Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 193 The Beginning of Conventional War in the South China Sea

This time the South China Sea Federation thought there would be a fierce battle.

On the surface, it wants to go to war with the 20 countries in the South China Sea, and privately, it has to deal with the investigation of the world government. If it is exposed, it will be a full-scale war. Unexpectedly, Noah's trick of selling myself took away all the attention of the world government.

Only Spandam was left here.

I don’t know what kind of information Spandam received last night. Now that he is smiling and calling him brothers, it must be that Teacher Noah’s plan is progressing smoothly.

Now we only need to arrange the deployment of federal troops and the division and suppression of the 20 countries in the South China Sea.

Tezog is not worried about the combat effectiveness of conventional troops. In the world of One Piece, ordinary people's war also depends on the strength of the ship and the skill of the artillery. Iron-clad warships are stronger than ordinary wooden pirate ships, and a 130mm naval gun is stronger than a 75mm gun.

Although the current high-end combat power plays a decisive role in the direction of the war, there are mutual constraints between masters and masters. The battle of the ordinary soldiers below is also meaningful. Whitebeard is so strong, he took his little brother to rescue Ace, and didn't do anything to rush into the battle alone.

Of course, in the world of pirates, it’s not all about caliber. Some backward artillery still uses the firing method of the Middle Ages. A shell weighs close to 100 kilograms. This caliber cannot be calculated.

There are all kinds of weapons in the world of One Piece, and there are too many talents here. You can transform it into an inexplicable weapon at will.

Such as special bucky bombs that can destroy half a town. It seems funny, but if it really explodes, it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Among the South China Sea Federation's army, there are only a few iron-clad warships used as main ships, and most of the rest are wooden warships.

There are three reasons in total.

One is that the technology cannot keep up. There are still not enough R\u0026D technicians on Bika. Even if the overall technical level is high, there are still many details that cannot be done well, and even the light design is a problem. The prevention and control measures at the naval headquarters and warship base are very strict, and so far no penetration has occurred.

Let me tell you, it's not a steel battleship, it's an armored battleship. A four-masted battleship with two gun decks and three three-barreled turrets on the open deck. It is this medieval giant that looks a bit ancient, but it is the strongest technological armed force on the sea.

The electronic fire control system of modern steel battleships may not be easy to use in the world of One Piece. Due to magnetic field problems and weather problems, the more precise components are, the more affected they are. Ironclad ships are already enough to roam the seas.

At present, these ironclad ships are more of a fake, designed and manufactured after naval warships. They can only be said to be better than ordinary wooden three-masted warships.

Second, there are not enough docks. The South China Sea Federation plan has been implemented for less than four years, and the revolutionary army did not have an organized naval force before. Therefore, it was too late to renovate the three-masted warship dock from other countries and then put it into use.

Now we just have to wait until the battle for nation-building is over before we can vigorously develop the shipbuilding industry, such as absorbing Tom, Franky and others.

The third point is to confuse the world government. In addition to warships, the Revolutionary Army also has many other high-tech weapons, all of which are technological derivatives when upgrading Bika.

In this era, it is a proper black technology. Showing your hands casually during a war can be big news that shocks the sea. There are so many problems with the South China Sea Federation that it's hard not to be suspicious.

Based on the above three points, even if it is a conventional war, Tezog hides its combat power deeply and does not leave any imagination to the outside world.

In terms of personnel, this transfer is relatively large. The top 20 students in the boot camp all followed. As the trump cards on the warship, if there is a follow-up battle or a login battle, these people are needed to stabilize the situation.

There are big bosses of the Revolutionary Army in the dark watching every move of the enemy, and the underwater murloc troops are also making defensive arrangements.

Bika in the sky is also using the radar system to detect the reactions of high-energy sources in all directions.

As long as the enemy uses unconventional combat power, Terzog can calmly arrange counterattacks and make the enemy fall in a short time.

The three parties of sea, land and air are fighting together, so how can we lose?

All the variables are on the World Government, and the key point of this battle has been transferred to the New World.

Once this level is passed, the 20 countries in the South China Sea will have nothing to worry about, and there will be a follow-up package waiting to be implemented against them.

BRU BRU, BRU BRU, the voice of the phone bug rings.

Hey, Teacher Noah. Yes, Spandam has relaxed a lot. Follow-up plans are being prepared.

Well, very good. It seems that the World Government is very satisfied with this information. After reconfirming it, I feel a little more reassured, but testing is still necessary before I appear at the target location. You must still be careful. Especially Bonina Bian, you know her temper.

Don't worry, Bonnie is very measured in important matters. She knows what can be done and what cannot be done. You are the center of the storm. As long as you show up at the designated place as planned, everything will go smoothly on our side.

Okay, I've found two problem children here. They are Luo's childhood friends. They are currently being held in Dressrosa. Please take the time to arrange for someone to bring them back. I'm too busy right now.


After the call ended, Terzog felt even more relieved. Now in this position, he was walking on thin ice, fearing that his performance would affect such a big event.

The same goes for the other buddies in the boot camp. Taking on important responsibilities for the first time, they feel both a sense of pride in being trusted and a sense of fear of lack of confidence. With a temper like Bonnie's, she had no complaints in this plan. Everyone hoped to complete the establishment of the South China Sea Federation beautifully.

But, Luo’s little friend? As a popular doctor on the Resurrection Island, Luo, Tezog still knew a little bit about him. After all, he is a figure who lives in Teacher Noah's house. For Tesog, who has great political ambitions, he is a presence that cannot be ignored.

He remembered that Luo was from the Don Quixote family, right? If he could imprison two family members, Doflamingo would be more likely to be in trouble than in danger. The information has not been spread yet, or it has just happened and has not spread in time. Or it may be information suppression by the world government, fearing changes.

The CP chief at this moment is really afraid of variables, and everything is currently being done based on that intelligence. If the news spreads too fast and causes some chain reactions in the new world, causing Noah to change his destination, this siege will be in vain.

But there should be some temptation. Who knows if this cunning guy is just a smoke bomb.

Go and tell Dressrosa's secret agent to test Noah's whereabouts.


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