Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1862 Starting from An Ning Road

It's just okay, he still couldn't say anything to hide it under Will's gaze.

Najexitan and the leader also lamented that there are capable people among the hunters.

We are called here to discuss whether this world is still necessary, and how to build a new world.

This topic is too big, not to mention Lan and Will, even Najiexitan can't handle it.

Suddenly it comes to the lofty term world, and everyone is a little embarrassed.

There are imperial soldiers, religious leaders, rebellious generals, and honest teachers here.

We belong to different camps, but you all have a positive insistence on justice, fairness, and dignity.

So I hope you can come and listen to this exchange.

Najiesitan had a strange idea in her heart that this Teigu Noah had kept a distance from the Southern Revolutionary Army from the beginning.

Now he is sitting with Taoist An Ning, the leader of the largest force among the people.

The matter to be discussed is not a good thing for the revolutionary army.

And Noah seems to be very particular about selecting people.

Of course, there are considerations. Will's relationship with the Imperial Navy is very important, and it is an excellent starting point for instigating rebellion.

Lan is a representative of civilian education. He may not be the best in teaching, but his care for students has been tested by the plot.

Najexitan, of course, was poaching people from the southern rebels.

Next, Noah and the leader started a long conversation in Geralt. All questions are answered at this moment.

For seven days, the two of them wrote and drew on the map of the empire.

The institutional reforms that society needs, the establishment of the rule of law, the spread of culture, the advancement of ideas, scientific enlightenment, etc., these frameworks were all brought out by Noah.

When she heard about the relationship between the rule of law and rights, Najexitan was shocked. She even disbanded the centralized power, took the rights back from the highest level, and distributed them to everyone.

Moreover, the new world uses the rule of law and the rule of law to bind everyone.

Whether they are high-ranking officials or civilians, they are all involved.

This ground-breaking design made this revolutionary army leader feel amazing, and it can be called a masterpiece that spans the ages.

The tactics of our own revolutionary army were instantly outdated.

As for promoting education and popularizing knowledge, it touched Lan's heart.

Comprehensive promotion of education, promotion of ideas, promotion of science, especially laying an ideological foundation for the next generation, all need to be carried out through education.

Perhaps children in the future will not have to suffer what this generation of children has suffered.

As for Will, everything he listened to was exciting.

The new world planned by Lord Noah was simply amazing, and it made his blood boil.

There are other ways to help the people of this country besides maintaining imperial rule.

It turns out that empires are only the product of social development to a certain stage, they have no sanctity, and the government is just a tool of the ruling class.

So the teacher asked me to be loyal to the empire, which means to be loyal to the people of this empire, not to the ruling class like the little emperor and ministers. They are not one with us!

Very good, Will, you finally understand your teacher's meaning.

But maybe he only has a general understanding, and the details are definitely not as detailed as ours.

So you have time to go back to the Navy and tell him the good news, and tell more former colleagues who don't know, okay?

Will agreed on the spot.

This silly boy agreed very happily. Of course, Noah would not let him go back to die alone. He would definitely arrange all escape routes.

Even letting this passionate young man communicate with the general trend without knowing it, the effect should be very good.

Najiexitan was slightly frightened.

She was worried that her comrades in the south would not accept this idea.

Najexitan, didn't I say something wrong?

very good.

Overthrowing the empire must be everyone's wish, but she couldn't say how much of the purpose of overthrowing was for the people and how much was for herself.

The approach of locking rights into a cage from the beginning is perfect, but it does the greatest harm to the rights holders themselves.

Then send this mature theory and framework to the South. A system that can be used directly or used as a reference is a great good thing for the world.

And any questions can be raised, and everyone can argue with each other. I am not right in everything. I have to adjust or even overturn it based on reality. After all, the truth becomes clearer with more debate.


Aren't you fighting against the Empire to make everyone live a better life?

Noah, who pretended not to know, showed a surprised expression, which made the former general who had always been the embodiment of justice a little embarrassed.

Okay, okay.

In the end, it was her own persistence that helped her make up her mind.

If this cannot be accepted, then the correctness of the revolutionary army will suffer a devastating blow.

It seems there are no more issues we discussed.

Next, I will seize the time to compile these contents into new teachings and spread them throughout the country in this way.

The system of Anning Dao has spread to every town and mountain village. Within a few months, people can wake up to some ideas that they didn't have before.

This is the real way to break the foundation of empires and systems like empires.

From now on, no one will be able to stand at the head of the people.

In the end, the two reached an agreement under the witness of the observers, and decided to jointly promote the plan to destroy the old world.

The spectators returned to their rooms with full harvests. Some were looking forward to it, while others were worried.

Najexitan deleted most of the content and sent only one or two sensitive points back to the headquarters to test the response.

The wind inside Anning Road changed first.

Changes at the top of the sect have become extremely frequent, and the leader seems to be purging dissidents.

Each shot was very precise, and many chess pieces of the empire and the southern rebels were unknowingly moved away from key positions.

This is of course paving the way for the birth and spread of new doctrines.

The leader of An Ning Dao can remember every member of the sect. He can also screen out most of the people who have different intentions even without using his abilities.

As for the deputy leader, I left it to Noah.

At night, in the night attack base outside the city.

It's not surprising that Noah appears here. He comes to class every few days.

All nine members of the Night Raid team had gathered at this moment and were listening to the battle arrangements.

A handful of information was thrown out, very detailed.

The role of the deputy leader is almost non-existent, but the four Rakshasa ghosts around him are the top masters of the Imperial Fist Temple and are also the minister's executioners, so they need special care.

Among them, Thorn is a slender body modified human. His body is very tough and he can control all parts of his body at will. He is the strongest among the four ghosts of Rakshasa. Even Chitong will be in danger if he fights him head-on.

I suggest that the location is at the Hunter Club.

Characteristics of Ling Lu Zhu Tian. Horse Head.

In short, the four Rakshasa ghosts will be left to everyone at Night Raid. If you have any questions, feel free to tell me. The hunters can provide all-round assistance.

Everyone was very reassured by Noah's tactical arrangements. It was impossible for these four strange things to survive such a terrible trap.

With internal and external coordination, more than a dozen Teigu users can really go home and farm if they can't kill the four Rakshasa ghosts if they work together.

The four Rakshasa ghosts outside the palace always feel cold.

The beheading will be over in three or four days.

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