at this time will only make this place become the next O'Hara. Let him, a national sinner, do the things that offend others.

But was stopped by Violet.

Since I am the new king of this country, let me do such things.

After that, he strode towards Noah who was writing and drawing in a notebook.

Mr. Noah. Me

The words came to my lips but I didn’t know how to say them. Could it be that the navy is coming and you should run away? Moreover, the navy was notified by us.

I really am not afraid of being hacked to death with a sword. When I took this task, I was full of kingly demeanor, but when I got there, I was stupid. The whole person was almost twisted into a knot.

Noah, who couldn't stand it anymore, took it upon himself to solve the dilemma.

I know what you are going to say. I am leaving this country soon, so don't worry too much. But there are a few things that I need your help with.

Violet was overjoyed that the problem solved itself.

Please tell me.

These two children are still young and have not cultivated correct views since childhood, so they have made many mistakes with the Don Quixote family. Now I am going to take them away and educate them well, and follow Dressrosa for them. people apologize.

I hope you can forgive them, or let them come and seek forgiveness on their own in the future, okay?


Second, if the admiral here is Porusalino, hand this book to him for me and ask him if he needs to modify any part of it and give his comments.

That's good.

Violet couldn't react for a moment. Aren't you a thorn in the side of the World Government? How could he have a personal relationship with the admiral?

Oh~~~I understand. Navy, revolutionary army, world government. These three forces are so dirty in private. Hey, I thought the Navy and the World Government were of the same mind, but I didn't expect it.

However, is it appropriate to leave such an important matter to me? Do I know too much? Probably not. Who would have thought that the revolutionary army would contact the admiral through me?

clever! He is truly a terrifying figure who can play tricks on the World Government many times!

Although Noah didn't have the ability to read minds, he could still see that the new King Riku in front of him had countless little stories in his mind.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just soliciting some opinions. General Porusalino has unique views on some things.

I understand, I really understand.

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