Impossible! The young master can't die! The young master hasn't become the Pirate King yet, so he won't die.

Monet couldn't accept this fact at all, even if it was Noah who came back from the beach, even if he was dragging Doflamingo's body with him.

Damn it, it's all you, I'm going to kill you! Snow Snow Fruit. Blizzard!

It gathers a large amount of cold air into the body, and then spits out a low-temperature cold wind made of snow. When these cold winds rotate and gather at high speed, they can form a wide-ranging snow tornado.

It seemed like a very strong move, but when the cold wind just started, a sword stabbed her to death.

After wiping the word Hedao, Noah sheathed his sword. This kind of crazy criminal should go find her young master earlier.

None of the people Doflamingo brought from the North Sea was a good person. In Beihai, the reputation of the Don Quixote family was gained through fighting, human trafficking, arms trafficking, good people?

Maybe they all had various tragic life experiences and pasts, but when they inflicted violence and fear on others, there was no mercy. Noah would only sympathize with their previous experiences, but not pity them. their present.

Seeing Noah stabbing Monet to death with a sword, everyone present was frightened. If he stabbed to death a pervert, such as a family official like Gladius, everyone would still be able to accept it.

But if a beautiful woman with good looks can be chopped off, she wouldn't be a pervert.

Huh, a bunch of weird guys, their three senses follow their five senses. In Noah's eyes, a perverted murderer without correct views and a madman capable of mass destruction naturally does not need to be patient.

The people who accepted Monet's death the most were King Riku and Princess Viola. One is the most miserable king who was controlled and committed an unforgivable crime, and the other is a princess who was betrayed and held hostage. I wish I could kill all of these guys to relieve my anger.

The remaining members of the Don Quixote family basically surrendered when Noah returned. They knew that this guy was capable of murdering people without blinking an eye. When they arrived at Mignon Island, many of their friends had not returned.

The die-hard Gladius and Senior Piqué had long since died, and together with Monet, all the senior cadres were really gone.

Baby-5 and Buffalo stayed because they were still young and had a chance to save them.

Noah doesn't have much expectations for these two future talents, and their childhood shadows have caused certain psychological problems that require treatment. Just take it back and give it to Luo to reunite their little friends.

Noah plans to give all the others to the navy, but who will they give them to? In fact, we already have a candidate, and we hope that we can help the other party fulfill their performance requirements and go back to fish as soon as possible.

King Liku waited for a while and came over after seeing that Noah was indeed fine.

Bang! He knelt down. Kneel again?

Mr. Noah, thank you for saving my country.

You get up first, I don't like others kneeling.


You recognize me? Aren't you afraid?

I experienced too much last night, and it was dark, so I didn't recognize you. I saw your face during the day and your strength to kill the King's Shichibukai, and I confirmed it.

As for fear, I have nothing left. I lost my country, my people, everything. I even want to give my life, so what else is there to be afraid of?

looking for me?

I am going to break my promise. You can take the royal family's property at will, but not the country. Your identity will bring greater disaster to this country. In order to appease your anger, I am willing to I leave this life to you.

To be honest, after recognizing Noah, King Riku panicked. If the navy knew that Noah was here, he would have an interaction with this country.

That would be a more terrifying consequence than being ruled by Doflamingo. In order to appease Noah's anger, he could commit suicide here without hesitation.

Everyone in the king's circle deeply hates the existence of the revolutionary army, and King Liku is no exception. They naturally reject these guys who are the opposite of their class.

Every time a world conference is held, there will be a period when the world complains and abuses the revolutionary army. And Noah is a top priority, a man who will bring fatal danger to the country.

Don't make trouble for yourself, I am not interested in this country. We will lend a helping hand to people who need help, and we will not pay attention to countries that don't need it.

If there is a dictator in Dressrosa in the future, I will come and seize this country without you having to tell me.

Such a bold statement is indeed a lawless revolutionary army. King Liku choked and choked.

Princess Viola behind King Liku was full of curiosity about the man in front of her. A man who can defeat the great demon Doflamingo, a man who makes the world government crazy, a man who blatantly says that he will seize the country because of the poor life of the people.

The first time he appeared in front of her, he saved her and her country, although the method of saving King Riku was a bit rough.

The story of a hero saving a beauty is already a clichéd plot, but it remains popular because it really works. At this moment, Princess Viola had an urge to explore.

People with superhuman stare fruit abilities are very careful when observing a person carefully. If you don't see anything on the outside, let's take a look at his heart.

Princess Viola has always been very restrained about her ability to peek into people's hearts. Her upbringing told her that this was bad behavior, which is why she did not discover that Monet was a spy.

But facing Noah, she had an impulse and wanted to take a look. In the collision between thought and morality, the ability to see through people's hearts is unintentionally activated.

Red, endless red. She saw among them workers with hammers, farmers with sickles, teachers in the classroom, and thousands of ordinary people. This red power is constantly surging, accumulating power like the sea.

Um? Noah felt a force of surveillance, and his overbearing color automatically shocked the opponent.

Ah! Princess Viola fell to the ground, then quickly got up again, facing the probing eyes of King Liku and Noah, trying to let what just happened pass calmly. She couldn't say that she did it because she admired Noah.

It's a pity that the beauty is intentional but the hero is ruthless. At the most critical moment in the fight against the world government, what kind of love is there? In this regard, Noah's thoughts are very firm.

The appearance in Dressrosa has been completed. I believe that the World Government has received the information, so I should have believed most of the information about his whereabouts.

Haha, in this way, the situation in the South China Sea should be much more stable.

Not only was it smooth, Tezog almost wanted to whistle.

I've been trying to stabilize 5 updates recently, and it's really tiring.

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